
microsoft-outlook-2010 interview questions

Top microsoft-outlook-2010 frequently asked interview questions

How to make Outlook 2010 minimize when I try to close it?

When clicking the X button or ALT+F4, how can I get Outlook to minimze to the tray instead of close?

Several programs have this behavior, and it's annoying that Outlook behaves different...

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I view raw email headers in Outlook 2010?

Is it possible to view raw / complete email headers in Outlook 2010?

In Outlook 2007 you could go to View > Options, or right click on a message, then select Options, and "Internet Headers" could be viewed.

However, in Outlook 2010 there is no "Options" in the context menu nor can I find it elsewhere.

Has it been removed altogether or moved (hidden) someplace else?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I adjust start and end time for reoccuring meetings in Outlook?

I have a situation where I have a few reoccurring meetings in my Outlook calendar for which I want to change the start and end time for. I didn't create the meeting in the first place, and I don't want to change the time for other users that are invited to the meeting. I only want to move the start/end time on my calendar. I can do this easily if I open only a single occurrence of the meeting. However, if I open the series, I cannot. I have Outlook 2010.

How can I accomplish this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to prevent a message from accidentally being sent?

I am terrified of accidentally sending a reply before I'm finished editing it. Usually what I do is either:

  1. copy the email into word, edit in word, then hit reply-to-all in outlook, paste in my text, and send.
  2. hit reply-to-all, delete the recipient names, edit, add the recipient names, and send.

Is there a way to 'lock' the email so I can't send it while I'm making edits in Outlook? I hate having to switch between programs just so I can edit.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I view source in Outlook 2010?

This question has already been asked here; but the answer only gives advice on how to view the email header not the actual html source of the email.

There is another question here, which I think may be caused by the same issue as mine, but does not have a satisfactory answer (the answer does not work for the person who posted the question)

If I right click on the bottom of an email I can see the option to 'view source' but when I select it nothing happens.

I have done a bit of research and came across a post for a much earlier version of Outlook that suggested adding something into the registry. I applied this advice, but it made no difference; but I'm pretty sure that applying this solution correctly for my circumstances will do the trick. When I first received this machine it had a demo version of UltraEdit installed. I uninstalled UltraEdit and installed Notepad++ instead. I am convinced that there is a registry entry that is pointing to UltraEdit as the default view for 'view source' in my email and I need to replace this entry with a reference to Notepad or Notepad++, but I don't know how to do this.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Outlook 2010 give the message "Creating a new item from the selected items could take some time...are you sure you create a new item...?

I'm using Outlook 2010 with Exchange 2007.

I am moving emails from my Deleted Items folder to a user-created folder. When I move a "low" number of messages, say a few hundred or less, the operation completes successfully. When I move a "large" number of messages (in this example it's over 800) I get the message shown in the screenshot below.

If I click Yes, a new email is generated and has links to all the emails I selected in the Attachment field. When I cancel that email, not only have the messages not moved but they appear to be deleted entirely.

What does the message mean and why does it get presented?

Why does clicking Yes do the behavior I described above?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Outlook 2010, can you add "Categories" to the "New Email" Ribbon?

I couldn't figure out how to do this in Outlook 2007, and I was hoping I could do it in Outlook 2010... I want the ability to quickly apply a category when composing a new email (typically a "Waiting For..." category) for things that need a response.

It is possible to apply a category by clicking the "Options" ribbon, then the little arrow under the More Options section - but why can't I get the nice big "Categories" drop-down that's available in the "Tags" section of the main Outlook window. There are about a kabillion commands in the "Customize Ribbon" dialog box for the New Mail window, but I couldn't find anything about Categories. Should I just give up?

Source: (StackOverflow)

AutoHotKey not working with Outlook 2010

I created a AutoHotKey script and compiled it to an exe.

I then ran the exe and ran Outlook 2010.

When I try to use my hotkeys I defined I get an error in the status bar saying "This modification is not allowed because the selection is locked."

I have done some reasearch and that error seams to be tied together with a Trail ending. But I am at a work computer and I am not running a trial.

Is there a way to fix this?

here is my ahk file

SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SendMode Input ; superior speed and reliability.

