
management interview questions

Top management frequently asked interview questions

Bulk Move all or selected Ebay items from Ebay Watchlist to Wishlist & Named Wishlists. How?

Bulk Move all or selected Ebay items from Ebay Watchlist to Wishlist & Named Wishlists. How?

I am able to do "Add to List" to move things around between WishLists, but the same button is unavailable on the Watchlist.

Any thoughts on how this can be done? Any easy way possible? Or Not at all?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Are there any applications which aggregate access to discussion forums? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
How do you take ownership of your comments?

There are many online web forums out there. Remembering the account names and keeping up with updates to discussions is hard, and tends to clutter email. Is there an application that aggregates access to well known web-based forum types?

Source: (StackOverflow)


email-management [on hold]

Last week I asked if I accidentally deleted messages how would I go about retrieving them. All I got from you people is a bill on my credit card for $72.00 when I thought it was only going to be $5.00 and little else. I also got advice about changing my settings as somebody was deleting my messages. Nowhere did I say somebody else deleted my messages.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Free, private repositories where I can store and manage project files? [closed]

Are there any good free repositories where I can store and manage my project's files?

I know of some, but I've heard that anyone can edit your files. Do you know of any good repository which is free and where only we have the right to edit or make any changes to the stored files?

Please mention the pros and cons of ones you suggest, and also if possible, explain the procedure of usage of that repository.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Security of browser only password managers

There are password managers like KeePass which store all the passwords in a encrypted container on the local machine. I would have to copy this container over to other machines to be able to have my passwords there as well.

Then there are password managers which are essentially like KeePass but store the password container online.

And then there are algorithmic password generators which, based on a master password, create the password for the current visited website on the fly. Exampls for such online password managers are SupergenPass and PWDHash. All I need to carry around with me is a tiny bookmarklet (which gets synced across browsers) and the master password in my head.

What are the advantages or drawbacks, security wise, when using the online password managers of the 3rd category? Is there an online password manager which addresses these drawbacks while providing the advantages?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I control who follows me on Twitter?

I tend to get a bunch of emails every week that say:

JaneDoe (JaneDoe343) is now following your tweets on Twitter.is now following you.

A little information about JaneDoe:

1 tweet
following 483 people

I prefer my followers to be real people, so is there any way I can control who follows me?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I combine and synchronize multiple social networks? [closed]

I've got accounts on Facebook, Xing, and LinkedIn and several mail accounts all over the place. I would like to keep control of all those people, without uploading my whole addressbook to the sites.

Is there a desktop software that can help manage multiple networks without disclosing too much information to the networks?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Billing web application aimed at designers? [closed]

I'm looking for a web application for managing billing/quotes/clients/etc. that is specifically aimed at print and web designers.

Must support UK and US companies.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Manage Passwords between multiple individuals

My co-workers and I frequently share passwords for many different online services. We are constantly emailing each other passwords and resetting them because of the difficulty in locating the old ones. Is there a way we can share and manage passwords securely and efficiently that will work for multiple people?

I came across this answer which I really liked. However, I don't see it working between multiple indiviuals. Many of us already have personal dropboxes and it isn't realistic to switch back and forth to sync new passwords.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What online services are available for managing your various online IDs and Personas?

I'm kicking the tires on some of the net's identification management websites. Let me clarify this ambiguous term...(and please let me know if there's a better name for sites like these)

A site which compiles a list of your other online personalities and profiles and provides some helpful functionality to make working with all of those profiles a little easier.

Clearly, this encompasses a large list of sites but to be perfectly honest, I don't feel anyone has really nailed this down in any really nice way. I'm mostly interested in services which make it EASY to use all of these different channels of communication we have available to us.

Sites I'm looking for are similar to these (with special attention to my notes):

  • http://flavors.me (Nice interface, pulls resource data into one screen.)
  • http://card.ly (Painfully basic and ends up being yet another online profile to manage)
  • http://google.com/profiles (Steps beyond an online profile and provides a nice way to interact with the person, but keeps you in Google's walled garden.)

Features I'm interested in seeing (but doesn't need to hit ALL of these points):

  • Makes communicating across services easy
  • Organizes your various online profiles
  • Makes specific personas and profiles conditionally available
  • Provides proxy services to better manage privacy
  • Supports open architectures/services (OAuth, OpenID, etc)
  • Friendly and fun to use?

I'm really hoping some people will dig up services which I'm not familiar with and could suggest some other features which might be useful in such a service which I might have overlooked.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Resource Management Software? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Online project management services

I am handling 50 people for my firm & I have to assign them to different projects on a daily basis. Currently I am doing this on paper pencil but I need to automate this process as this is very time consuming. Does any one know of a good resource management software or a scheduling software?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Development Team: Web app to log activities [closed]

Can anyone recommend a good web app (that we can host ourselves), to help my team track their daily activities?

I've been using Tracks, personally, and found it to be great to keep on top of work-in-progress and see where my time is going but I need this on a team level.

I'd like to be to see what activities the team are working on, where time is being spent/lost and where the time sinks are.

Ideally this would be open source/free if possible.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Email and password on Facebook account [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I opened a Facebook account for my husband using the same email as mine for my Facebook account. I have since purchased a new computer and when I enter my email address and password it says the password is wrong. When I use my husband's password it brings me to his Facebook page.

How do I access my Facebook page on my new computer if I can't use our email and my password?

Source: (StackOverflow)

All Trello cards, from every board, in a single calendar

With Microsoft shutting down Sunrise Calendar, which was the only one having a flawless integration with Trello, I am looking like anybody else for an alternative. I DON'T want to download the Outlook app, I don't need another mail app.

As of now, I have dozens of Trello boards (one for every project or client I follow) and I have some cards with due dates scattered all around. I need to see all my due dates, from all my Trello boards, in a single calendar without having to grab the iCal feeds every single time, for every single board I created.

I already tried: http://calendar-for-trello.com/app/month

But clearly this tool is not mature enough to do the job, plus no smartphone app.

All the other calendar apps I've tried don't have an integration like Sunrise Calendar used to have, and looks like IFTTT and Zoiper don't allow me to create a calendar event triggered by adding or updating a due date to any card.

How is people going to sort out this problem once Sunrise Calendar will be shut down once and for all? Any suggestion is highly welcome.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Any online application for personal life management

hi guys and gals(if any :)

I am looking for some online app or website where

1)When i open site i have page divided in hourly intervals and at the end of day i can write what i did on that particular day

2)I can divide the tasks in categories like sleeping work , study so that i can see ow i am spending my day

3)I can go back on any day in history to see what i did on that day

4) i can see the graphs or charts to see my progess

Searching for long but could not find one . Google calendar is but i can't make categores in that

Todolist don't work on daily basis

so please any header

Source: (StackOverflow)