
nautilus interview questions

Top nautilus frequently asked interview questions

Hiding files of a certain extension (.pyc) from Nautilus

I would like to hide every .pyc file from Nautilus. I use Ubuntu 10.04.

What could I do?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable Gnome from making Documents/ Video/ in HOME?

Everytime I login graphically on Ubuntu 11.10 it creates


in my $HOME.

How do I disable Nautilus (?) from doing that?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Picture thumbnails on Ubuntu?

Is there a way to view picture thumbnails on Ubuntu within Nautilus?

NOTE: the photos I am trying to view sit on a network drive without WRITE permission.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Unhide files that start with a dot on Linux

I was looking into a folder where I normally store data that I've unpacked and found that some files I thought were lost were actually in a folder that started with a .. Using Nautilus the folder was invisible. Performing an ls command from terminal also didn't expose it. It was after I ran some Java app that I'm working on did it show itself. I was able to cd into the directory, and finally just renamed it so it was visible. What I would like to have though is so that it is no longer hidden in Nautilus, is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I change the default behavior of Nautilus so that it doesn't open multiple folders?

When I'm navigating though a bunch of folders on Fedora 11 I don't want to open a new window each time I click down a level. I want it to work like Explorer in Windows where the contents of just one window change.

Is there a way to configure it to do this? I've looked through the options but I don't see a way to change the behavior.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Re-enable editable file path in Nautilus

I'm using Gnome Shell with Ubuntu 11.04. I'm liking it a lot so far, but the only issue is the fact I can't type a file path into Nautilus; I only get the silly breadcrumb buttons. Can someone point me to a solution on how to revert back to having a nice, normal, useful address bar please?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to open some location in new tab in existing nautilus window? (from console)

I want to type something in console that will open some location (on example home dir) in already opened nautilus window. Is it possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ubuntu: is there a better file manager than Nautilus? [closed]

Is there a package readily available that can replace & enhance the functionality of Nautilus?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I navigate to a samba location I've mounted in Nautilus on the command line?

This is the same question here (and a bit of here too), except that I'm running Debian wheezy (7.4). To clear up, these directories do not exist:


And this directory is empty:


And the GVFS mounted samba share directory is not found in:


Naturally, I'd be expecting the Nautilus explorer to help describe the path I'm looking at, mounted locally. Or "Open in Terminal" to work. But they foil me!

Some of the GVFS utilities show some info from the command line:

$ gvfs-mount -l
Mount(0): sharedir on wincomp -> smb://wincomp/sharedir/
  Type: GDaemonMount

or with gvfs-mount -li:

Mount(0): sharedir on wincomp -> smb://wincomp/sharedir/
  Type: GDaemonMount
  themed icons:  [folder-remote]  [folder]

But it doesn't specify where the local mount location is!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to make nautilus display the "recently used" files and directories?

Is there a way to make nautilus display the "recently used" files and directories, just like the "open file" dialog does?

Just to make my question clearer, here are two screenshots:

The GTK open file dialog, showing the recently used items:

recently used

A nautilus window, which doesn't offer to display recently used items:


EDIT : This has been added as a feature request to Nautilus. Don't hesitate to make your voice heard if you want it to happen!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why won't the floppy mount?

The 1.44Meg floppy won't mount in my Nautilus file browser. When I try to mount it, it says there is no media in the drive. Yet, I can write to the floppy through the terminal using the 'cp' command. I can enter the command: mount -t ext2 /floppy and it mounts. I have also run a check and the disk itself is 100% clean.

So, why can't I get the nautilus browser to open up the floppy? Is there a way to see the actual floppy from the terminal?

EDIT: So that everyone can satisfy their curiousity - I am trying to boot from a floppy. My own bootstrap and image.

so it mounts and you can view the file contents in the terminal, right? and after it's mounted you can navigate there in nautilus? or you can't find the mountpoint? i'm not sure what you're asking.

I was trying: mount -t ext2 /dev/fd0 /floppy
what I realized is that I had the /floppy directory not under /media. So I moved the directory to /media/floppy. Once I mounted it the correct way, I got a floppy icon in my nautilus browser where I could see the contents. So, why is there an actual floppy drive icon if I can't click on it and see the floppy contents?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to map one array element which is separated by newlines into a new array with multiple elements

I select 4 files in Nemo in the path /home/myUsername/.local/share/nemo/scripts/Folder with spaces/. Nemo stores the file paths in the environment variable NEMO_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS.

(As you can see in the answer from glenn jackman below, NEMO_SCRIPT_SELECTED_FILE_PATHS contains a newline-separated list of file paths.)

Why is "Yeah!" not printed after every file path line? How can I achieve that? (This question is maybe irritating, because I initially thought this list of file paths is an array, which it is obviously not.)



    echo "$i"
    echo "Yeah!"


/home/myUsername/.local/share/nemo/scripts/Folder with spaces/script1
/home/myUsername/.local/share/nemo/scripts/Folder with spaces/script2
/home/myUsername/.local/share/nemo/scripts/Folder with spaces/script3
/home/myUsername/.local/share/nemo/scripts/Folder with spaces/script4


Source: (StackOverflow)

Removable vs fixed mount points in Linux

What makes a mount point removable in Linux? I am using Gentoo Linux with Gnome 3.2, and I find it annoying that some of my drives (ex: /dev/sdb) appear as removable but not the others (ex: /dev/sdc, /dev/sdd).

They are all in /etc/fstab, with the same options. They are all mounted properly at startup, they all work fine under my own folders /mnt/drive2 /mnt/drive3 /mnt/drive4. But only one of them (the first) appears in Nautilus (and in the Gnome 3 notification tray) as mountable/removable, not the others. Can I add options to my fstab to hide it? Or can I probe using udevadm or whatever? It looks strange to be able to remove/unmount fixed drives that I never need to unmount nor remove.

Any pointer would be good, thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Nautilus ask for confirmation before moving files?

I need Nautilus to ask for confirmation before moving files. How can I set it up to do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)