SetTitleMatchMode 2 ;allow partial match to window titles

;Hotkeys for Outlook 2010
;As best I can tell, the window text ‘NUIDocumentWindow’ is not present
;on any other items except the main window. Also, I look for the phrase
; ‘ – Microsoft Outlook’ in the title, which will not appear in the title (unless
;a user types this string into the subject of a message or task).
#IfWinActive – Microsoft Outlook ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32, NUIDocumentWindow

y::HandleOutlookKeys("!hy", "y") ;calls archive macro
f::HandleOutlookKeys("^f", "f") ;forwards message
r::HandleOutlookKeys("^r", "r") ;replies to message
a::HandleOutlookKeys("^+r", "a") ;reply all
v::HandleOutlookKeys("^+v", "v") ;Move message box
+u::HandleOutlookKeys("^u", "+u") ;marks messages as unread
+i::HandleOutlookKeys("^q", "+i") ;marks messages as read (^q is read/unread toggle)
j::HandleOutlookKeys("{Down}", "j") ;move down in list
+j::HandleOutlookKeys("{Down}{Enter}", "+j") ;move down and select next item
k::HandleOutlookKeys("{Up}", "k") ;move up
+k::HandleOutlookKeys("{Up}{Enter}", "+k") ;move up and select next item
o::HandleOutlookKeys("^o", "o") ;open message
s::HandleOutlookKeys("{Insert}", "s") ;toggle flag (star)
c::HandleOutlookKeys("^n", "c") ;new message
/::HandleOutlookKeys("^e", "/") ;focus search box
.::HandleOutlookKeys("+{F10}", ".") ;Display context menu

;Passes Outlook a special key combination for custom keystrokes or normal key value, depending on context
HandleOutlookKeys( specialKey, normalKey ) {
    ;Activates key only on main outlook window, not messages, tasks, contacts, etc.
    IfWinActive, – Microsoft Outlook ahk_class rctrl_renwnd32, NUIDocumentWindow, ,
        ;Find out which control in Outlook has focus
        ControlGetFocus, currentCtrl
        ;MsgBox, Control with focus = %currentCtrl%
        ;set list of controls that should respond to specialKey. Controls are the list of emails and the main (and minor) controls of the reading pane, including controls when viewing certain attachments.
        ;Currently I handle archiving when viewing attachments of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Text, jpgs, pdfs
        ;The control ‘RichEdit20WPT1' (email subject line) is used extensively for inline editing. Thus it had to be removed. If an email’s subject has focus, it won’t archive…
        ctrlList = Acrobat Preview Window1, AfxWndW5, AfxWndW6, EXCEL71, MsoCommandBar1, OlkPicturePreviewer1, paneClassDC1, RichEdit20WPT2, RichEdit20WPT4, RichEdit20WPT5, RICHEDIT50W1, SUPERGRID1, SUPERGRID2, _WwG1
        if currentCtrl in %ctrlList%
            Send %specialKey%
            ;Allow typing normalKey somewhere else in the main Outlook window. (Like the search field or the folder pane.)
        } else {
            Send %normalKey%
        ;Allow typing normalKey in another window type within Outlook, like a mail message, task, appointment, etc.
        } else {
            Send %normalKey%

Source: (StackOverflow)

Outlook 2007 / 2010 Calendar: hide meetings in specific category


Is there any easy way in Outlook 2007/2010 to show/hide meetings in a specific category? Preferably only for a specific view (the Month view, in this case).

Note: I was almost done writing this question, adding just one more "What I've tried" option, when I found an acceptable (though imperfect) solution. Remembering this SE blog post I figured I might as well post it after all and answer it myself. And who knows, perhaps someone else has a more elegant solution.

The reason for me personally is that I'd like to hide the "small, recurring meetings" like our daily stand-up meeting in the month view. I'd prefer an Outlook feature that is meant for this (there must be one for this, right?), but I'm open to workarounds or plugin suggestions as well.

