
modern-ui interview questions

Top modern-ui frequently asked interview questions

Enable click-and-drag scrolling in Windows 8 / Metro?

In Windows 8 (Metro interface) I find myself trying to click and drag the background to scroll again and again, which does not work (I'm using a mouse, not touch). Also, scrolling with the scroll wheel, the bottom scrollbar, or the cursor keys is not nearly as smooth as I've seen in videos, or on tablets.

Is there any way to enable smooth kinetic scrolling with the mouse? So that I can click and drag lists or multi-screen displays around?

I remember seeing this in a video. I'm not sure if there was some third-party tool involved or not.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I turn off Modern UI and get the old Start Menu back in Windows 8?

I just bought a new Windows 8 laptop, but I want to get rid of the new "Modern UI" Start Screen, and get the old Start Menu back. How do I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I exit a Modern UI app?

So I downloaded and installed Windows 8. I'm very impressed, except for one thing. I don't have touch, and I have this running in a virtual machine. How do I exit one of these full screen Modern UI apps using just a mouse and a keyboard? Right now my only method to exit one of these guys is to send Ctrl+Alt+Del to the machine. I'm sure that's not the right way... anyone figured this out?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to log out from skype app?

I have installed the Skype-App for Windows 8 and a friend logged in first with his account. Now I want to log him out to log in myself with my account but there is no Logout option. I tried to uninstall and then re-install the app but then my friend is still logged in with his account.

How can I log out from the Skype-App for Windows 8?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove apps from my list in the Windows 8 store?

I installed Windows 8 on my laptop to play around with it. I downloaded quite a lot of apps, even ones that I don't like. The ones I didn't like I uninstalled.

Now, I installed Windows 8 on my desktop. When I went to the store and go to "Your Apps" so that I can redownload some of the apps that I like, it shows a ton of the apps I consider "junk". Is there any way to remove them from that list? Otherwise, the "Your Apps" section can become very useless if the apps I want are in a mess of hundreds of apps.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to use the IE10 App without making Internet Explorer the default browser?

Windows 8 comes with two versions of Internet Explorer: the normal desktop version, which looks just like IE9, and the Modern UI version, which is a full-screen tablet-style app. By default, links opened in desktop mode open in desktop IE, and links opened in Modern UI apps open in the full-screen app.

When you set a new default browser (like Google Chrome, which has a Modern UI mode now), you can no longer access IE10 in the Modern UI at all - the tile disappears from the start screen, and there's no way to manually invoke it.

I don't use IE10 much, but I'd like to have access to it in Metro mode, because it's handy for testing things out. I don't want to have IE be my default browser though. Is there any way to get the IE10 "App" to show up without setting IE to be the default browser everywhere?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hide Win 8.1 "tip" about "Switch between apps"?

I've just installed Win8.1 and I'm trying to set up IIS. When I open Add remove programs from the start menu I get the pc-settings app.

In the pc-settings app I get a "tooltip" or whatever we should call it, that hints me to "Switch between apps" by swiping from the edge. Well fine, but I don't want to do that right now, and I can't get that tip to dissapear.

A tip

The tip lingers on even into Visual Studio, covering my code. I can't swipe because I don't have a touch screen, and also I'm on a multimonitor system that shows this tip in the middle of the screen.

Here's a screenshot for you, where I put the web browser slightly over the left monitor. Top notch UX

So, besides rebooting, how am I supposed to kill this very informative tip?


When I kill the app by alt-f4 it dissapears right until I open the settings app again, then it's back.

What I'm asking about is how to dismiss items like this in general.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I have Windows 8 go to the desktop by default?

I've played around a smidge with the Windows 8 Consumer Preview in a VirtualBox VM and I think the improvements under the hood may be worth tolerating the Metro UI crap. I don't like that the entire screen changes to something I don't care about when I hit the Windows key and start typing but I can deal with it.

The one thing I cannot stand, though, is that it starts in the Metro interface by default. I have to hit the "Desktop" tile to get to a normal interface, and while I can hit "escape" to go back to the desktop and dismiss Metro, it doesn't work when you first log in. When you first log in, you have to hit that "Desktop" tile.

I know that the Enterprise versions of Windows 8 will go to the desktop by default. I don't know but I would assume that there's probably some registry key that would handle this. Has anyone figured that out yet?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I make full-screen desktop applications only cover the snapped desktop?

In Windows 8, you can "snap" two apps next to each other, and one of those apps can be the legacy Windows desktop environment. A convenient application for this (or so I thought) would be to snap a chat client, small browser, or other app while watching content in full-screen on the desktop.

The problem with this is that full screen desktop applications will take over the entire screen, even if the desktop is snapped to only occupy 3/4th of the display.

What I would like is some way to force "full screen" desktop apps to only cover the snapped desktop area, and to truly go full screen if the desktop is snapped to full-width. Is there some way to configure this?

If that didn't make sense, let me illustrate with pictures:

Desktop in snapped view with SU chat in mini-browser:


What happens when you click "full screen":

full screen

What I want to happen when I click "full screen" (note this is digitally altered, not a real screenshot)

full screen snapped

Just to clarify, I'm using YouTube as an example, but I'd like to be able to do this for any program that goes full-screen.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to boot to the desktop in Windows 8.1? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I just installed Windows 8.1, but I can't locate the setting to disable the Metro start screen, and boot directly to the desktop instead.

So how do you configure Windows 8.1 to boot straight to the desktop?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I restore the desktop tile?

I'm using Windows 8 and have managed to lose the Desktop tile.

How do I put it back?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where exactly are the apps shortcuts in the Windows 8 Start Screen stored?

I'm trying to mess around with starting up modern UI applications from the desktop and various other weirdness. While I've been digging, I can't seem to work out where exactly the shortcuts to Windows modern UI apps are stored.

With my classic desktop applications they are in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs. The modern UI stuff doesn't turn up though. Where are the shortcuts to the modern UI apps stored so that the start screen can find them?

For the sake of completeness, I'd also ask where the classic desktop application shortcuts are stored.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Add programs to start menu search without adding a tile

In Windows 7, I had many portable software programs like KeePass, PDF X-change, or Chrome application shortcuts that I used the portable version rather than full install. With these I was able to add a shortcut to my start menu that would hide in the All Programs list, but come up if I hit Windows and started typing.

I am trying to get the same functionality with Windows 8. I can pin programs to the start menu and have the tile for them, but for most of them I don't really need or want a tile. I just want Windows to know they are programs when I hit Windows and start typing. When I pin it to the start menu, it works. When I remove it, it doesn't.

Is there a way to add programs to the hidden part of the start menu. I've noticed that other programs I install have shortcuts that work without having a dedicated tile on the start screen. How can I get the same functionality with my own custom applications

Source: (StackOverflow)

What happens to Modern-UI apps when they aren't in the foreground?

If I start a Modern-UI app and then switch to a different app or a normal program running on the desktop, what happens to the first app? I've heard something about the first app being suspended, but realized that I don't really know that for certain.

I mean, could you write a SETI@Home (BOINC) app if you wanted to, or will apps that aren't in the foreground always be suspended? Can you change that? I could see changing that based on available resources, running from AC vs. battery, etc.

This morning I heard about an iPad being recovered thanks to the "Find my iPad" app, and was wondering whether you could write such a thing as a Modern-UI app and have it work without being the running foreground app. (I'm aware that you'd just write a Windows service or similar, that's not what I'm asking about.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to create a desktop shortcut to a Windows 8 Modern UI app?

I am using Windows 8 at the moment and I was wondering if there is a way to make a shortcut to a Modern UI (formerly known as Metro UI) application on my desktop.

Source: (StackOverflow)