
microsoft-outlook-2007 interview questions

Top microsoft-outlook-2007 frequently asked interview questions

How to get back a declined outlook invitation

I accidently clicked "decline" on an outlook invitation and now I can't reverse it -- the event has completely disappeared from my calendar!

How can I get back the event invitation and change my "Decline" to "Accept" or "tentative"?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a wildcard for setting up an Outlook 2007 rule?

I would like to create a rule that moves anything with the words SUCCESS * BenchmarkResults, where the * indicates a wildcard to a specific folder. We have multiple systems that will be put in place of the *.

We have emails that will return WARNING * BenchmarkResults that I don't want the rule applied to.

I know I can create a separate rule for each of our systems, but I want this rule to be dynamic where I can add new benchmark emails without creating a new rule.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why doesn't the vertical scrollbar work in Outlook's message list?

Moving the scrollbar handle in Outlook 2007's message list doesn't scroll the messages until I let go of the handle. Can I change this behavior? It's pretty annoying, and makes the scrollbar kinda useless.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to use Regular Expressions in Outlook rules?

Our mail server manages to filter a lot of spam, but the spammers seem to be finding ways to get around it. I am finding that much the current crop of stuff that gets through could be filtered on my end if only I could make a rule that could clue in on stuff that a regular expression could ferret out. Here's a very consistent thing in the message body of a large number of messages:

<!-- http://pieqc.medicggin.com  -->

I look in the list of conditions in the Rules Wizard and I see nothing that helps, but perhaps I don't see something that could work?

This is Outlook 2007.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Breaking the Outlook 2010 e-mail blue quote line for inline responses

I've finally figured out a way to comprehensively fix this problem, though it took a lot of work and the creation of an Outlook 2010 addin! See below for the addin download. As far as I'm aware, though, there is no way to deal with this problem unless you install an addin to do it, because this is essentially caused by a bug in Microsoft Word's conversion of documents to HTML (which needs to happen before you send an Outlook HTML e-mail).

See down below for the original description of the problem (Outlook 2007, 2010, etc. not allowing proper inline responses because you can't break the blue "quote line" on the left).

My addin basically intercepts the e-mail before it is sent, grabs the Word document (if the e-mail format is to be HTML), and fixes the Word document's XML, before saving it as HTML and setting the e-mail's HTML body to the 'fixed' HTML. Then, finally, inline responding works. :-) It can be done by going to where you want to break the blue line, pressing Ctrl+Q, and entering the inline response. Without my addin installed, the blue quoteline will be reinstated in front of the inline response when you send the e-mail.

Here's a screenshot to show what inline responses look like in Outlook 2010 once the fix is applied (yeah, it's messy because I was comprehensively testing it; all the stuff here is exactly what the (top of the) e-mail looked like before I hit 'Send'):

enter image description here

I have uploaded the source code of the addin that I had got round to developing when I originally posted this answer; I haven't had the time (or a copy of Outlook 2010 for that matter) to develop it further, so here's the disclaimer: this will probably not work at first because I can't remember where I was in developing it, but I know I got it to a proof of concept. I'm releasing this code under the GPLv3 so if someone with some development experience wants to try and get it working nicely with Outlook 2010, please do so and contribute your solution back (licensed under GPLv3) linked in a comment on this answer. However, I probably won't personally ever get round to making this a "finished" solution. The code is just to show you roughly how I did it. The addin is implemented in a Visual Studio 2010 solution, so you'll probably want to use that. Here's the download:

Jens Frederich contacted me to say that he has started working on making the addin usable. The Github project is here:

This has to be the most infuriating regression from Outlook 2003 to 2007. It also exists the same in Outlook 2010, as far as I can tell.

