

A library of Sass mixins for architecting modular, configurable and scalable CSS. Modular - A set of Sass mixins for architecting modular, configurable and scalable CSS. a simple & lightweight tooltip solution.

How can I create C header files [closed]

I want to be able to create a collection of functions in a header file that I could #include in one of my C Programs.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the diffrence between a function and a module?

I am very new to c++ and confused between what is the difference between modular programming and function oriented programming.I have never done modular programming so I just know modules by definition that it contains functions.So what is the difference between a sequential(function oriented language)and modular programming?Thanks in advance. EDIT: I was reading about C++'s OOP.It started something like what is unstructured programming,than gave a basic idea about structured programming,than modular programming and finally,OOP.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Modular data structure in C with dynamic data type

For my upcoming university C project, I'm requested to have modular code as C allows it. Basically, I'll have .c file and a corresponding .h file for some data structure, like a linked list, binary tree, hash table, whatever...

Using a linked list as an example, I have this:

typedef struct sLinkedList {
    int value;
    struct sLinkedList *next;
} List;

But this forces value to be of type int and the user using this linked list library would be forced to directly change the source code of the library. I want to avoid that, I want to avoid the need to change the library, to make the code as modular as possible.

My project may need to use a linked list for a list of integers, or maybe a list of some structure. But I'm not going to duplicate the library files/code and change the code accordingly.

How can I solve this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to manage event-based input in a modular user interface?

User interfaces often consist of different input devices like buttons, input fields, dialog boxes, sliders and others. The event order generally determines the expected behavior, and this behavior often is not easy to catch in a simple rule.

Is there a generic approach to this type of problem?

As an illustration of how easily an interface can become complex, take an interface with 3 toggle buttons. If the behavior of a button click depends on the state of each button, 2 ^ 3 * 3 = 24 event cases are possible. If the behavior also depends on the event history, the number of event cases grows exponentially.

As a real-life example, look at a wysiwyg text editor that I am working on. I choose the focus/blur event on the editor to enable/disable the editor. Some buttons (widgets) return the focus to the editor immediately, while other buttons open a dialog. In the image below arrows show where the focus should go when clicking on an interface element.

I found managing of focus a tricky issue here, often introducing undesired or counter-intuitive behavior.

user interface sketch

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you build an application in c++ modularly

This is a question more about how to build a c++ application than it is about c++, per se

I'm building an application that was envisioned as a Graphical application, but the specifics of the implementation require a great deal of abstract functionality to facilitate the interface, such as reading lists of objects from files, web resources, etc. I have figured out how to implement this functionality without much difficulty, but I have no good way to test it. Specifically, I've begun the implementation of the graphical environment, but it is not yet ready to work with the lower-level functionality.

I have also built a good deal of what I want the lower layer to do, but it is as-yet untested. all of this code resides in a single folder and is stored in a version control system with regular commits.

I'm relatively new to writing anything functional in C++ having only worked on class projects up to this point, but I have written a good number of programs, of various types, in PHP.

If this were a PHP project, it seems it would be simple to test any functionality:

  1. I would simply begin by implementing it interactively
  2. codify it into a small file
  3. write some code that used the functionality
  4. build it into a function
  5. import that function into my larger body of code.

This seems like a really awkward way to do the same with C++. Have I got it all backwards, how do you solve small isolated problems, in your compiled programs and import them into your projects; is there a workflow that you find helpful.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to write a flexible modular program with good interaction possibilities between modules?

I went through answers on similar topics here on SO but could't find a satisfying answer. Since i know this is a rather large topic, i will try to be more specific.

I want to write a program which processes files. The processing is nontrivial, so the best way is to split different phases into standalone modules which then would be used as necessary (since sometimes i will be only interested in the output of module A, sometimes i would need output of five other modules, etc). The thing is, that i need the modules to cooperate, because the output of one might be the input of another. And i need it to be FAST. Moreover i want to avoid doing certain processing more than once (if module A creates some data which then need to be processed by module B and C, i don't want to run module A twice to create the input for modules B,C ).

The information the modules need to share would mostly be blocks of binary data and/or offsets into the processed files. The task of the main program would be quite simple - just parse arguments, run required modules (and perhaps give some output, or should this be the task of the modules?).

I don't need the modules to be loaded at runtime. It's perfectly fine to have libs with a .h file and recompile the program every time there is a new module or some module is updated. The idea of modules is here mainly because of code readability, maintaining and to be able to have more people working on different modules without the need to have some predefined interface or whatever (on the other hand, some "guidelines" on how to write the modules would be probably required, i know that). We can assume that the file processing is a read-only operation, the original file is not changed.

Could someone point me in a good direction on how to do this in C++ ? Any advice is wellcome (links, tutorials, pdf books...).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Java Swing modular color scheme

I am setting up a large scale GUI (larger than anything I have done before) using Java's Swing toolkit and I would like to set up my own custom color scheme to draw colors from so that all color definitions are in one place. To do this, I have decided to make a pseudo-static top-level class called ColorPalette (applied from http://stackoverflow.com/a/7486111/4547020 post) that contains a SchemeEnum where the programmer sets a color scheme for the entire GUI.

