
mouse interview questions

Top mouse frequently asked interview questions

Alt+click-drag window resizing on a Mac? (Similar to X-Windows)

Is there a way I can get this behavior on Mac OS?

  1. alt + right-click-drag will resize the window, relative to where you've clicked within the window and the window's center

  2. alt + left-click-drag will move the window, regardless of where you've clicked within the window.

There's a Windows port of this behavior as well: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/DLL/wm.aspx

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to "middle-click" on new macbooks

I have recently switched to Mac, and the only thing I miss from my old notebook is the ability to middle-mousebutton-click by clicking both mousebuttons simultaneously.

This is a crucial feature when browsing the net as it opens links in a background tab. The best solution I have found by now is holding down Command-Shift and clicking, but this is often a bit hard to do (yeah, I surf on the couch (hey, it's a LAPtop after all) and often sit in strange positions)

Any tips on how to do this on the otherwise lovely and adorable trackpad?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Using Windows 7, how can you use multiple mice (to get multiple cursors)?

Is it somehow possible to use two mice in Windows 7? I think this could be useful; like using two fingers on a multi touch display...

Source: (StackOverflow)

Inverting direction of mouse scroll wheel

Is there a way to make a mouse scroll wheel invert its direction? I'd like to scroll upwards and have that action scroll downwards and vice-versa. There is no setting on the Mouse control panel that makes this possible.

Any pointers to a hack or a particular mouse model that has such a setting would be appreciated. I am using Windows 7.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Make Mac OS X mouse acceleration more Windows-like

The mouse acceleration on Mac OS X is driving me nuts. It may work for touchpads but nothing beats the Windows' acceleration curves. Is there a way to modify the behaviour on OS X? I tried getting a Microsoft mouse driver for OS X but it didn't work since my mouse is not from Microsoft.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does "Legacy USB Mouse" support in a BIOS mean?

What does a "Legacy USB Mouse" option in a BIOS mean?

Yes legacy usually means older revision, or obsolete. So legacy usb mouse means support for "old style usb mouses".

That's not really answering the question. As Mr. Tamm, my high school electricity teacher, liked to say, "Yes, and oranges taste orangey."

What does legacy USB mouse support mean?

  • What is a legacy USB mouse?
  • There's an "old style" USB mouse?
  • What changed between what version of usb and what version of usb that made mice incompatible?
  • Why was the change made?
  • When was the change made?
  • Who made the change?
  • What was the virtue of the "new USB mouses" over the "old USB mouses"?

Put it another way:

What is the BIOS doing when "Legacy USB Mouse" option is enabled?
What is the BIOS doing when "Legacy USB Mouse" option is disabled?

See also

Source: (StackOverflow)

Two mice, one left handed and another right handed. At the same time

I would like to have two mice connected to my computer, and have one mouse left-handed, another right-handed. And not needing to change any settings for using any of them.

I've googled for this and did not find some information, but nothing helpful. Somebody suggested to have 2 accounts, some other suggested a short-cut that changes mouse buttons over. I did not like any of that. And I remember, I saw somebody using their laptop with right-handed touch-pad and left-handed mouse. At the same time.

Both of my mouse are plain vanilla USB, with no drivers, tried finding drivers for any of the mouse did not get me anywhere. This is how mouse configuration looks like: enter image description here

enter image description here

There is no option for different mouse to be configured different. I think I need to install some mouse drivers/software that allow different configuration. Is there anything like this availble??

Many thanks in advance!

p.s. Using Windows 7 Pro, one mouse is Fujitsu, another Sandsrom.

Update: I'm not going to use both mice at the same time. One at a time, but both connected all the time. I would like to switch hands to avoid CTS. Also to stop co-workers swearing on my left-handed mouse, when they try to show me something on my screen. They will ask about 2 mice instead

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to emulate drag+drop without having to keep the mouse held down?

I am getting over an upper back injury and I am finding that drag+drop is irritating some of my upper back muscles. Moving the mouse cursor isn't a problem, but keeping the button held down while moving it is. (In reality I use a trackpad, but it's the same issue.)

