
microsoft-outlook-2013 interview questions

Top microsoft-outlook-2013 frequently asked interview questions

How do I remove the TeamViewer Outlook Add-In?

After installing TeamViewer, I now have an Add-In installed in Outlook, which, supposedly, lets me create new TeamViewer meetings.

I never wanted to have that Add-In and now I want to get rid of it. Sadly, I can't find how.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Pasting image into Outlook results in an attachment, rather than inline with content

I am pasting an image into an Outlook 2013 email.

I want the image to appear in-line with the text.

Sometimes the image appears as an attachment.

I can force the image to appear in-line by using the insert pictures function, but that's a bit more clicky.

How can I ensure the image appears in-line with the text by a simple copy and paste?

Source: (StackOverflow)


In Outlook 2013, is there a way to run AutoArchive immediately?

I've recently upgraded to Outlook 2013 (it's been a bit underwhelming), and it looks like somehow my AutoArchive setting was turned off. No problem, I turned it back on with File | Options | Advanced | AutoArchive Settings... | Run AutoArchive every X days. However, I'd like to go ahead and run it right now. That used to be possible with the Tools | Options menu in 2007, but I can't find it in 2013. Am I blind?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Highlighting the Current Day in Outlook 2013 Calendar

In Microsoft Outlook 2013, the current day is highlighted by a slightly different color blue at the top of the day. Is there a way to alter this highlighting to make it more obvious at a glance to see the current date?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Outlook 2013 with Google ActiveSync

I am using the new Outlook 2013 beta, and I'm having problems connecting to the Google ActiveSync server. I can connect fine to the Hotmail server (m.hotmail.com), but when I use the Google server (m.google.com) Outlook returns "Server not found". This server address works fine when connecting via ActiveSync from my iPhone, is there something I am missing here? Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I make Microsoft Outlook 2013 automatically mark a message as read when it is clicked?

Normally, when I click on an unread message in Outlook 2013, the message remains in the unread state until I click on a different message. How can I make it so that it marks as read when I click on the message like Outlook.com webmail?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable auto-complete of name in Outlook 2013

Outlook 2013 has introduced an editor feature that suggests to insert my full name whenever I start typing my first name.

enter image description here

This is really annoying because I generally want to use only my first name in greetings but not my full name (i.e. "Thanks, Daniel", instead of "Thanks, Daniel Lang").

How can I disable auto-complete / auto-insert of my Name?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Outlook 2013 + Gmail leads to many messages in drafts even after it is sent

I've added my Gmail to Outlook 2013 via IMAP. Now whenever I compose an email, if I let it wait for a while, it saves a copy to my IMAP drafts folder. However, when I send the message, the message gets sent but the message in the drafts folder still remains! Eventually this has let to my drafts folder being useless because it doesn't have just drafts - it's got a lot of work-in-progress emails that aren't drafts (i.e. too much noise in my drafts!)

How can I setup Outlook so that when I send the email, it is cleared out of drafts?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Outlook 2013 not showing emails older than aprox. 6months old in any folders

I migrated a VP of our company to Office 365 and now he's not seeing emails in folders that there should be. The problem seems to affect all folders but only emails after about 6-12 months old.

Other "clues" I've found are:

  • Emails can be seen from the Office 365 Outlook Web Access interface
  • The folders in Outlook will show the proper count of emails [75]
  • Outlook is pointed to an exchange server (Office 365)

I suspect it's some sort of "don't sync if older than X" type setting but I have no idea where that setting would be.

Source: (StackOverflow)

OutLook 2013 reading Pane (pain) ... screen realestate issue , SEE EDITs

Is outlook 2013 restricted to showing an AVATAR or Picture placeholder and font size 57 for the sender address? I see some info about the embedded and redundant quick butons reply and forward. But this MEGA who its from concept when there is no picture is annoying.

Please let there be a solution to screen real-estate extravaganza

Can I show a simple line with sender and date and size ? Or something a few million pxs smaller?

I dont like to whinge to much. I generally like the new tools and you get used to the look. but extreme wastage is a shame.

Looks like similar posts. But I dont see an answer anywhere Reduce visual redundancies in Outlook 2013? after upgrade to outlook 2013 Contacts have the default picture in reading pane

sample issue

I tried this setting with no effect

And since the solution seemed it might lie with the "people" settings I tried this, which removed the picture but did little to fix the real-estate problem

People Settings

Which now looks like this No Pic view

EDIT: (after using for 4 months, and connecting to FB and LinkedIn, the benefits outway the negatives). And i now regularly, Always look at the people Pane.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Outlook highlight "some time after" with a blue squiggle?

