
media-player interview questions

Top media-player frequently asked interview questions

How to remember positions within multiple files in Media Player Classic?

I tend to have many instances of Media Player Classic (Best Player in my opinion) open because I switch from one video to another, then pause and go back to it later (as in, hours or days).


Is there a known application that "remembers" my last viewing point and lets me navigate through different videos all in the same application without me having to run multiple instances and pause and ALT + TAB to move to the other vids?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there media player with support of multiple genre tags

A lot of songs have multiple genre, for example a song can be jazz, electronic and vocal. I'd like to be able to find the song when I look at either of the genres.

I use foobar and it doesn't have support for multiple genre.

Is there a media player for windows that has support for multiple tags? or how do you go around that?

one other way I'd like to use it. is I'd like to use it as a playlists. for example, I want to specify what songs I'd like to play at the beginning of the evening and which I'd like to play at the end.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How To Play FLV Files?

Whats the best free video player that will play .flv files on my PC?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get subtitles automatically? [closed]

I would like to use a movie player that downloaded subtitles in the language of my preference automatically. There is anything like it? And plugins?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are there any expert configuration guides for VLC Media Player?

Are there any expert configuration guides for tweaking the best out of VLC Media Player?

I know that there is the documentation but I'm looking for a guide that takes you through the most important settings of the configuration to tweak it up a little, like those that you can find on tweakguides.com

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do you convert FLV file format to a format that Picasa recognizes (e.g. AVI, MPEG, WMV)?

I use one of the Firefox plugins for embedded video to download content from Youtube and other sites. The program downloads these videos in FLV format, and I have VLC Media Player to play them, which seems to be pretty highly recommended around here.

The downloaded video quality is as good as it gets, so the FLV file format is no problem in itself. However, my girlfriend and I use Picasa for pretty much everything since it's so easy to upload and share with friends using the GUI. I really like Picasa as a program and would prefer not to use another media organizer for these FLV videos.

I guess there are at least 2 possible answers to this question:
1) What is the best way to convert FLV format to a format that Picasa can read?
2) Should I find another media organizer program to use specifically for FLV videos instead?

Some people might say I should use VLC to play the FLVs and leave it at that. However, (and I'm no VLC expert) I can't find a way to preview video thumbnails in the way Picasa does it, and that's what I would really like to be able to do.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any Windows-based media player software that allows you to pause a video, and then un-pause a few seconds earlier?

I often use my laptop in the kitchen for following along with pre-recorded real-time cooking recipes.

Sometimes the chef in the video gets too far ahead of me and I need to pause the video for a while (sometimes for minutes) to allow myself to catch up.

But at the moment I pause the video, the next step in the recipe is usually already under way.

So when I'm ready for the next step, I need to then rewind, maybe 30 seconds, before restarting the video again.

I often end up doing this little "pause-rewind-unpause" routine many times during a recipe and it gets rather frustrating and the keyboard gets messy and wet because of the cooking stuff on my hands.

Does anyone know of any media playing software (for Windows) that will allow an automatic restart some number of seconds before the pause point whenever a recording is unpaused?



I thought I should make clear that it is important that the rewinding happens automatically as the video is unpaused rather than me needing to make any further keystrokes.

This is because, while cooking, my hands get pretty messy and I want to minimize contact with the keyboard.

The best solution I envisage would be to be able to tap the spacebar (perhaps with my wrist) to pause the video and then press the spacebar again to unpause it about 30 seconds earlier.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to play a movie listening to two sound tracks simultaneously?

I have movie files with multiple audio tracks (in the MKV container). I want to watch a movie while sending one language to the speakers (for the kids) and another language to the headphones (for myself), keeping the tracks in sync if the movie is paused, etc.

Assume my system already has two audio outputs properly configured.

Is there a way to do this with a media player in Linux? I have checked MPlayer and VLC so far, and they only support selecting one of the available audio tracks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Alternative to Windows Media Player [closed]

Does anybody know any alternatives to windows media player which will play dvds in high defintion?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In search of a good audio player for Ubuntu 9.10

If this should be marked Community Wiki, please let me know.