I would like the color selection to be independent to knowledge of color scheme. Does anyone know a design pattern or an efficient way to do this? I'm not entirely confident that my current setup is the best way to implement this, but I would like to set up a modular design where it would not be intrusive to add more ColorEnums or SchemeEnums (at compile time, not runtime).

For clarification sake, I want the programmer to be able to simply select a ColorEnum and get returned a java.awt.Color object based on the ColorEnum and the defined SchemeEnum.

For instance:

        // Use the BASIC color scheme

        // Set button backgrounds

should return different Color objects than

        // Use the DARK color scheme

        // Set button backgrounds

because they have different SchemeEnums even though they are requesting the same color from ColorPalette. This way, changing the SchemeEnum changes every color in the GUI with a one line code change (or Colors could even be changed at runtime).

I've heard of HashTables being used for large data storage such as this, but I don't know how they work. Might that apply here?

Here is my code thus far. Thanks in advance!

package common.lookandfeel;

import java.awt.Color;

 * Class which contains the members for the color scheme used throughout the project.
 * <p>This class is essentially static (no constructor, class is final, all members static) and
 * should not be instantiated.
public final class ColorPalette
     * The list of color schemes to choose from.
    public static enum SchemeEnum

     * The list of color descriptions to choose from.
    public static enum ColorEnum
        LIGHT_RED(256,0,0), RED(192,0,0), DARK_RED(128,0,0),
        LIGHT_GREEN(0,256,0), GREEN(0,192,0), DARK_GREEN(0,128,0),
        LIGHT_BLUE(0,0,256), BLUE(0,0,192), DARK_BLUE(0,0,128),
        LIGHT_ORANGE(256,102,0), ORANGE(256,102,0), DARK_ORANGE(192,88,0),
        LIGHT_YELLOW(256,204,0), YELLOW(256,204,0), DARK_YELLOW(192,150,0),
        LIGHT_PURPLE(136,0,182), PURPLE(102,0,153), DARK_PURPLE(78,0,124);

        private int red;
        private int green;
        private int blue;

        private ColorEnum(int r, int g, int b)
            this.red = r;
            this.green = g;
            this.blue = b;

         * Get the selected color object for this Enum.
         * @return The color description as a Color object.
        public Color getColor()
            // WANT TO RETURN A COLOR BASED ON currentScheme
            return new Color(red, green, blue);

    private static SchemeEnum currentScheme = SchemeEnum.BASIC;

     * Default constructor is private to prevent instantiation of this makeshift 'static' class.
    private ColorPalette()

     * Get the color scheme being used on this project.
     * @return The current color scheme in use on this project.
    public static SchemeEnum getCurrentScheme()
        return currentScheme;

     * Set the overall color scheme of this project.
     * @param currentPalette The color scheme to set for use on this project.
    public static void setCurrentScheme(SchemeEnum cp)
        currentScheme = cp;

     * Main method for test purposes only.  Unpredictable results.
     * @param args Command line arguments.  Should not be present.
    public static void main(String[] args)
        // Declare and define swing data members
        JFrame frame = new JFrame("Test Environment");
        CustomButton testButton = new CustomButton ("Hello World");
        CustomButton testButton2 = new CustomButton ("I am a button!");

        // Use a particular color scheme

        // Set button backgrounds

        // Place swing components in Frame
        frame.getContentPane().setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        frame.getContentPane().add(testButton, BorderLayout.NORTH);
        frame.getContentPane().add(testButton2, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

        // Set allocated memory to null
        frame = null;
        testButton = null;
        testButton2 = null;

        // Suggest garbage collecting to deallocate memory

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can i have multiple layouts in Zend Framework?

I have a flashy page with image rotators in the front end for the clients.

For back-end I want to have different layout. Can i have multiple layout?

A little hint would be appreciable

Source: (StackOverflow)

undefined method `run' for main:Object (NoMethodError) Sinatra

require 'sinatra/base'

class Foo < Sinatra::Base
  get('/foo') { 'foo' }

class Bar < Sinatra::Base
  get('/bar') { 'bar' }

run Rack::Cascade, [Foo, Bar]

I just can't guess what is wrong with this code. When I ran: ruby server.rb, it throws an error

Source: (StackOverflow)

Euclidean algorithm to solve RR' - NN' = 1. Modular exponentiation with Montgomery algorithm to implement Fermat test in python or Petite Chez scheme

This is as a personal challenge in my introductory programming class taught using Scheme, but I would be equally happy with Python examples.

