
mailchimp interview questions

Top mailchimp frequently asked interview questions

Mailchimp: Possible to BLOCK a subscriber email (so they can't sign up again)?

Believe it or not, but we have an abusive subscriber on our Mailchimp mailing list who's sending replies to our campaign emails with abusive and unwanted emails back to us.

I've tried to look around in Mailchimp settings but I can't see any way to do this.

It would be good to document it here if there is a solution, so others Googling in the future can find a quick answer, right here.

Can you block or blacklist an email address so that it won't be allowed to RE-subscribe to the mailing list later, if they wanted to?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to send an email with a link to an auto-populated form in MailChimp?

MailChimp always appends the "update subscription preferences" link at the bottom of an email, which links to a page that is auto-populated with the subscriber's name and email.

Is there a way in MailChimp to create a custom form that is auto-populated with subscriber info?

For example, we're looking to send out a link to a form for our subscribers to sign up for a program we're running. Normally we'd use something like Google Forms, but since MailChimp already knows their names and emails, it would be nice if there's a way that the link to the form would be auto-populated with the subscriber's information so they don't need to re-enter it.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Mailchimp eMails don't arrive at strato.de addresses

Here is my problem:
I want to use Mailchimp for sending a newsletter to a list of people's email addresses (I do have all the permissions). I set up the list correctly and sent out a test mail but it only arrives at mail accounts running on web.de, hotmail, etc. but not the private email addresses running on strato.de. I texted Mailchimp's customer care but they said it probably is strato's spam filters. Now, I turned those off for my account but the emails still don't arrive.

Any idea what may solve this issue?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mailchimp campaign - create "part dynamic" campaign

Is it possible to create a mail campaign which would be consisting of two parts? I mean I'd like to create a mailing of this kind:

  1. Some hand-edited content.
  2. Additional data fetched from a specific site—preferably by restAPI but I can also prepare some RSS for that if needed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mailchimp: Vague "Problem" in Confirmation Stage

After creating a Mailchimp campaign, in the final checklist to confirm details before sending, Mailchimp gives the message "Looks like there's a problem..." but gives no clue as to what the problem could be.

From reading online, it seems like normally in that situation, one of the sections listed will have a "Resolve" button rather than an "Edit" button, but that is not the case for me.

Mailchimp screenshot showing warning message and nothing but gray "Edit" buttons next to the sections

(Just off-screen is the "MonkeyRewards" section, also with an "Edit" button)

There's nothing I could find in the knowledge base, and of course, since I am using the free tier, there is no customer support to call (and it's not like I'm going to start paying for something that isn't working) so this is my last hope before I start looking for other services.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mailchimp dynamic content

I'm creating a "jobs by email" mailshot for our company and am investigating moving to MailChimp from our current marketing provider. We have a database containing locations, keywords and email addresses of people subscribed and run a script to match jobs recently added to our website to an email address. This generates an HTML table which is bespoke to each email address.

What I now want to do is import this section of bespoke HTML into a generic campaign so it looks something along the lines of

Generic email stuff
Here are your latest jobs

Job Title                   Location             Salary            Apply
Bespoke title1              Bespoke Location1    Bespoke Salary1   Link1
Bespoke title2              Bespoke Location2    Bespoke Salary2   Link2
Bespoke title3              Bespoke Location3    Bespoke Salary3   Link3

More generic email stuff

How can I go about doing this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using Mailchimp to send mail to a mailing list vs. substituting it with another service

I have a Mailchimp mailing list of 36000 people. I'm exploring my possibilities when it comes to sending an email to each of them.

Here are the alternatives I can see:

  1. Paying $240.00 for a monthly Mailchimp subscription, just to send an email once. Technically, I only need to send one email. This means I would have to unsubscribe from the monthly service once my email is sent, and I'm not sure if Mailchimp allows this.

  2. Paying $500 in Mailchimp "Pay as you go" credits
    This is an even higher price, which might be out of my range. This is what Mailchimp has to offer for people wanting to send a one-time email, though.

  3. Using Mandrill instead of Mailchimp
    Since it seems to be possible to export your list from Mailchimp and use it somewhere else, I could use Mandrill, a service by the same people who made Mailchimp, which would allow me to send my newsletter with just $4.
    There is a huge difference in cost, but I'm not sure Mandrill or Mailchimp allow this kind of use (Mandrill seems to be made for transactional emails, not newsletters), so I'd like to know if it's possible.

