
mapreduce interview questions

Top mapreduce frequently asked interview questions

Please explain MapReduce simply

Related to my CouchDB question.

Can anyone explain MapReduce in terms a numbnuts could understand?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is Mongodb Aggregation framework faster than map/reduce?

Is the aggregation framework introduced in mongodb 2.2, has any special performance improvements over map/reduce?

If yes, why and how and how much?

(Already I have done a test for myself, and the performance was nearly same)

Source: (StackOverflow)


MongoDB: Terrible MapReduce Performance

I have a long history with relational databases, but I'm new to MongoDB and MapReduce, so I'm almost positive I must be doing something wrong. I'll jump right into the question. Sorry if it's long.

I have a database table in MySQL that tracks the number of member profile views for each day. For testing it has 10,000,000 rows.

CREATE TABLE `profile_views` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
  `username` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
  `day` date NOT NULL,
  `views` int(10) unsigned default '0',
  PRIMARY KEY  (`id`),
  UNIQUE KEY `username` (`username`,`day`),
  KEY `day` (`day`)

Typical data might look like this.

| id     | username | day        | hits |
| 650001 | Joe      | 2010-07-10 |    1 |
| 650002 | Jane     | 2010-07-10 |    2 |
| 650003 | Jack     | 2010-07-10 |    3 |
| 650004 | Jerry    | 2010-07-10 |    4 |

I use this query to get the top 5 most viewed profiles since 2010-07-16.

SELECT username, SUM(hits)
FROM profile_views
WHERE day > '2010-07-16'
GROUP BY username

This query completes in under a minute. Not bad!

Now moving onto the world of MongoDB. I setup a sharded environment using 3 servers. Servers M, S1, and S2. I used the following commands to set the rig up (Note: I've obscured the IP addys).

S1 =>
./mongod --fork --shardsvr --port 10000 --dbpath=/data/db --logpath=/data/log

S2 =>
./mongod --fork --shardsvr --port 10000 --dbpath=/data/db --logpath=/data/log

M =>
./mongod --fork --configsvr --dbpath=/data/db --logpath=/data/log
./mongos --fork --configdb --chunkSize 1 --logpath=/data/slog

Once those were up and running, I hopped on server M, and launched mongo. I issued the following commands:

use admin
db.runCommand( { addshard : "", name: "M1" } );
db.runCommand( { addshard : "", name: "M2" } );
db.runCommand( { enablesharding : "profiles" } );
db.runCommand( { shardcollection : "profiles.views", key : {day : 1} } );
use profiles
db.views.ensureIndex({ hits: -1 });

I then imported the same 10,000,000 rows from MySQL, which gave me documents that look like this:

    "_id" : ObjectId("4cb8fc285582125055295600"),
    "username" : "Joe",
    "day" : "Fri May 21 2010 00:00:00 GMT-0400 (EDT)",
    "hits" : 16

Now comes the real meat and potatoes here... My map and reduce functions. Back on server M in the shell I setup the query and execute it like this.

use profiles;
var start = new Date(2010, 7, 16);
var map = function() {
    emit(this.username, this.hits);
var reduce = function(key, values) {
    var sum = 0;
    for(var i in values) sum += values[i];
    return sum;
res = db.views.mapReduce(
        query : { day: { $gt: start }}

And here's were I run into problems. This query took over 15 minutes to complete! The MySQL query took under a minute. Here's the output:

        "result" : "tmp.mr.mapreduce_1287207199_6",
        "shardCounts" : {
                "" : {
                        "input" : 4917653,
                        "emit" : 4917653,
                        "output" : 1105648
                "" : {
                        "input" : 5082347,
                        "emit" : 5082347,
                        "output" : 1150547
        "counts" : {
                "emit" : NumberLong(10000000),
                "input" : NumberLong(10000000),
                "output" : NumberLong(2256195)
        "ok" : 1,
        "timeMillis" : 811207,
        "timing" : {
                "shards" : 651467,
                "final" : 159740

Not only did it take forever to run, but the results don't even seem to be correct.

db[res.result].find().sort({ hits: -1 }).limit(5);
{ "_id" : "Joe", "value" : 128 }
{ "_id" : "Jane", "value" : 2 }
{ "_id" : "Jerry", "value" : 2 }
{ "_id" : "Jack", "value" : 2 }
{ "_id" : "Jessy", "value" : 3 }

I know those value numbers should be much higher.

My understanding of the whole MapReduce paradigm is the task of performing this query should be split between all shard members, which should increase performance. I waited till Mongo was done distributing the documents between the two shard servers after the import. Each had almost exactly 5,000,000 documents when I started this query.

So I must be doing something wrong. Can anyone give me any pointers?

Edit: Someone on IRC mentioned adding an index on the day field, but as far as I can tell that was done automatically by MongoDB.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What type of problems can mapreduce solve?

