
multiple-monitors interview questions

Top multiple-monitors frequently asked interview questions

How to move windows that open up offscreen?

I have a dual monitor setup, and I recently played around with the positioning settings, and some of my single window applications do the favour of preserving where they were last closed, and opening in the same position later. Unfortuanately, that now places them out of the viewable area of my screens!

Is there some way to force a particular window into the viewable area? If it matters at all, this is on Windows XP 32b.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I use my laptop as a second monitor?

Is it possible to make my laptop's screen act as a second monitor for my desktop computer?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I get different background images on my dual monitors?

Is there a way to set two different background pictures for my two monitors in Windows 7?

By default the same background picture is used for both displays. I am looking for a solution without installing extra software.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to control Windows 7 snap feature with two monitors?

There is the Snap feature in Windows 7. But it seems to not work when dragging window to the edge that are adjoin to the second monitor. How to make it working? May be some regedit cheat or something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable sticky corners in Windows 8?

I have 2 monitors and in Windows 7 I used to just mouse-flick maximized windows from one monitor to the other.

With Windows 8 however (charms disabled), my mouse hangs in the corners while doing this. This is because as described at the end of this article, an "invisible barrier" of 6 pixels has now been added:

Sticky Corners in Win8

Thus I'm unable to have a smooth experience for window movement across monitors as I did back in Windows 7. (Both my monitors are aligned in the settings to the top, so that isn't the problem).

How do I disable the mouse from stopping in the corners when going from one monitor to the other?

Edit: So it seems this is not possible without programming effort. I am currently writing a small tool to circumvent this nuisance. It's already working, I'm just touching up on the visuals :)

Edit2: https://mouseunsticky.codeplex.com/

Source: (StackOverflow)

With dual monitors, one rotated 90 degrees, how can I get windows to line up correctly?

I have two monitors. One rotated 90 degrees. The other at standard station. I've adjusted the two monitors to heights that are comfortable for me.

Allow me to attempt some ASCII art to demonstrate:

X           X X         X
X           X X         X
X  Mon1     X X         X
X           X X         X
X           X X  Mon 2  X 

The annoying thing is when a window goes across two monitors the Y dimension isn't lined up, again more ASCII Art. W below is a window moving across the two monitors

X           X XWWWW     X
X        WWWX X   W     X
X  Mon1  W  X XWWWW     X
X        WWWX X         X
X           X X  Mon 2  X 

Notice how when W moves from Mon1 to Mon2 the Y dimension of Mon2 is not aligned with Mon1, so the window gets pretty cock-eyed when occupying two monitors.

Is there any way to get this:

X           X X         X
X        WWWX XWWWW     X
X  Mon1  W  X X   W     X
X        WWWX XWWWW     X
X           X X  Mon 2  X 

It seems like if I align the top of the rotated monitor (Mon2) to line up with the top of the standard monitor (Mon1) I can achieve this. However the arrangement is very awkward and not a comfortable viewing position for me. I'd prefer the ability to calibrate this based on the monitor heights that are comfortable for me.

And not just for windows, but I'd like my mouse cursor to understand this as well.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use different scaling for every monitor?

One of the new features in Windows 8.1 is the new "Desktop display scaling", which allows user to configure scaling per monitor. I've been trying to get this working in preview but with no success. If I configure the scaling, it always affects all of my monitors.

I have two monitors, the main one with a higher resolution and the secondary with "normal" resolution. The secondary monitor is used in portrait mode. I would like to configure the main monitor's scaling as the text is currently too small.

Here's how things look at the configuration screen by default:

Default scaling

Now if I adjust the scaling, click apply and do relogin, everything is bigger. On both of my monitors. I haven't clicked the "Let me choose one scaling level for all my displays", but still the slider seems to affect both of them.

If I check the "Let me choose one scaling level", the UI changes to look similar to what we have in Windows 8:

Checkbox enabled

Still the problem persists. The scaling is applied to both of my monitors. So, it doesn't matter if I check the box or not, the scaling is always applied to all the displays.

Any idea how I could get this to work in Windows 8.1? I've read some comments which seem to indicate that this should work, though Paul Thurrott mentioned at his Winsupersite article that he either didn't get this to work.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I open a remote desktop session on a secondary monitor?

How do I open a remote desktop session on a secondary monitor (in full-screen)? It always seems to want to open on the primary one and I cannot find a switch which lets me choose.

Is there a known solution or workaround for this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Multi-monitor Usage [closed]

How many different applications do you use with a 2, 3, 4, 5 or more monitor setup? What's the most sophisticated multi-monitor setup you've seen?

To be more specific, I would like to know exactly how you use your multi-monitor setup and how can I make better use of my own.

How does someone take full advantage of a multi-monitor setup? And does having more monitors help your productivity?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Cmd+Tab App Switcher is on the wrong monitor

I have an external monitor connected to my laptop, and the external monitor is set as the primary display. My problem is that sometimes after I've connected the monitor, the App Switcher still shows on the laptop screen. How can I set/reset it to show on the primary display (external monitor)?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I sleep one of the displays on a multi-monitor setup?

I want to be able to 'put the display to sleep' on one of my two monitors when it isn't needed, so it doesn't distract me or use unnecessary power.