When you reply to an HTML e-mail message in Outlook, the quoted text has a blue line down the side, and is usually at the bottom of the message:

alt text

Now in Outlook 2003, when replying to HTML-formatted messages in Outlook, you used to be able to reply inline quite easily, by getting to the point in the quoted message you wanted to reply to, and pressing the 'decrease indent' button:

alt text

Since Outlook 2007 (and 2010), they replaced the e-mail editor with Microsoft Word. This means the blue line is implemented in a different way; it uses a blue left border. This makes it tougher to break the line up. After much ado, I found a couple of pages that said that you could remove all formatting by pressing Ctrl+Q, which would remove the blue line next to the cursor and allow inline replies:

alt text

OK, not too bad on the face of it. I can live with that. But here's the kick in the teeth; try sending that mail. I'll send it to myself. What do I receive? This:

alt text

Outlook 2010 reinstated the blue line, where I had removed it, upon my sending the e-mail! For God's sake! The two pages I linked to above don't seem to address Outlook's reinstating of the blue line upon sending.

So, does anyone know how you can actually reply inline in Outlook 2010 (or Outlook 2007) e-mail without the blue line being reinstated? Before anyone says, I do not want to convert the message to plaintext, and I do not want to just indent replies and have to manually build the blue line myself. I want something like the Outlook 2003 behaviour; I reply, Outlook creates the blue line, and I can break it up with inline replies, send it, and my inline formatting stays.

Source: (StackOverflow)

I declined a single meeting occurrence in Outlook. How do I get it back?

I mistakenly declined a single occurrence of a recurring meeting in Outlook. How do I undo this and get the meeting back?

I also had a look at How to get back a declined outlook invitation. But that question does not relate to my problem. As I have declined a single occurrence in a reoccurring event.

I'm using Outlook 2007 on Exchange.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why can't my Outlook 2007 rule be server-side when using 'Mark as Read Only" rule

Using Outlook 2007 with an Exchange Server.

I am trying to setup a server-side rule, but if I decide to mark the message read-only, Outlook forces the rule to be client-side. I'd like my rules to be server-side. Anyway of getting around that?

What am I missing?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does archiving email remove it from an exchange server?

I use exchange for my emails on which I think I am running low on space. Yesterday Outlook prompted me about archiving email to reduce the size of my Inbox. What does archiving emails actually do and will the emails that are archived get removed from the exchange server?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Recovering Outlook .pst password?

I am trying to recover an Outlook .pst file password. Is there some way to do this? I am using Outlook 2007 and Windows 7.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Bulk Deleting All Messages in a Folder in Microsoft Outlook Web Access [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Multiple delete in Microsoft Outlook Web Access

How do you delete all messages in a folder in Outlook, preferrably through Web Access?

I left my Outlook account unattended for several days (on vacation) and when I got back I found several folders with over 5k emails, mostly error logging or spam. When I try to open the Outlook client, it just locks up, presumably unable to download that many emails. I can view at most 100 emails at a time, but I can't select all emails to delete or permanently delete them immediately, so manually deleting this many emails is going to take a while.

Gmail has a similar feature to select and delete all emails in a folder, and that's free so I figure being a quality non-free product from Microsoft, Outlook should have a similar feature (yes that's sarcasm). I've Googled, but I'm not finding anything. Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to enable Email desktop alerts for inbox folders in outlook 2007? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Outlook does not show desktop notifications on a message recieve

Right now desktop alerts only comes if mail comes in inbox only . i need desktop alerts for every folder on incoming mail

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get rid of "Outlook Today"?

Every time I start Outlook it loads this slow and ridiculously ugly page called "Outlook Today." I'd like it to just default to my Inbox -- is there a way to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Outlook show the unread count of a folder, including its sub-folders?

I have a folder in MS Outlook called Technology, and under technology I have Software and Hardware.

If I setup rules to automatically forward email to Software or Hardware folder, I don't realize there are any unread mail unless I expand the Technology Folder.

I would expect Technology itself to show that there are unread items in its folder structure.

Is there a way to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I find a lost folder in Outlook?

How can I find a folder that was accidentally moved into an unknown folder in Outlook? I can find messages in the folder and looking at their properties gives me the name of the folder but not where it is located.

I would like to avoid having to manually look in every folder in the hierarchy.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I merge Inbox and Sent Items into one view in Outlook 2007?

Does anyone know if there is a way to merge my Inbox and Sent Items into one view in Outlook 2007? I want a way to manage my email threads in a similar way to how they are managed in Gmail.

Source: (StackOverflow)