  4. Using Amazon SES
    Amazon Simple Email Service looks similar to Mandrill, but doesn't seem to pose restrictions on the kind of email sent through it. Sending email through it would have an even lower cost than it would with Mandrill, but I'm worried about its reliability and potential issues with spam filters.

There is also a secondary problem with unsubscribe links: if you sent an email you'd have to offer one, and you probably can't allow someone to unsubscribe from a Mailchimp newsletter with a link that is not generated by Mailchimp when sending the email (this would apply to the cases where I export my list and send it with an alternative service).

Question: what is the most convenient way (as long as it's allowed and feasible) to send these emails keeping the constraints I've listed in mind? Are there any other alternatives?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Have Mailchimp survey links go to a specified landing page

I'm trying to get more info on my newsletter subscribers needs.

I'm using CampaignMonitor currently. It allows me to create a clickable survey (choose one option) that are web links.

I'm considering switching to Mailchimp but their surveys are all links to the same page (their confirmation page).

It seems rather trivial for them to allows you to pass in a redirect link.


Do you use bug tracking software?


No, don't want to.

No, but I'd love suggestions on how to pick the right one

(I'd like the last option to not only record their vote, but also lead to a landing page where I give them info addressing their choice)

Source: (StackOverflow)

MailChimp: radials: how to make it so users get the relevant download and pay the relevant fee?

I've set up a mailchimp form on my wordpress site.

There is a choice for people to either receive a free download - which is the first few chapters of a book; or to pay for a download - the full book. Both downloads are pdfs.

Users click a radial button to indicate their option. The radials don't work yet. You can see the form here:


What steps do I take now, to make those radials work? -- To make it so users pay or not, accordingly; and so they receive the relevant download.

I have a PayPal account I plan to use. But I could use a different payment method, if it's easier to integrate.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add more row at the mail designer in Mailchimp?

I am using Mailchimp mail template designer to create the template

First I select the basic template here:

template selector - 3:1:3 column structure

And when I edit the template

editing the template

I would like to create more rows at the template, e.g. 3 lines of photos instead of 2 lines now, anyone have experience adding more rows (and can select 1/2/3 column) at the mail template design?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Mailchimp spam alert: HTML & subject

I'm using Mailchimp for sending newsletter campaigns. Usually, messages get the inbox but I have noticed sometimes they run to spam folder. In addition I have received the following alert from Mailchimp:

"The HTML code you're using contains some unusual attributes that are causing spam filters grief. Simpler is better for email HTML. You may need a designer to help you with this one. If you change your subject line case to Standard Heading Style, your email will get through."

I'm not an expert in HTML for email but I know how to make well structured HTML websites. However, when I inspect the HTML from the email campaigns, based on one Mailchimp template, I can't find nothing weird. Furthermore, I don't understand what can I do with the subject line case. Am I supposed to add h1 tags inside the title tags?

I give you the head of one campaing in case it helps.

    <meta name="twitter:image:src" content="https://gallery.mailchimp.com/81ac16e7cd7930ee7060eff5e/images/fd492080-1ca5-4666-8966-058aac8e0d30.png"><meta name="twitter:description" content="Selección de productos en Tecnología, Estilo de Vida y Formación Online :)"><meta name="twitter:title" content="Te recomiendo que visites Gremyo.com!"><meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"><meta property="og:type" content="article"><meta property="og:description" content="Selección de productos en Tecnología, Estilo de Vida y Formación Online :)"><meta property="og:image" content="https://gallery.mailchimp.com/81ac16e7cd7930ee7060eff5e/images/fd492080-1ca5-4666-8966-058aac8e0d30.png"><meta property="og:title" content="Te recomiendo que visites Gremyo.com!"><meta property="og:url" content="http://eepurl.com/bywdlb">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    /*Here there are the styles*/

Do you know what the alert points and what can I do to solve it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Configuration of Cognito Forms with MailChimp

Is there any way to have the contact information to be automatically uploaded to our MailChimp account from all form submissions?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I edit this MailChimp template?

I found this (free) template that I'd like to use, but for some reason, none of the design options are available. How can I edit the design?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Mail Chimp How to export campaign list of subscribers?

So I have 9 campaigns running but for the life of me cannot figure out the UI of Mail Chimp's Campaign requirement. Can anybody guide me on how to export individual campaign lists of subscribers? (rather than lists of subscribers by campaign).


Source: (StackOverflow)

Does MailChimp host images for HTML emails?

If I want to send out HTML emails via MailChimp, would they host images for me or do I have to do it on my own server?

Source: (StackOverflow)