
microsoft-word-2010 interview questions

Top microsoft-word-2010 frequently asked interview questions

How do I change the Table of Contents in Word 2010 to show only headings 1-3?

My Word 2010 table of contents shows all headings (headings 1-6 in my particular case).

I only want the first 3 levels included, so how do I exclude headings starting with level 4?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I change the background colour in a Word 2010 style?

I have a header style with a navy blue background (TH1 in the screen shot below). How do I change the background colour?

enter image description here

I can see the colour defined in the markup as a pattern:

Font: Verdana, 14 pt, Not Bold, Font color: White, Space
    Before:  6 pt
    After:  6 pt
    Pattern: Clear (Custom Color(RGB(10,81,161)))
    Based on: Heading 1

But I'm at a loss as to where that's configured.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I make just one page of a Word document horizontal?

I'm using Microsoft Word 2010. How do I set only the last page of my document to be horizontal? All other pages have to remain vertical.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Endless save loop in Microsoft Word

I'm trying to save a Word document as .docx, but each time I click the 'Save' button the dialog reappears and asks me where to save the file. This only happens when I try to save it as a .docx file, any other format works just fine. I have tried pasting the contents into a new file, but the same happens.

I really need the functionality from .docx though, since there are quite a few formulas in the file.

The version I use is Word 2010.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change spelling check language for a Document in Microsoft Word 2010

Usually I use Microsoft Word 2010 to write English documents

Now I'm editing a document of another language, and want to change the spelling check language of this document

This change should not affect other documents (means does not saved by default) so I can work with English documents in the future

Any clue? Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Use two columns in Microsoft Word separately

I want to do a two-column layout in Microsoft Word, but instead of the second column being written as a continuation of the first, I want the two columns to be written separately just like they were two different pages.

How would you go about doing this in Word 2010?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Pasted image hides behind text even when set to be inline

I copied an image from MSPaint and pasted it into a Word document I'm working on. For some reason the image hides behind the text even with the default "in line with text" setting. Trying other settings don't work as expected either.

It does the same when I insert a picture from a file.

Can anyone shed any light what would be causing this and how to fix it - I am guessing some formatting issue in the existing document?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get Word to do line break on Enter rather than paragraph break?

When typing in Word, pressing Enter creates a new Paragraph and moves the cursor there. Is there a way to get back to Word 2003 functionality where Enter key would create a line break?

P.S. I know about Shift+Enter, but I would rather just press Enter.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Any way to set a default view in Word 2007 or 2010 and keep among restarts?

Every time I open a document in Word 2007 or Word 2010 on a wide-screen display I get the two-page view (which is actually very annoying for me). I would like to make Word display the one-page view, preferably with a specific zoom factor, by default and hence never display the two-page view. Is there a way to achieve that in 2007 or 2010 version?

Acceptable solutions include writing macros or using a 3rd party utility.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add an image as a full-page background in Word 2010

I'm trying to add an image as a full-page background in word.

I've tried page layout -> page color -> fill effect -> picture which looks fine in the preview (though when I try to zoom in or out it no longer looks the same), but when printing it tiled the image instead of just showing it once.

I've tried insert -> picture and then setting it to "behind text" and settings its location to (0,0), but then when trying to change the image size the "relative" option is greyed out, so I can't set it to 100% of page size:

no relative option

I guess I can set it manually to the page size, but is there another, simpler way to just set a single image as a background?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Turning active hyperlinks back to blue

I selected all the text in a document and colored it all black (which is what I wanted to do). I didn't realize that the document had some hyperlinks in it (several pages in, in a very long document), so now I can't tell where the hyperlinks are, although I know it's working. Since there are many links, how can I turn the links back to underlined blue (as they should be) without having to go to each one and turning it blue?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get Word 2010 to show more styles than "Heading 1"?

There's no way to select Heading 2 (and higher). Suggestions on how to fix this are welcome.

It doesn't change when I creating documents from other templates.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Stop Microsoft Word 2010 from smoothing screenshots?

When I insert JPEG screenshots into Microsoft Word, it smoothes them instead of preserving the original pixels from the bitmap. When I then print to PDF (using Acrobat Distiller), depending on my downsample settings, I either get blurry screenshots or hugely bloated file sizes.

What I want:

I would like Word and Acrobat to leave the bitmaps alone so that they make it through the process with their pixels intact. This is what the original image looks like when you zoom in:

What I want

What I get:

This is what the Word document looks like when you insert the same image and zoom in. When this is printed to PDF, all those extra pixels result in a much larger file.

What I get

Sample files:

  • Test.png (56K) A sample screenshot image file
  • Test.docx (69K) A Word file containing nothing but this image
  • Test.PDF (9.4MB) A PDF file printed from the Word file using Distiller, with all downsampling turned off
  • Test2.PDF (98K) A PDF file generated using Word 2010's "Save as PDF" tool (note the very low quality of the compressed image)

Edit: This is with Word 2010 - I've updated the tags to reflect that.

Edit: I've confirmed that OpenOffice doesn't have this problem. I've opened Test.docx (referenced above) and exported it as a PDF from OO (choosing "lossless compression" under Images in the options), and the image comes through unharmed.

Unfortunately, OpenOffice mangles the formatting on more complex Word documents that I've created; so I can't just create the documents in Word and use OO to render the PDFs; I'd have to switch to OO altogether, which is a bigger step than I'm prepared to take right now.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Word formatting - need to align left to left, right to right in same line

I have several lines with text in Word 2010. (in different areas).

I need the left side to align to the left side of the page, and the right side to align to the right side of the page. Can I do this manually somehow?

I tried using the 'justified' formatting but it makes the left side aligned to the left, but the right side isn't aligned to the right.

I'd like to avoid using a table if possible.

Some text to float on left side 1                                 some right text 1
Some text to float on left side 2                                 some right text 2

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change the background color of a single page in Word 2010?

I can easily change the page color of every pages in my document thanks to the Page Layout Tab in the Ribbon, but I would like to change the color of a single page.

Any idea about how to to this with Word 2010 ?

Source: (StackOverflow)