

A metrics library for Node.js

Eclipse count lines of code

I've tried the Metrics plugin and although it's nice and all, it's not what my boss is looking for. It counts a line with just one } as a line and he doesn't want that to count as "its not a line, its a style choice". I also need to generate some form of report about the metrics provided. Are there any good tools for this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

When, if ever, is "number of lines of code" a useful metric?

Some people claim that code's worst enemy is its size, and I tend to agree. Yet every day you keep hearing things like

  • I write blah lines of code in a day.
  • I own x lines of code.
  • Windows is x million lines of code.

Question: When is "#lines of code" useful?

ps: Note that when such statements are made, the tone is "more is better".

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to use EMMA code coverage in android

I'm new to EMMA, I don't know how to use this for android system. Can anyone please give a sample for using this with android. Thanks a lot.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why use statsd when graphite's Carbon aggregator can do the same job?

I have been exploring the Graphite graphing tool for showing metrics from multiple servers, and it seems that the 'recommended' way is to send all metrics data to StatsD first. StatsD aggregates the data and sends it to graphite (or rather, Carbon).

In my case, I want to do simple aggregations like sum and average on metrics across servers and plot that in graphite. Graphite comes with a Carbon aggregator which can do this.

StatsD does not even provide aggregation of the kind I am talking about.

My question is - should I use statsd at all for my use case? Anything I am missing here?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Eclipse metrics plugin suggestion

I'm looking for a tool to give me some code metrics (total LOCs, LOC/Class, # of external references/class, etc...).

Does anyone know a good eclipse plugin that could provide me some some code metrics?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Big-O for Eight Year Olds?

I'm asking more about what this means to my code. I understand the concepts mathematically, I just have a hard time wrapping my head around what they mean conceptually. For example, if one were to perform an O(1) operation on a data structure, I understand that the amount of operations it has to perform won't grow because there are more items. And an O(n) operation would mean that you would perform a set of operations on each element. Could somebody fill in the blanks here?

  • Like what exactly would an O(n^2) operation do?
  • And what the heck does it mean if an operation is O(n log(n))?
  • And does somebody have to smoke crack to write an O(x!)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Tool for calculating cyclomatic complexity [closed]

Can you recommend free tools for calculating cyclomatic complexity. Looking for all languages.

One tool/language per answer please.

Source: (StackOverflow)

GUI for statsd data other than Graphite? [closed]

I just installed graphite/statsd for production use. I'm really happy with it, but one of my co-workers asked me if there was a way to make it look prettier. Honestly, I can't say that I haven't wonder the same.

Are there alternatives to the Graphite UI that do a better job rendering data, perhaps using one of the awesome frontend graphing libraries and http push?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Calculate code metrics [closed]

Are there any tools available that will calculate code metrics (for example number of code lines, cyclomatic complexity, coupling, cohesion) for your project and over time produce a graph showing the trends?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to count lines of Java code using IntelliJ IDEA?

I know I've used the feature in the past, but I have no idea how I did this before. It must be something simple, right?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Android layout examples that match "Metrics and Grids" recommendations

After trying to make sense of the Metrics and Grids page of the (fairly new) Android Design website, I gave up on a lot of things. So, basically, I'm trying to find the original layouts that are used in Android 4, so that I can apply the same concepts.

To make this question more objective and not fail under the "too broad" axe of stackoverflow, I ask you for the layout that is used to recreate, exactly and fully, the examples on that page. Did Google provide them in the samples? Maybe a well known didactic repository that strives to conform with standards?

Just as an example, it's not clear what to do to recreate the "48/3 metrics" (16/16/16) in order to make the text fit in it. What if I want to use 1-line of small text? Would it be 16/wrap_content/16, or 16/16/16 to make it consistent with other layouts around the set? What if...

I believe this would not only help the small devs, but also and most importantly, help standardize the look and feel of apps in Android Play. The site is a good start, but far from ideal.

Added details

I never asked a question with this much upvotes, and I didn't even expect that (I have other questions that I regard as "better", but by far not as many votes and favs). Not that I care about votes, of course, but that is to show that there is a great demand for what I'm asking (a bit of an ad populum here, but still...).

Replies to comments

@Ricardo Amaral:

I'm indeed sorry if I wasn't clear enough:

  • Mandating a standard and requesting unambiguity from it are different issues. One of the reasons I like Android is the degree of freedom we have, so I'm very much aware of the impossibility of mandating most of the common practices.
  • I believe it relates to the concept of "reinvent the wheel" within the concept of freedom.
  • Again, those were just examples. Some things are not clear... which are paddings of the outer container, and margins of the inner views? Many times that makes a difference in selectors, dragging etc. etc. etc., and that again translates into a familiar look and feel for the user. One thing feels like splitting hairs, but it quickly adds up to a lot of small differences. And the user notices it... it looks like it lacks that last "finishing touch".

@Michael Slade:

I know they're examples, that they may have been wireframed from templates. As said, I'm already reusing code from the SDK, and I know they're just examples and that we can deviate from them. Again, after all this time, nobody answered.

Optionality benefits from precision. That's what I'm trying to say and ask. Because it's a recommendation doesn't mean its guidelines can be whatever you want them to be. If you do that, it's not the recommendation anymore. That's the whole point of recommendations, by the way: provide an implementarion theory without forcing anyone.

Thanks everyone!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to measure software development performance?

I am looking after some ways to measure the performance of a software development team. Is it a good idea to use the build tool? We use Hudson as an automatic build tool. I wonder if I can take the information from Hudson reports and obtain from it the progress of each of the programmers.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mixpanel anonymous user converts to identified user tracking

I'm adding Mixpanel to my web application and I'm curious about the "process" around what happens when a user transitions from "anonymous" (not logged in/registered) to "identified" (when they register / create an account on the site).

If a user comes in and is new to the site, they get an anonymous UUID (according to the documentation). The documentation also says that Mixpanel can not translate between IDs at this time.

Does this mean Mixpanel is incapable of handling the transition of a non-registered user to a registered user, and keep track of their events from before they became a registered/identified user?

If so, does anyone have experience with working around this? How'd you go about it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Recording user data for heatmap with JavaScript

I was wondering how sites such as crazyegg.com store user click data during a session. Obviously there is some underlying script which is storing each clicks data, but how is that data then populated into a database? It seems to me the simple solution would be to send data via AJAX but when you consider that it's almost impossible to get a cross browser page unload function setup, I'm wondering if there is perhaps some other more advanced way of getting metric data.

I even saw a site which records each mouse movement and I am guessing they are definitely not sending that data to a database on each mouse move event.

So, in a nutshell, what kind of technology would I need in order to monitor user activity on my site and then store this information in order to create metric data? I am not looking to recreate GA, I'm just very interested to know how this sort of thing is done.

Thanks in advance

Source: (StackOverflow)

Do you find cyclomatic complexity a useful measure?

I've been playing around with measuring the cyclomatic complexity of a big code base.

Cyclomatic complexity is the number of linearly independent paths through a program's source code and there are lots of free tools for your language of choice.

The results are interesting but not surprising. That is, the parts I know to be the hairiest were in fact the most complex (with a rating of > 50). But what I am finding useful is that a concrete "badness" number is assigned to each method as something I can point to when deciding where to start refactoring.

Do you use cyclomatic complexity? What's the most complex bit of code you found?

Source: (StackOverflow)