
migrate-data interview questions

Top migrate-data frequently asked interview questions

Google spreadsheet: Importing only certain rows

Regarding Google spreadsheets, document 1 has many rows of data. How do I import into document 2 only those rows that have a certain value in column C?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I directly import contacts to Gmail from Live.com?

This question on the Android site: http://android.stackexchange.com/questions/86105/switching-contacts-from-windows-phone-to-android

Suggests I have to manually dump my contacts to CSV file and then import the file. Is this really the best/only way to import from live.com => Google? Microsoft doesn't privide an API for this, or Google don't give me a way to sign into my live.com account and slurp the contact details?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I export Outlook.com emails to Google Apps?

I migrated from Outlook.com for company emails to Google Apps.

How can I get the old emails on my Outlook.com to Google Apps email?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I move my YouTube account from a Gmail to an Apps account?

I've already tried the steps here but the last step isn't possible since there isn't a tooltip on the dashboard page.

I have a Gmail account (me@gmail.com) that has my YouTube channel with uploads/etc. I want to move all the data to my Google Apps account (me@me.com). I don't care if views/etc are kept. I want to be able to stop using my Gmail account for non-Gmail things.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to to obtain a "takeout" style export of a reddit account?

I'd like to save references and copies to/of all the comments, and submissions made by the account, as well as a listing of upvoted/downvoted links, in addition to private messages, in a user-friendly and presentable format, kind of like how facebook account exports work with styled HTML files in a .zip archive.

What's the closest one can come to this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

BlogEngine.net - how do I export my blog?

I can't seem to find Export in my settings anymore. It used to be in the Admin dashboard under Settings -> Import & Export but it is not showing up anymore. What am I missing?

version 3.3.0

Source: (StackOverflow)

Redmine to DashBoard

I am using using Redmine now, hosted on a server on my local intranet.

I need to move all of the data in Redmine to to Trello now. Is there any way to do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Best way to migrate Google Account to another

I'm looking to migrate my current account, created years ago when I was a child and with a badly unprofessional nickname, to another more serious Google account.

My current account is connected to many services and has also a Google Drive billing associated to. I have Photos on Google Photos and a Google+ Profile with pages. Moreover I have bought Android Apps on Google Play Store.

The Google Takeout tool is less useful then before, is not possible anymore to migrate automatically the Google+ connections and circles.

For what I can understand the situation will take a lot of effort; in any case what would the best strategy be to migrate completely a Google account to another?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Transfer domain & data from one Google apps account to another

I've done a bit of searching trying to find an up-to-date solution to this but I'm not so certain with Google support answers nor with previous threads here.

We have multiple domains on a Google Apps for Business account and we want to move most of them ( not the primary one ) to their own separate Google Apps accounts (so they will be the primary domain respectively for each new account).

What is the best option to do that without data loss?

The entry for data migration in Google supports omits any mention to domain transfer and where that would take place in the process.

The most comprehensive answer I found is from 2012 and I'm not sure if it still applies.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Migrate Google Apps data to another Google Apps account

So, I have a domain example.com which is using Google Apps for Business account through a user x@xyz.com.

I want to transfer (or migrate) all the complete ownership of my email, contacts, etc. belonging to example.com to another Google Apps for Business Account with a user y@abc.com.

Is this possible? And if yes, how can I do it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Move Gmail subaccount to new Gmail account

I have an email that imports via POP3 mail from a server but doesn't a leave a copy in the server. Now I need to import all the mails I got via that POP3 to a new Gmail account, I have some personal email that I don't want copied to the new mail, any way to do this?

I found that importing with IMAP would work but I think that would import all of the mail, not only the ones marked as retrieved via POP3. Also tried to import from the POP3 server using the new Gmail account and got nothing (most likely because I didn't marked to save mails to server when setting the previous POP3).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Sheet not being populated and responses summary not getting incremented after Google Form submission

My wife has a paint & wine party business and I've been using an embedded Google Form for registration on her site for nearly a year without issue. Last week I updated the photos in the Registration section and after that my Google Sheet has stopped getting updated upon submissions.

I thought it might be that I accidentally deleted an extra <div> or something, so I tried a backed up version of the registration page and that's not updating the google sheet either. The registration page is this big mess of html code which would be way too much to post all here so let me know if there is a specific important piece of the form that I should provide.

The registration portion of my wife's site is mixituppaintingparties.com.

EDIT 1: I embedded the Google Form into my page using the Sneaky Sheep tool because I wanted to redirect to PayPal upon submission. It's worked fine since March.

EDIT 2: I noticed that if you submit directly from the original form it does update the google sheet just fine.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I migrate my Google Calendar & Contacts to Outlook.com?

I want to migrate my calendar and contacts from Google to Outlook.com

Outlook.com offers an easy "one-click" service to transfer your mail but this doesn't migrate your calendar and contacts.

If there anyway that I can do this?

Being on WebApps, I'd obviously like to avoid as much manual intervention as possible so a web app/service would be the preferred option :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to migrate contacts from Google Apps to Gmail account?

I want to move the contacts from the Apps account. I have successfully exported them three times, once according to each of the formats provided by Google (Google CSV, "outlook-style" CSV and Vcards. I've looked in the files (using excel, CSV File View and notepad++) & they look fine - headers and data, etc.

When I attempt to import (I've tried all three multiple times) all I get is ... nothing. The window closes, no messages and no imported contacts.

I then tried TrueSwitch, but couldn't seem to get it to accept my credentials (tried very carefully five times, but it keeps complaining about not being able to connect to my accounts). If TrueSwitch worked it would be the ideal tool, based on what it claims it does - but I can't get it to work.

Searching on the web has only turned up variations on "make sure the CSV file is formatted correctly - has the right headers, etc." It is correct, because gmail created it. And I've visually verified it.

If someone has an idea how I can get my contacts imported or migrated to the new gmail account, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I migrate projects from Unfuddle to GitHub?

Unfuddle just increased their prices, i.e. the Compact plan went from $24 to $39, and the Micro plan also went from $9 to $15. That's a non-negligible change. They also limited some of the features int the entry Micro plan a while ago.

That $39/mo could buy a lot of GitHub private repositories, with tickets and all.

Is there an easy way to migrate projects from Unfuddle to GitHub, with tickets and repository?

Source: (StackOverflow)