What I expected to find somewhere was a list of categories (with added option "No category") where you could select/deselect from which categories you'd see meetings. Something like this mock-up:

Outlook mock-up for show categories

What I've tried

  1. Edit "View Settings", and use a "Filter..." on categories. This has several disadvantages, the major one is that the filter only allows me to choose what I want to show, but not what I want to hide. Even if I tick all categories but one for the filter it would still hide any uncategorized meeting.
  2. Similar to 1, but then using Advanced filters. Still a bit clumsy as changing views can be up to three clicks, but this is the best solution so far (see the corresponding answer below).
  3. Creating a sub-calendar for these "small" meetings that I wish to hide. This felt a bit clumsy and like overkill, but did provide an easy "select/deselect" option to show/hide these meetings.
  4. Search for plug-ins that do this. Couldn't find one (yet).

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I get rid of smart quotes in Outlook 2010?

I have tried:

  • Ctrl+Shift+' which worked for someone else in Outlook 2003
  • File → Options → Mail → Spelling and AutoCorrect... → AutoCorrect Options... → AutoFormat tab → deselect "straight quotes" with "smart quotes" checkbox

Neither worked for me. Any tips?

Source: (StackOverflow)

The Outlook data file can't be accessed, how do I repair it?

I am using the beta 2010 Office Outlook. When I try receive or send, I get the following error.

Outlook data file cannot be accessed.

Repairing and reinstalling Office and trying to use any different Outlook data files are not taking any effect.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove the Outlook 2010 icon from tray?

How do I remove the Outlook 2010 icon from my Windows 7 system tray / notification area?

Just for clarification: i really mean 'remove' and not 'hide'.

I have the icon in the taskbar and I don't need to see a second redundant Outlook icon in my tray.alt text

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent Outlook 2010 Insert Picture resizing image

When I "Insert Picture" a JPEG in Outlook 2010 it automatically resizes the image and, I think, recompresses it too. I realise this would be useful for photographs or for people who try to email 1MB BMPs but I would like to email around an image at the original pixel size without recompression. Is there a way to turn this off, or better still choose settings for each image insert?

I found this page in the Office help. It's for Word, PowerPoint and Excel not Outlook but points you at File, Options, Advanced, Image Settings. There's no equivalent section in Outlook. I know Outlook uses Word as its editor so I've looked at Word's settings but there isn't an 'original size' here: there's only 'turn off image recompression' and pick target DPI from 96, 150, 220. I guess Office is finding a DPI value in the JPEG file and scaling it up or down to match this setting. I can't find an equivalent option in Outlook's options menu but there's so many settings and pop-up dialogs I may have missed something.

Picture Format, Reset image size resets the image to the rescaled version, not the original. I can't see a way to edit a pixel value into size values in the image properties after insert.

Thanks! I realise I can probably achieve this by editing the image metadata in PhotoShop elements or similar but there ought to be a way without editing the file? This is new behaviour in Outlook 2010; 2007 didn't do this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Make sent items show up in conversation view in Outlook 2010?

This one is pretty simple:

I am using Outlook 2010 in "Conversation View" which is great except for the fact that Sent Items do not show up in this view.

When using the beta version of Outlook 2010, my sent items did show up in this view. It required me to click on the "dropdown" arrow to the left of the conversation an extra time, but once I did, I could see my own sent email along with the rest of the messages in the conversation.

The retail version of Outlook 2010 is not doing this, and I have spent quite some time digging through all of the options and I haven't found any way to enable this.

I do know about the cheesy solutions such as setting up a rule to BCC yourself on all of your email so that it shows up in your inbox, but this is not what I would like to do; there is (or was, in the beta) a way to natively support this; I just need to figure out how.

I am on Exchange if that matters.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does the Outlook taskbar envelope icon sometimes remain active, even if I have no unread email?

Outlook has a nice envelope icon that displays on top of the taskbar icon when I have new mail. Sometimes this icon comes up when I get a new message, but then doesn't go away when the message is marked as read.

The only ways I know of to get rid of it is to close and reopen Outlook, or get a new email. Although sometimes if I'm unlucky the same thing will happen with the new email.

Here are two screenshots of what I'm talking about. You can clearly see the new mail icon along with an empty inbox.

enter image description here (Click image to enlarge)

enter image description here

Just to be clear, there really isn't any unread email (none in other folders, junk etc.).

How can I get Outlook to actually recognize when I have no new mail?

Source: (StackOverflow)