Is there any way (via some kind of plugin software, if necessary) on Windows 7 that I could use an alternative to drag+drop that looks the same to software? In other words, I could do something like SHIFT+click and it would make the OS think that the mouse is still being held down, until I click somewhere else?

  • SHIFT+click enters "drag mode", emits a MOUSEDOWN event
  • moving the mouse in "drag mode" makes OS think mouse button is still held down
  • clicking in "drag mode" emits a MOUSEUP event and exits "drag mode"

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable sticky corners in Windows 10

It seems Microsoft has tried to solve this problem Multi-monitors and the corners of the screen.

In Windows 7, there is no boundary between monitors and the mouse can move freely across the top of the screen between my 3 monitors, provided I had set their heights equal in display settings. Windows 8 introduced sticky corners. See this question.

Windows 10 got sticky corners as well. There are a few pixels at the top corners of each display where the mouse cannot cross over onto the other display. One must move the cursor down to avoid this region in order to get to the next display.

The image shows roughly the region where mouse movement is not permitted in Windows 10, but is allowed in Windows 7.

enter image description here

Personally, I had no problem with unrestricted mouse movement across the top of my screens - I got used to "aiming" for the x, and the convenience of unrestricted cursor movement. Like all the people who wanted to disable it in W8, I'm wondering if there is a way to disable it in W10.

Edit to address possible duplicate:

Although the problem is identical to the one in this question, solutions to solve the problem in W8 involving editing the registry key MouseCornerClipLength do not work in W10, since that registry key is not present in W10. Also adding that key and setting the value doesn't work. I searched the entire registry and couldn't find it in another location. No other W10 keys in the node referenced in the W8 solution are obvious replacements.

Edit to address possible solutions in comments

harrymc's suggestion 1 and suggestion 2 that worked for for Windows 8.1 do not work in Windows 10.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Broken mouse cursor on main monitor, Windows 7 64 Bit, ATI Radeon HD 7870

UPDATE: Please check out the new answer I've posted to this problem. It might be that a solution to this frustrating problem exists now. Scroll down to see it.

Quite a while ago my graphic card died and I had to buy a new one. I decided for an ASUS Radeon HD 7870.

While I love the power of the graphic card and have no problems while playing games, I'm experiencing an annoying problem while I'm just on Windows with my dual monitor setup. Sometimes my mouse cursor gets broken on my main monitor and simply looks like this:


This seems to happen just at random situations and also sometimes when I move the mouse from one monitor to the other one. I can also always use a "workaround" to "fix" the problem, which means if I just move the mouse from one monitor to the other one often enough it becomes normal again at some point. But I don't want to do this all the time, so I'm searching for a solution.

I did a lot of Google research (try typing "ATI brok" in Google and it will already show you a lot of search entries for a broken Cursor), but the results where mostly not helping at all. Often they are "old" (from 2009 and before) and deal with mouse problems while playing games, which is not my problem. I'm missing up to date results from someone with maybe the same graphic card and can help me.

What I read some times is that deactivating windows aero should "fix" the problem, but to be honest I enjoy Windows Aero a lot and would prefer something different (I don't want to sound arrogant). The same is that some people say it would help to activate mouse trails, but the look & feel (like lagging) then bothers me even more. I also tried to disallow that the mouse cursor gets changed through designs, but this didn't change anything

Here is for example a big thread where people are talking about a similar (same?) problem. Some also state that deactivating Catalst AI would solve it for them, but I can't find this option in my up to date Catalyst Control Center anymore (maybe possible in a file somewhere in the directory of the CCC?).

Well, what's left to say is that I always keep my system up to date and already often installed new graphic card drivers (even sometimes tried Beta Versions). But the problem never disappeared.

Can someone here help me, has some ideas or experienced the same? I would be glad to hear from you! I'm also curious if this could maybe mean my graphic card is broken? (Although somehow it's hard to imagine for me)

Thanks a lot for every thought you're sharing with me.

Edit: Today it has happened again with the new ATI drivers.

