
microsoft-word-2007 interview questions

Top microsoft-word-2007 frequently asked interview questions

Any way to set a default view in Word 2007 or 2010 and keep among restarts?

Every time I open a document in Word 2007 or Word 2010 on a wide-screen display I get the two-page view (which is actually very annoying for me). I would like to make Word display the one-page view, preferably with a specific zoom factor, by default and hence never display the two-page view. Is there a way to achieve that in 2007 or 2010 version?

Acceptable solutions include writing macros or using a 3rd party utility.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to repeat the first two rows of a table as a header on each page in Word?

I want to repeat the first two rows of the table as the table header on each page of a Word document.

I can repeat the first row by checking "Repeat row as table header" in the Table properties but I don't know how to make the top two rows repeat. Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I stop Word 2007 from automatically converting a single quote to an apostrophe?

When I type can't I get can’t. This is extremely irritating to me because when I spell check things for a blog entry and then paste it into the blog form, all my contractions have boxes (or question marks) for the unknown font value of the apostrophe.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to assign a specific style to all cross-references in Word 2007?

Nothing more to add, I would like to change the style of all cross-references I have in a Word 2007 document at once. But I have no idea how to do it. How can this be done?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Word 2007 jumplist missing

For some reason the jumplist showing recent documents on my pc has gone. The link is still pinned to the taskbar but the list shows no documents.

How can I get the jumplist to show recent documents?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Adobe distiller: Cambria not found, using Courier

Whenever I try to print to PDF from an MS Word 2007 document, I get this error:

Cambria not found, using Courier.

(Even though I believe I removed ALL occurrences of Cambria from the document)

The pdf doesn't get produced actually, all I get is this error log file with that message.

Edit: I found the source of the problem. It was an MS-Word equation that insists on using "Cambria Math" that the distiller was choking over. I can't seem to get equations to print to pdf though!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I count the characters in a word document?

well I looked at the similar Qs but they were all about counting words not characters, is there a way to do this? or if not Are there any plug-ins for this purpose?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I change the colors used in MS Word 2007 track changes?

I'm reviewing a document in MS Word 2007, and when I add comments, the bubble has red text on a slightly lighter red background. This is pretty hard to read.

The Track Changes Options dialog isn't of much help, I can change the background color for Comments, and it's slightly more readable. But I know that Word assigns a color to each user who reviews the document, I'd like to be able to change mine to a different one, and still have it work properly when I pass the document on to others.

MS help is useless.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Float table to bottom of page in Word 2007

Is it possible to float a table to the bottom of a page in Word 2007?

I am making a template for revisable documents for work (specs, routines etc) and I want the front page to contain the document title, and a table of revisions. I want to float this table to the bottom of the page. So as I add rows to it, it grows upwards towards the title (which is at top of page, and not middle.)

Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Changing the font style of line numbers in Microsoft Word 2007

I added line numbers to my document in Microsoft Word 2007. How can I change the font style of these line numbers?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Word count excluding specific Styles?

I was wondering if there's a way to get a word count that excludes text with a specific Style in a Microsoft Word 2007 document?

I've seen this related question, but I've got blocks of source code scattered throughout which would mean I'd have to go through each of my documents a section at a time..

Does anyone know a way to do this with a macro or a splash of VB Script or some such?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Double click on .doc opens Word but not the document

This has happened a few times on our staff laptops. A user has recieved a .doc attachment in Outlook 2007 but when they double click on the attchment it opens word but not the attachment (such as the image below). This can also affect word documents in the computer, i.e. desktop, and in work areas. Also, when you try to quit Word it crashes with "Word is not responding". enter image description here Before we've got around this by deleting the (local) profiles which seems a bit drastic and a web search shows a lot of identical/similar problems but no concrete answer.

Windows 7, 32-bit, No SP1 installed (yet) Office Enterprise 2007.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent reviewer name from converting to "Author" after saving a Word document

When I insert a comment or make a revision to some Microsoft Word documents the comment or revision correctly reflects my User Name as the reviewer. However, after I save the document, all of my comments and revisions are converted to "Author."

This happens to some but not all Word documents. Generally, these are documents that are initially created by others (more than one) that I review, rather than documents that I created.

I am using Microsoft Word 2007 in Compatibility Mode.

What would cause this to happen in some documents and not others? How can I prevent it from happening?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can a Word document be recovered, when its physical storage media is absent?

I have written an essay, and I saved it on my USB memory stick.

Being an idiot, I have proceeded to lose my memory stick.

With a deadline pending I was curious as to whether anyone knew of any way at all (temp files etc) that I could recover this Word document?            

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to display images in draft view in Word 2007

How do I display images in draft view (or at least, some sort of a boundary box) in draft view using Word 2007?

Source: (StackOverflow)