
mailing-list interview questions

Top mailing-list frequently asked interview questions

Is there a closed mailing group service?

I am looking for a service that would allow me to

  • create private/closed mailing list
  • create managers for that list
  • add new user on their behalf
  • allow users to manage their membership

It is for our floorball team communication. So it is non-profit usage but needs to be closed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to receive my own Google Groups posts by e-mail?

I'm setting up a Google Group for use as an open-source mailing-list. In Mailman, as a user I can choose to receive copies of all messages by email (even ones that I send and ones that are cc:ed to me). Can I do the same as a Google Groups user? Being set to "Send me an email for every new message" doesn't seem to be enough.

Ditto for messages I approve as a moderator: the first one I approved, I did not receive by email, even it appeared in the group and I have received other e-mails from this group.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why can't I post to certain mailing lists via Google Groups?

I'm unable to reply to any topic in the llvm-dev mailing list on Google Groups. I fail to see a Reply to button.

Screenshot of Google Groups UI Link for bigger image: here

Is there any way to check whether replying directly via Google Groups is disabled?

I see no Reply-to button or even a Post button.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I set up a small mailing list / newsletter with Gmail?

Can I setup kind of a mailing list / newsletter from my Gmail / GApps account?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Manually setting "in-reply-to" mail header with gmail

I'm using the gmail web interface, and I've happened to read an online mailing list archive. I want to reply to a specific message of a user, and I already know its message-id.

To make my reply be in the correct thread, I found I need to to set the in-reply-to header to the message-id of that mail I want to reply to.

Is that possible with gmail? Is it possible with any email program that has a modern GUI?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to subscribe by email to a Google Groups mailing list with daily-digest option?

I'm setting up a Google Group for use as a mailing list with a non-technical audience. I want to be able to allow them to perform all necessary actions without using anything but their email address.

I see that it is possible to subscribe or unsubscribe by sending an email to




Is there a similar email target that would let me perform the following actions:

  1. Change a subscription from regular delivery to daily-digest
  2. Subscribe with daily-digest turned on from the start

Source: (StackOverflow)

Free application for local community? [closed]

I want to help out in a local community/support group for parents of children with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder). To organize the group we need a place to communicate, organize monthly meetups, schedule some dates and collect information.

So is there a free webapp/service that provides (importance in the given order, at least the first three should be met)

  1. free
  2. welcome page (static content) for the contact information
  3. mailing list where everybody can add himself
  4. News with RSS where the organizers can announce next meetup or related events
  5. Forum for members to discuss
  6. Doodle like functionality
  7. Calender to show the events
  8. Wiki or some knowledge base solution

I know I could collect free software for forum, mailing list and wiki and set up a server, but it's done on personal time without any budget. Further most members are not technically skilled.

Who knows such an app or an app that might fulfil out needs? Thank you

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I filter out mailing list threads where I participate in?

I subscribe to a mailing list, where a large number of messages are posted each day. I don't want these mails to disturb me, so I've set up a filter that automatically

  • moves these messages to a certain label and
  • skips the inbox

The Gmail filter is:

Matches: list:(ffmpeg-user.ffmpeg.org)
Do this: Skip Inbox, Apply label "Miscellaneous/FFmpeg-Mailing"

Now, sometimes I'd like to participate in a few threads. I would like those threads not to be automatically archived, but appear in my inbox like every other message.

How do I achieve this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Gmail filters for conversations I am participating in

I often participate in open-source mailing lists such as python-ideas. These mailing lists are usually run by a software called Mailman, which unfortunately doesn't have a feature that is really important to me: I want to only get mails for threads I participate in. Just because I'm participating in a discussion in a mailing list, doesn't mean I want to get updates for every single post that someone makes. I only want to get updates on threads that I participated in.

Now, Google Groups has this basic feature, but Mailman doesn't. And people on python-ideas don't like it when I post through Google Groups because it makes messages look weird or something. So they're asking me to use Gmail. They suggested using Gmail filters to avoid getting all the mailing list messages in my inbox.

So I tried this filter:

Matches: [Python-ideas] -{my.email@gmail.com}
Do this: Skip Inbox

But it didn't work, because some messages that are in my thread but after a message I sent appear to not include my email address.

What can I do to filter out all messages that are in threads I didn't participate in?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I setup an online email contact group? [closed]

I would like to set-up an email address like AllStarsFootballTeam@Whatever.com, so that all the members of the All Stars Football team can use that email address instead of the individual players' email addresses each time someone wanted to send a group email out.

Is there a website that does this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Apps Reply-to-List

I am a group administrator of an organization's Google Apps account. My problem is when somebody send a mail to the mailing list, the person who want to respond by default will send the response to the sender, not to the list. (Of course if he or she push the Reply-To-All button it works, but many times they forget to use it.) In an other organization we use a Sympa mailing server, which provide many configuration opportunity including Reply-To-List as a default behavior. Do you know if it's possible in Google Apps?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mirroring a mailing list in Google Groups?

How can I mirror a mailing list powered by Mailman in Google Groups if I am not the moderator of this mailing list? Instead of reading it by mail I would like to read it in the Google Groups interface. The mailing list is currently open to read but only subscribers can post to it, which should map nicely to the "Public" setting of Google Groups.

I can set up a group, but how do I get the new messages from the mailing list in the Google Groups list? Is there a way to import the archives too?

Edit: I was able to set up a group via the setting Sathya told me about, but the Reply-To header is now set to both my-group@googlegroups.com and the-original-group@example.com, while it should only be the latter. I have the following options for Replies to messages:

  • Replies are sent to the whole group.
  • Replies are sent to the author of the message.
  • Replies are sent to the owners of the group.
  • Users decide where their replies are sent.

I don't think any of these will do what I want. Google should just send the mail to the-original-group@example.com and don't set the Reply-To header. Where can I change that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In search of a mailing list app which can segment on location [closed]

I am searching for a mailing list webapp (think MailChimp) which is able to segment message recipients based on worldwide location, be that by post/ZIP code, town/city, country or less desirably (unless has a good API) on Latitude and Longitude.

I have been in contact with the aforementioned MailChimp, plus a few other hopefuls with no avail - MailChimp, although able to segment based on ZIP codes, only currently supports this for US addresses and I require worldwide.

Any suggestions for commercial (paid for but reasonable) or open-source (free) greatly appreciated.

Update: Another service, activecampaign.com allows segmentation on location, however, only by where the user opens email. Another requirement is that I need to be able to segment on a given location (e.g. given by recipient at sign up).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Remove dots from Gmail sender field

I am trying to unsubscribe from a mailing list but cannot. Here's the deal:

  • I subscribed using firtlast@gmail.com
  • Tried to unsubscribe by sending an unsubscribe email to list
  • Didn't work because I initially signed up for gmail using first.last@gmail.com

I have the From field set up as firstlast@gmail.com, but the mailing list sees that Gmail provides the sender field as first.last@gmail.com. Unsubscribing requires email verification!

Is there a way to get Gmail to use an alternate sender field or am I stuck?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Messages sent to mailing list not shown in Gmail

When I send an email from my Gmail account to a mailing list I never receive the messages I have sent in the inbox.

Since I use an external account, which I import with POP3 into Gmail, I can see on that account's email web interface that the list does send my messages back to me but somehow when Gmail fetches them it doesn't display them.

I suspect this is because the Message ID in the sent and received messages is identical and assumes it is the same message and doesn't display it.

As anyone seen this before? Is there a way of circumventing it?

I really would like to receive my own messages.

Source: (StackOverflow)