Is there a theoretical analysis available which describes what kind of problems mapreduce can solve?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Difference between Fork/Join and Map/Reduce

What is the key difference between Fork/Join and Map/Reduce?

Do they differ in the kind of decomposition and distribution (data vs. computation)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where does hadoop mapreduce framework send my System.out.print() statements ? (stdout)

I want to debug a mapreduce script, and without going into much trouble tried to put some print statements in my program. But I cant seem to find them in any of the logs.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is Map/Reduce?

I hear a lot about map/reduce, especially in the context of Google's massively parallel compute system. What exactly is it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Good Map/Reduce examples for explanation [closed]

few days back I had to explain Map/Reduce to one of my colleagues and of course I couldn't think of any good examples rather than the "how to count words in a long text with map/reduce" -task. I managed to give him an idea of Map/Reduce, though. But I also found that this wasn't the best example to give him an impression how powerful this tool can be. Therefore my question - what are better examples to get people thinking about Map/Reduce?

Just to be clear - I'm not looking for code-snippets, really just "textual" examples which could help to understand it even .


Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a .NET equivalent to Apache Hadoop?

So, I've been looking at Hadoop with keen interest, and to be honest I'm fascinated, things don't get much cooler.

My only minor issue is I'm a C# developer and it's in Java.

It's not that I don't understand the Java as much as I'm looking for the Hadoop.net or NHadoop or the .NET project that embraces the Google MapReduce approach. Does anyone know of one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Chaining multiple MapReduce jobs in Hadoop

In many real-life situations where you apply MapReduce, the final algorithms end up being several MapReduce steps.

I.e. Map1 , Reduce1 , Map2 , Reduce2 , etc.

So you have the output from the last reduce that is needed as the input for the next map.

The intermediate data is something you (in general) do not want to keep once the pipeline has been successfully completed. Also because this intermediate data is in general some data structure (like a 'map' or a 'set') you don't want to put too much effort in writing and reading these key-value pairs.

What is the recommended way of doing that in Hadoop?

Is there a (simple) example that shows how to handle this intermediate data in the correct way, including the cleanup afterward?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does the MapReduce sort algorithm work?

One of the main examples that is used in demonstrating the power of MapReduce is the Terasort benchmark. I'm having trouble understanding the basics of the sorting algorithm used in the MapReduce environment.

To me sorting simply involves determining the relative position of an element in relationship to all other elements. So sorting involves comparing "everything" with "everything". Your average sorting algorithm (quick, bubble, ...) simply does this in a smart way.

In my mind splitting the dataset into many pieces means you can sort a single piece and then you still have to integrate these pieces into the 'complete' fully sorted dataset. Given the terabyte dataset distributed over thousands of systems I expect this to be a huge task.

So how is this really done? How does this MapReduce sorting algorithm work?

Thanks for helping me understand.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does Hadoop process records split across block boundaries?

According to the Hadoop - The Definitive Guide

The logical records that FileInputFormats define do not usually fit neatly into HDFS blocks. For example, a TextInputFormat’s logical records are lines, which will cross HDFS boundaries more often than not. This has no bearing on the functioning of your program—lines are not missed or broken, for example—but it’s worth knowing about, as it does mean that data-local maps (that is, maps that are running on the same host as their input data) will perform some remote reads. The slight overhead this causes is not normally significant.

Suppose a record line is split across two blocks (b1 and b2). The mapper processing the first block (b1) will notice that the last line doesn't have a EOL separator and fetches the remaining of the line from the next block of data (b2).

How does the mapper processing the second block (b2) determine that the first record is incomplete and should process starting from the second record in the block (b2)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Name node is in safe mode. Not able to leave

root# bin/hadoop fs -mkdir t
mkdir: org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.SafeModeException: Cannot create directory /user/root/t. Name node is in safe mode.

not able to create anything in hdfs

I did

root# bin/hadoop fs -safemode leave

But showing

safemode: Unknown command

what is the problem?


Source: (StackOverflow)

Simple Java Map/Reduce framework [closed]

Can anyone point me at a simple, open-source Map/Reduce framework/API for Java? There doesn't seem to much evidence of such a thing existing, but someone else might know different.

The best I can find is, of course, Hadoop MapReduce, but that fails the "simple" criteria. I don't need the ability to run distributed jobs, just something to let me run map/reduce-style jobs on a multi-core machine, in a single JVM, using standard Java5-style concurrency.

It's not a hard thing to write oneself, but I'd rather not have to.

Source: (StackOverflow)

merge output files after reduce phase

In mapreduce each reduce task write its output to a file named part-r-nnnnn where nnnnn is a partition ID associated with the reduce task. Does map/reduce merge these files? If yes, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)