
microsoft-visio interview questions

Top microsoft-visio frequently asked interview questions

Visio alternatives [closed]

I need an alternative to Visio for making diagrams (particularly signal processing block diagrams) that includes some kind of custom stencils + connection points. I just spent 2 hours learning bits and pieces of Dia only to find that it has no rotational capabilities, not even 90 degree rotations. Otherwise it's great.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

crows foot notation in Visio 2007

I'm using the standard Database Model Diagram template in Visio 2007.

When I try to connect two entities, the line is a "one and only one" type. I need a "zero or more" type, but no amount of line editing will change the line.

Is this a bug? The Visio help does not describe how to do this and the MS website turns up no results for 2007 (plenty for 2003, but the menu options it refers to are not in 2007).

Visio 2007 - cannot find Database menu

Source: (StackOverflow)


Visio: Create tables

What's the easiest way to create tables in visio or at least be able to copy them as tables from Excel?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Visio - how can I generate pdf?

How can I generate a PDF file in Visio?
I want to include this file as Figure in LaTeX, so I need only my diagram on pdf instead of entire page with diagram on it. How can I do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to display shape data on the document itself

I updated a sketch and I added data to shapes.

Is there a way to display this data next to the shapes easily? So it would show up when I print it? Or do I need to do it manually by adding text boxes or callouts?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Add specific page of Visio diagram into Word document

I've got a Visio 2010 document that has multiple pages, with one workflow on each page. I'm trying to insert each of the workflows into a word 2013 document. I'm trying to do it as a direct link so I only need to update the Visio diagram to update the word doc as well.

However, whenever I try to link to the Visio document, it's only inserting the first page, and I cant' find any option to add any of the other pages.

Anyone know how I can insert any of the other pages in the Visio diagram into my Word doc?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Microsoft Visio branching connectors

In Visio 2007, how would you use a connector as a data bus to reach multiple shapes? From what I've read, there is no branching connector. You have to use multiple connectors and that is really messy. For example, this is the only way I know how to depict this in Visio:

enter image description here

I would like to do something like this:

enter image description here

Are there any Visio shapes that can do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to place a shape on top of another shape in Visio 2010?

Okay this is driving me nuts. I'm using Visio 2010 in a completely blank template. Here is what I'm doing:

  1. I'm drawing a simple rectangle
  2. I draw a second simple rectangle
  3. I'm trying to drag rectangle 1 over rectangle 2.

Every time I try to drag rectangle 1 over rectangle 2, the 1st rectangle snaps to some spot an inch or so away from the second rectangle. Basically, I can't place rectangle 1 over rectangle 2 at all, meaning I can't layer shapes at all.

What the heck is causing this idiotic behavior and how can I disable it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where is a database shape in Visio?

I am trying to document an architecture in Visio, and I can't find a shape for a database. I see servers, clients, etc. - but no database.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to convert OmniGraffle files to a non-proprietary format [closed]

I have inherited a bunch of graphs in OmniGraffle format which I need to edit. I do not have access to a Mac, and I have no desire to buy OmniGraffle either. I've looked at the .graffle files which are just zipped XML files, so I guess I could "just" convert them to SVG or Graphviz format myself ... but I hope someone already did the work for me ;)

Are there any free (as in beer and/or speech) tools out there that can convert .graffle files to a non-proprietary format, preferably Graphviz? Whether the tools is for Windows or Linux doesn't matter.

Failing that, an OmniGraffle → Visio converter?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I draw a line in Visio 2010 without the end points jumping around?

I am trying to draw lines in Visio 2010, but for a reason, the end (and for that matter the start) points keep jumping around. That is, if I want to draw small shapes, they can only be drawn in 0 and multiple of 45 degree angles. I figure it has to do with the "grid", but how can I turn that off?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Need more auto-connection points on Visio shapes

I am Visio 2013 user. How can I add more auto-connection points on shapes in Visio. For example, a circle shape originally has 8 auto-connection points, but I need 8 points more totally 16 connection points around it.

P.S. From the Visio Options window, I checked "Show more shape handlers on hover" tick box to no avail.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ensure Visio new Connection Points at the middle distance?

I am Visio 2013 user. How do you ensure that the new connection point will be positioned exactly at the middle distance between two existing, sequential connection points ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to see a list of all pages in Visio 2010?

The pages are as tabs at the bottom of the screen, and it's very uncomfortable when you have 100 pages and you are looking for a specific one.

Is there a better way to look through all this pages like in a list or something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Opening VSD files with Visio 2010 Viewer

I just installed the Visio 2010 viewer.

How do I now make this viewer to open if I double click a VSD files? Every time I do so only my web browser (Opera) is started - but it is not associated with the VSD file extension.

I tried to manually assign VSD files to the viewer but I wasn't able to find the viewer executable file.

Source: (StackOverflow)