I've already implemented the binary method of modular exponentiation in scheme as follows:

(define (pow base expo modu)
  (if (zero? expo)
      (if (even? expo)
          (mod (expt (pow base (/ expo 2) modu) 2) modu)
          (mod (* base (pow base (sub1 expo) modu)) modu))))

This is necessary as Chez Scheme doesn't have any implementation similar to python's pow (base expo modu).

Now I am trying to implement the Montgomery method of solving modular multiplication. As an example, I have:

Trying to solve:
    (a * b) % N
N = 79
a = 61
b = 5
R = 100
a' = (61 * 100) % 79 = 17
b' = (5 * 100) % 79 = 26
RR' - NN' = 1

I'm trying to understand how to solve RR' - NN' = 1. I realize that the answer to R' should be 64 and N' should be 81, but don't understand how to use the Euclidean Algorithm to get this answer.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is this programming method called? And is it bad?

Lately in my Unity projects, I have discovered that to create a more modular application it helps to have a static List in a class that contains references to all or some of the objects created so that they may be accessed easily from other parts of the program. An example is below:

private static List<Canvas> availableCanvases = new List<Canvas>();

void Start () {

public static void AddComponentToCanvas(Transform component) {
    for (int i = 0; i < availableCanvases; i++) {
        //Make sure the canvas still exists
        if (availableCanvases[i] != null) {
        } else {

    //Reached if no canvas found
    //Create new canvas or create error etc...

This simply allows an object that is instantiated at runtime to add itself to an available canvas without needing to access it through a findWithTag or findWithType method which will hurt performance if used too much.

Is this bad practice or good? My colleague reckons this represents singleton programming but it of course doesn't because it allows multiple objects to exist and be used.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Modular web application with Spring and Maven

I'm trying to design the architecture of a medium-sized web application in Java and I would like to get some advice on how to do it.

The project consists on a base website plus a number of modules. For instance, one module would provide user registration, another module would offer a web service, and so on...

Whenever I need to deliver the application to a new customer, the ideal thing would be to pick up the modules he wants, do some theming (css, images, maybe jsp) and developing the custom modules he may need, if any.

I've taken a look to maven multi module projects, war overlays, but I find it difficult to partition the application, especially in regard to the modules' configuration (for example, merging a global spring configuration from the modules). Can somebody point me to an example of such a system? Thanks in advance!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I access module variables using requireJS?

I have been using Javascript for a while and I have just tried using modules and requireJS for the first time and its hard to get my head around new design patterns!

Here is my first attempt:

], function ($, testModule) {
    $(function () {
        var testInstance1 = testModule;

and testModule.js

], function ($) {

    var id = 0;

    var setID = function (newID) {
        id = newID;
        return id;
    return {
        setID: setID,

This returns 0 and I was expecting 11. What am I missing?

It is also a simplified example of course. I would like to create multiple objects and each should keep its own variables in state. For example if I wanted a module to append a list to a container DIV but also contain functions to add, clear or query data in that list how should I structure the module functions so that each implementation keeps its own state.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Modular JavaScript - are there any approaches apart CommonJS and AMD to consider?

I'm currently preparing an evaluation JavaScript modularization approaches for my corp. We are in process of defining "JavaScript Best Practices" for our projects, modularization is one of the central questions.

From my research so far revealed two leading approaches:

With a huge number of loaders, plugins, libraries etc. around them.

Apart from that there's also goog.provide/goog.require from the Google Closure Library.

Are there further approaches to consider? Any important/relevant specs I missed?

Our requirements, briefly:

  • Structure JavaScript code in separate files.
  • Load relevant modules in the runtime.
  • ...without having to include every single file as script tag.
  • Must not be necessary to maintain an index of JavaScript files.
  • Support aggregation and minification - ability to build and use a single minified/optimized JavaScript file.
  • Be able to use modules in different combinations - there are often different web pages/clients which need different subsets of modules.
  • Supporting documentation (with JSDoc?).
  • Suitable for testing.
  • Suitable for web, cross-browser.
  • Reasonable IDE support.


  • Aligned with ES6 modules.
  • Suitable for Node.js and mobile platforms (like PhoneGap/Cordova).

New suggestions from answers:

Side notes:

  • The question is not about which approach is better.
  • I am not asking for specific libraries and tools, but rather for approaches and specifications.
  • I am not specifically asking for an off-site resource. (If there's no SO tag for this, it's probably not reasonable for us to consider it.)
  • A note on frameworks like or . This is not really suitable in the frame of this quesion. If the project needs a framework (be it AngularJS or ExtJS) then there's mostly no modularization question as the framework must deliver modularization OOTB. If the project does not need a framework, it is an overkill to bring a framework because of the modularization. This is one of the reasons I am specifically not asking about libraries/tools.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Modular addition in python

I want to add a number y to x, but have x wrap around to remain between zero and 48. Note y could be negative but will never have a magnitude greater than 48. Is there a better way of doing this than:

x = x + y
if x >= 48:
    x = x - 48
elif x < 0:
    x = x + 48


Source: (StackOverflow)