When I type this in an email:

The pot boiled some time after I stopped watching it.

Outlook 2013 flags "some time" with a squiggly blue line, and suggests that I change it to "sometime". I have grammar checking turned off. If I turn off spelling suggestions the blue squiggly line disappears, but this is not a spelling error. (Spelling errors are normally highlighted with a red squiggly line.) It does not give me an "add to dictionary" option, and the same words can appear in other locations without getting the underline. For example:

I stopped watching some time before the pot boiled.

This does not get a blue squiggle. I think Outlook seems to be flagging it any time it sees the words "some time after".

I like to keep the spell-check enabled, because it's useful and the few false positives it generates can be fixed permanently by adding words to the dictionary. I don't like the grammar check because it is distracting and unpredictable - that's why I keep it turned off.

  • What does the blue squiggly line mean?
  • Can I disable this feature while keeping the spell-check enabled?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Increase Outlook 2013 performance?

I feel that Outlook 2013 (compared to Thunderbird) is quite slow at e.g. changing between mail view and calendar view - is there any way to disable e.g. the animation of the transition between mail view and calendar? Also opening e.g. [local] tasks takes some notable amount of time, it's not instant. Any way to tune this? My system has a quad core, SSD, enough RAM, no CPU load... The performance is really annoying.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I import/recover/repair an Outlook 2013 .ost file into a new instance of Outlook 2013?

Note: This is not a Microsoft Exchange problem, but an Outlook 2013 one, and even though it might seem as a duplicate of a previously asked one, please pay attention to the end of the post.

A little background of my situation:

I have used Outlook 2010 for some time, and then upgraded to Outlook 2013 a few months back (had a severe synchronization problem with my IMAP server resulting in massive duplicating of emails, so I thought upgrading to 2013 will resolve it). (Spoiler: It didn't)

A few days back I had to reinstall my Windows 7. As part of saving my old data I also copied .ost (new Outlook 2013) data files to the external drive.

Now, after I've reinstalled W7, I wanted to restore them back. To my astonishment, I discovered that I can't import .ost data files back into Outlook 2010.

I didn't even make a distinction between the two formats up until then, so after I educated myself a little on the internet, I learned that .ost was (re)introduced as default data file format by Outlook 2013, supposedly bringing great improvements, new caching algorithm, reducing file size etc...). So I upgraded to 2013 again in hope of being able to use my emails again.

Now comes the catch. Outlook 2013 doesn't recognize it's own .ost file either (doesn't let me import it as data file), although it created a new .ost file and started using it without a problem.

So I thought ok, even though I can't import my old data file, maybe I can still trick Outlook into using it. But no matter what I've tried (creating new email accounts both from CPanel and Outlook hoping to be allowed to point in to my old data file, even changing every registry entry from its new data file to my old one), I had no success.

New connection parameters are absolutely the same as old ones (mail server, username & password, even hard drive locations and everything). But when I sneakily shutdown outlook, delete its new data file and replace it with my old one (desperate measures), he either renames it to .ost.old or just creates a new one with (1), (2) etc. Makes it even weirder.

After I've given up, I tried miscellaneous .ost recovery tools lying around the web, but none of them even remotely worked. After 3 hours of unsuccessful recovering (file size is 5.5 GB), one software reported it as "severely damaged", even though I'm positively sure that nothing is wrong neither with it, nor with it's two backups.

I've been through Google up and down and came up with nothing. This surprises me, because I can't be the only one having this kind of trouble (although Outlook 2013 is fairly new and Google results take some time to ease in).

File -> Import also doesn't work, since I don't have an option to choose .ost file, and forcing it results in file format not recognized error.

Lastly, I have looked through the following questions (and some more), and none of the answers were able to help me:

Is there any way to "restore" a .pst (Outlook Personal Folder) or .ost (Offline Folder file)?

Is there anyway to prevent "Outlook is using an old .ost file" error?

Convert Outlook .ost file to .pst

How to read or reuse and old, saved, Outlook .ost file?

Extract messages from OST/PST files?

I've depleted my resources, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why doesn't the vertical scrollbar work in Outlook's message list?

Moving the scrollbar handle in Outlook 2007's message list doesn't scroll the messages until I let go of the handle. Can I change this behavior? It's pretty annoying, and makes the scrollbar kinda useless.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I disable an Outlook 2013 add-in without starting Outlook?

All the guides I've found online start with "go to the Tools menu". My problem is that Outlook 2013 will not start at all because it gets stuck at start-up while it tries to load the TeamViewer add-in.

How can I disable the TeamViewer add-in?

Source: (StackOverflow)