Ideally, the display would be asleep, but the OS would remain in dual-monitor mode, so I could still have a variety of windows open in the sleeping monitor's display space, which would mean I wouldn't have to keep switching between single- and dual-monitor modes.

That said, I'd also consider a solution that made it easy to toggle between single- and dual-monitor modes without navigating several system menus.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Dual monitors on Windows - How do I set a different DPI or text size on each monitor?

My laptop is a 15" wide screen running at 1600x1050, and in addition to that I connect an external 19" LCD which runs at 1280x1024. The problem with this setup is that if I increase the text size to make the laptop screen readable, the text on the external LCD is huge. Normal text on the LCD results in tiny text on the laptop.

What options do I have to get around this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you prevent the dock from switching monitors in OSX Mavericks?

In Mavericks, Apple introduced a "feature" where if you hover at the bottom of any screen the dock pops up on that screen.

This is disrupting my workflow as I am constantly having the dock pop up when I don't want it to and then I have to go to another window and hover at the bottom for several seconds to get it to go away so I can click on what I was trying to in the first place.

I don't want the dock to move; I want it to stay on the bottom of my right-most monitor like it always has. How can I adjust this in OSX Mavericks?

Source: (StackOverflow)

PC with 32 screen matrix freaks

I've just finished building a new control room at work. It has 32 monitors and the plan was to have a single computer powering it. The old room had a few computers with odd screens keyboards/mice everywhere and decided it was time to simply things and have a single pc - with it been a single operator most of the time.

Theres not an awful lot of demanding stuff running on the machine, some scada packages, IP camera viewing software, office etc.

The issue that im having isnt down to performance. At least I don't think, the computer is of a fairly high spec. It's a HP Z840 with 2 Intel Xeon E5-2670's 4 nvidia nvs810s, 256GB of ram and a 500GB SSD. The operating system is windows 10 enterprise 64bit. The screens are all HP Z24n.

My slots are used as follows.

  1. PCIe3x4 - None
  2. PCIe3x16 - NVS 810 1
  3. PCIe3x8 - None
  4. PCIe3x16 - NVS 810 2
  5. PCIe3x8 - NVS 810 3
  6. PCIe3x16 - NVS 810 4
  7. PCIe2x4 - None

I've realised after looking at the manual 1 that I should have gpu 3 in slot 3. However the behavior of the machine is strange, I connected all 32 at first and most came on with the windows background and task bar. about 10 had no background but had the taskbar. The mouse moved at a snails pace and I was unable to postion the screens in nvidia control panel as it would crash/freeze. I unpluged the cables from gpus 1 and 2 and managed to get 16 screens on from cards 3 and 4. When I got to screen 21, 5th screen on gpu 2 the machine when crazy again. The mouse started to lag again, and some screens were showing as duplicates of each other.

I've had a look in task manager, I've not seen the cpu or ram go any higher than 4% when it locks up its just nvidia control panel that is not responding.

I'm thinking it must be some sort of bandwidth problem but not sure how to prove this or fix it.

Should I be able to get 32 1920x1200 screens of this hardware?

Is this behavior normal? I will try moving NVS 810 3 to slot 3 and see what difference that makes, any other ideas would be appreciated.

The screens are arranged in a 8 by 4 matrix.

screens pc

update from 30/07/16

There had been questions about whether I had reached the max horizontal limit for windows so I wanted to give this a test and prove it.

So I uninstalled the video card driver and removed 1 card so I only had cards in slots 2, 4 and 6. I connected up 16 screens in a 8 by 2 matrix to the cards in slots 2 and 6 and it worked ok. The pc was still struggling when usings windows display settings and nvidia control panel. After applying the video settings it took at least a minute to settle and allow me to accept the config. I stretched a window across the whole screen matrix.

16 screens working ok

I then tried to put a 17th screen on and all hell broke loose again. So as you can see below I added the 17th screen in the middle of the two rows. And applied the settings. The pc took ages to settle and allow me to accept again.

nvidia control

So at this point it the newly added screen is duplicated off the bottom left and windows display settings is showing some freaky 6|17 instead of what the nvidia control panel is showing.

17th screen freakout

I had a go at building the matrix up 4 x 4 and adding more in. Again I made it to 16 screens with no great shakes still a little struggle waiting for it to settle and apply the config but nothing major.

I connected them to the card as follows

NVS 810 1 - top 2 rows of 4 NVS 810 2 - bottom 2 rows of 4 (dont worry about the white screen,it was just an explore window) 4 by 4 ok

I moved the right side top four and connect 2 of them.

They worked 'ok' however they had black wall papers not like the others. Also when you did like a left click drag to select things it wouldn't clear off. So I could draw blue boxes all over so I knew at this point something was up. For the heck of it I connected the next 2 and it threw all the toys out the pram again. It merged/duplicated the top 2 middle screens.

4x4 +4 duplicate


Ordering 6 x AMD Firepro W600 hopefully will have them for the end of the week and will feed back!


Installed 3 x AMD Firepro W600 and hit the same wall at 16 screens, however it was less flaky to setup compared to the nvidia settings, the amd display settings never crashed and allowed windows display settings to control the screen layout.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can you maximize a window on to dual monitors in Windows 7?

I have dual monitors and I want to span my current window so that it appears as one giant window on both monitors. Does anyone know how to do this natively from windows? If not, any free utilities that can do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)