Edit 2: Please check out the new answer I've posted to this problem. It might be that a solution to this frustrating problem exists now. Scroll down to see it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

keyboard shortcut for mouse right click

What combination of keys produce a right-click and a left-click?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is my USB mouse disconnecting and reconnecting randomly and often?

My mouse will reconnect/disconnect (will even hear the sounds from Windows), and the light on the bottom of the mouse will turn off/turn on as it starts working again.

It really sucks to be playing a game (and happens on desktop as well) for the mouse to just die out for a few seconds and come back. Sometimes it will not happen for days and other times it will do it two or more times within 15 seconds.

I tried two different wired mice, tried multiple USB ports (on the front of the computer, back of the computer, used a USB hub and plugged in a card that connects to the USB connectors on the motherboard and adds a few USB ports to the back of the computer, and I also bought a USB 2.0 PCI card and that did not help).

Nothing else seems to reconnect like this, my USB keyboard has never once cut out like the mouse does and neither have any of the other devices I have connected (webcam, USB hub, various devices sometimes connected through USB cables, and IR receiver for windows Media Center remote). I have disconnected all USB devices except for my keyboard and mouse and the problem still occurs.

I guess it could be something wrong with my motherboard but since no other devices behave similarly I'm just hoping that it is some kind of driver conflict. Installing Logitech's drivers has had no effect. It seemed at first that if I go to Device Manager and uninstall HID-compliant mouse (that and Logitech mx518 are listed) that would fix it, but it doesn't seem to work anymore or at least not every time (it keeps re-installing).

I have googled "USB mouse disconnects and reconnects", and it seems to be fairly common but none of those were resolved.

To stick some easy steps:

  • It happens with or without the drivers installed
  • It has happened with multiple mice on the same computer
  • The BIOS is the latest version (P08)
  • Motherboard drivers are the latest version
  • Device Manager isn't listing any problems on any USB devices
  • Happens with every USB port, even addon USB cards
  • Happens when all USB devices aside from mouse and keyboard are unplugged

I read that maybe it is an IRQ conflict, and I tried to look into that but did not really know what was going on, but didn't see anything obviously wrong.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Mouse clicks suddenly stopped working in Ubuntu

This is a weird one. For some reason, last night my mouse partially stopped working. Movement is fine, but the mouse buttons don't work. Mainly it's the left button, but occasionally the right click and scroll-wheel fail too.

Initially I thought it could be the mouse itself (the left button seemed to get a bit "soft" recently), but I tried another mouse and had the same issue. Both are USB wireless optical mice. The keyboard is working okay 95%, only problem is Alt+Tab doesn't seem to work. Both keys work fine independently.

At the time it happened I was using Chrome, I dragged to scrollbar to scroll and when I released the mouse it was still holding scrollbar.

I'm using Ubuntu 9.10, I upgraded weeks ago and everything was working fine so I don't think it's related to that. I also hadn't run any updates (I have now just in case something fixed it). But no luck.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

On Windows 7, is there any way to make the scrollwheel's focus follow the mouse?

On Mac OS X I can mouse over something (without clicking on it or giving it complete focus) and use the scroll wheel to scroll it. On Windows (7 at least) which I'm forced to use in my new job, it does not work this way. Is there any way to change this behavior?

I notice that Firefox does this within the app: if any Firefox windows have focus then you can scroll any other Firefox window that doesn't. (So at least the Firefox people think this is a useful feature! And so anyone not familiar with how it works on OS X can see what I'm talking about.)

I remember TweakUI (which does not seem to be available for Windows 7) having a setting for "Focus follows mouse", but I don't recall if it allowed setting that only for the scroll wheel. I don't want the full X-Windows style focus-follows-mouse setting, just the ability to scroll whatever I mouse over.

UPDATE: According to @Mikey's comment, this is now built into Windows 10.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to enable the "middle" button of Apple's new Magic Mouse?

The Magic Mouse seems to be a vast improvement over the old Mighty Mouse after using it for a few hours. However, I just discovered that there seems to be no way to execute a "middle" click.

I use middle-click all the time to open Safari windows in new tabs. Is there a way to enable a middle-click equivalent with the Magic Mouse?

Source: (StackOverflow)