I'm switching from XP to Ubuntu, and I have been very disappointed with the selection of media players available. I'm primarily interested in an audio player, but integrated video and library management is OK, too. My criteria:

  • Must be able to play audio CDs (I'm shocked how many apps this does away with, right away)
  • Must be able to play MP3 & WAV; OGG, SHN, FLAC are all bonuses
  • Repeat and Shuffle modes are a must
  • FreeDB / GraceNote through a proxy is a must (if it can read a PAC file, that would be awesome)
  • It needs to be really small, e.g. skinnable or an applet
  • Ability to execute a playlist is a plus
  • Gapless MP3 playback a plus

I'm running Gnome, but I'm not totally adverse to a KDE app. Command-line only is also a viable option.

Some that I've tried:

  • RhythmBox - probably the best of the lot that I've tried; I don't like its mini mode (doesn't show the song being played) and I can't figure out how to get it to hit FreeDB/GraceNote through a proxy
  • Songbird - can't play CDs, playlist management is atrocious
  • Banshee
  • Jajuk

Maybe a couple of more.



I tried out VLC, Amarok and Songbord (again). VLC I eventually got to work (I had some kind of bad configuration). It seemed way more involved than I was looking for out of a music player, and in general more geared to video than audio. I couldn't fathom its library management, which I think it has; maybe it doesn't, and that's why I couldn't figure it out.

Amaork looked very promising but the library management was not to my liking, and the way it handled a playlist with both MP3 and WAV is inexplicable at best. I did like some aspects of the UI, but not enough to keep it.

Songbird is very finicky, but I like the library management. Sort of. It kept telling me my Watch folder was invalid, even thought it clearly was accessible. Playlist management is bizarre, and the message that it was deleting source files whenever I deleted a playlist had me too worried to keep using it. Had it been able to play CDs, maybe I would have persevered.

Audacious, while a bit odd at times, does seem to do what I want. If it had a library manager, I wouldn't have bothered trying any of the others.

Thanks for the help, everyone!

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's a good audio player for musicians?

Can you recommend any free audio players (for windows) which are well suited for musicians? Some of the features I'd like to see in a player are:

  • change the pitch of a song (e.g. transpose songs in half-tone steps)
  • change the playback speed
  • loop a part of a song (A-B repeat)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Alternatives to Real Player

I'm looking for a program that can open Real Player files (.ram). Real Player stinks, and I don't want to install it on my computer. Unfortunately, I have to open some .ram files for an online class that I'm taking. Are there any media players that can open Real Player files?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Office jukebox systems [closed]

We're looking for a good office jukebox solution where staff can select songs via a web interface to be played over the central set of speakers.

Must haves:

  • Web Interface
  • RSS / easy to scrap display of currently playing songs
  • Ability to play mp3s and manage an ordered playlist.
  • Good cataloguing of media.
  • Multiple OSs supported as clients - Windows, Mac, Fedora Linux (will probably be accomplished by virtue of a web interface).

We have tried XBMC which worked well as a proof of concept however the web interface is just too immature and has too many bugs for a reliable multi-user solution. I believe the same will be true of boxee.

Nice to have:

  • Ability to play music videos onto a monitor
  • Ability to listen to radio streams specifically Shoutcast and the BBC.

Ability to run on Linux is a nice to have but windows solutions which worked well would certainly be considered.

I am aware of question 61404 and don't believe this to be a duplicate due to the specific requirements.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 shortcut to play/pause Windows Media Player from anywhere?

What is the kind of shortcut or way to to play/pause Windows Media Player from anywhere?

I'm tired of having to search for my Windows Media Player in my taskbar each time a colleague ask me something...

I am using version 12 of Windows Media Player.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a media/music player program that has a "biased" shuffle?

I know in iTunes and a few other apps you can get playlists for just "highly rated" songs, but that's not quite what I want. I want to hear the lower-rated stuff, too. If I didn't like the song at some level it wouldn't be in my library in the first place, and so even a one-star song is worth the occasional listen.

However, I do want to hear five-star songs a lot more often than one-star songs, even though I think I have a lot more one-star songs in my music library. So does anyone know of media player software or plugin (preferrably free) that has a shuffle mode that is biased towards songs that are rated higher, without completely excluding those that are rated lower?

Right now I prefer windows media player, so a plugin for that would be ideal, but I'm not married to media player, either. Any music software that will do this would be worth some attention.

Source: (StackOverflow)