

A css version of my MBP running a JS version of my terminal

Eclipse won't recognize my android phone -> Can't debug

All of a sudden Eclipse stopped recognizing my android device. So when I hit the Play-Button I get the following message:

No compatible targets were found. Do you wish to add a new Android Virtual Device?

Strangely on my device it says that USB-Debugging is connected, as soon as I plug it into my macbook.

What could be the problem here? Thanks!

PS: I'm using a Samsung Galaxy i5800 and a MacbookPro.

Source: (StackOverflow)

WPF - Two Finger Horizontal scrolling on Macbook pro trackpad

The OS is Windows 8 on a Retina Macbook PRO.

i need to support both vertical scrolling using the trackpad and horizontal scrolling in my app.

I would like to move the WPF scrollviewer position based on the two finger swipes up-down (vertical scrolling) and left-right (horizontal scrolling).

As far as i see the vertical scrolling on the trackpad gets translated to a mouse wheel event in the framework. However, I found no way to recognize if a mouse wheel event is a horizontal scroll.

what events should i handle in WPF to be able to implement this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How can I change one single colour on Mac OS X screen (similar to invert colours)?

I've read some guys have done a trick editing this file, but I'm not a guru.

defaults write com.apple.CoreGraphics \ (DisplayUseInvertedPolarity -bool YES)

Basically I want to change the white background color to sepia or anything darker when I read in Skim pdf reader. Since Skim (unlike Kindle) doesnt support this feature, maybe I find a work around and I can change the white color of the screen so it will be useful with any application I want if I can make this happen.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Android app running on device access localhost server (on MacBook) in my case

I am using MacBook to develop Android application. I have also developed a Java EE app running on my localhost server. Now, I want my Android app running on device communicate to my localhost server(wildfly) running on MacBook. I tried the following steps:

  • On my MacBook I did the following things:

    1. Establish the internet connection by connecting my MacBook with a wired Ethernet cable through an adapter.

    2. I go to System Preferences --> Sharing --> choose "Share my connection from Thunderbolt Ethernet" To "computers using Wi-Fi" --> enable "Internet Sharing"

    3. I checked the IP address of my MacBook now, it is

  • On my Android device I did the following things:

    1. Turn on Wi-Fi option, I see my MacBook hotspot, my Android device successfully connected to my MacBook hotspot.

    2. My Android application is programmed to access server at

    3. I install my Android app and run it on device. But it is not able to access my localhost server. I am not able to access localhost from device browser either. My device IP is Why ? Where am I wrong or missing?

P.S. in my Android app, I have all the required permissions e.g. <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />, my app is able to access the production server. My problem is on localhost server access.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I stop the IntelliJ icon in the dock from bouncing, without turning off bouncing for all applications

Use case on a Mac: you type a variable name into IntelliJ, and switch to the Java API to find out what you need to do. IntelliJ detects a compile error and starts bouncing its icon in the dock. Over and over. IT WILL NEVER STOP!

Does anyone out there have a solution that does not involve:

  1. Turning off all bouncing in the dock
  2. Turning off automatic syntax checking/compilation in IntelliJ

Thank you!

Source: (StackOverflow)

OSX Leopard - throttle a shared internet connection

I'm running a Core Duo Macbook pro and I'm trying to emulate a 3G connection for connected devices via wifi internet connection sharing. I've tried a few options (e.g. speedlimit) but they only impact the macbook's browser and not the connected devices. Are there any other options out there? I'm running leopard as anything more modern overheats the system.

I have a T60 as an alternative, but the intel 3935abg chipset isn't supported by any windows 7 VirtualMiFi tools, and I need to connect Android devices to this network.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to dump and auto connect the wifi setting from MACBOOK?

1.In Windows we may use the following command to dump the wifi setting

netsh wlan export profile key=clear folder=c:\ name=wifi_name

2.Then just simply run the command to include the setting and auto connect to wifi

netsh wlan add profile filename=c:/wifi_name.xml

My question is how do we do the same thing from MACBOOK? Any hint will be appreciated.

Haha, I got it, we can just use AppleScript to do what I want, the code is quite simple:

    set interface to "en1" # change it to fit your wifi interface
    set ssid to "Albert-FR" # the SSID 
    set passwd to "123456789" # and password
    do shell script "networksetup -setairportnetwork " & interface & " " & (quoted form of ssid) & " " & (quoted form of passwd)

Gook Luck


Source: (StackOverflow)

HTML5/Javascript - Is it possible to get the absolute coordinates of a touch event on a Macbook Trackpad in the browser?

I would like to write something in the browser which records gestures on the trackpad.

Since I wanted to be able to track all motion without having to worry about the pointer leaving the window, I first researched this problem and used the MDN Pointer Lock API demo as a starting point.

But I notice when using this demo on a MacBook that if I lift my finger and start a new drag elsewhere on the trackpad, it ignores the distance my finger traveled in the air, it only counts the motion done while my finger is touching the trackpad. This is consistent with the way that the trackpad is used to move the mouse pointer in the operating system in general.

But for my specific application, I want to have the absolute x and y of my finger on the trackpad. Would it be possible to build a variant of the demo linked above where the red dot corresponds to the absolute position of your finger? e.g., if you lifted your finger and then put it down in the upper left, the red dot would always jump to the upper left of the canvas?

I'm aware of the javascript Touch Events API, which gives absolute coordinates when used on a tablet, but the demo does not register any trackpad input when run on the MacBook under Firefox (v36) or Chrome (v41).

I have also read that it's possible to enable touch emulation in Chrome, though I could not find the checkbox to do that under my version (perhaps only special developer builds have this) and from reading about it, it seems like it's more of a mouse-to-touch translation so I'm doubtful that that emulation would have specific support for trackpads.

Is there any way that getting the absolute x,y coordinates of a touch event on a MacBook trackpad is possible via HTML/Javascript?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to test pinch events on a web page on a Macbook

I am working on a website which has an canvas on it. I have an image in the canvas, and what I want to do is pinch to zoom the image (the web page will eventually be on a touch screen). I am using jGestures for detecting pinch event. However, I wonder if there is a way to test on a Mac computer, because when I do pinch on mac trackpad, it zooms the webpage, not the canvas, which means that the pinch on trackpad does not apply to my canvas tag, it zooms my webpage (the font, the width, the height). I also wonder if magic trackpad or magic mouse can do it. Could anyone help?

Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Ghostscript not writable

Trying to install octave on a new Macbook, but keep running into problems using Homebrew. I am following directions here: http://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_MacOS_X

I run into the error:

Linking /usr/local/Cellar/ghostscript/9.14...
Error: Could not symlink share/ghostscript/Resource
/usr/local/share/ghostscript is not writable.

After entering:

sudo chown -R username:admin /usr/local/bin
brew link ghostscript

I still get the same error. How do I make ghostscript writable?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I run an iPad emulator?

I have no real need for the entire SDK, my project involves mainly JS and CSS on an ePub structure. My fiend lend me his MacBook on which I'm typing now. I can create everything on a PC box, import to the MacBook and than test it on the emulator. So - how do I install an iPad emulator on a MacBook ?

Thank you for your assistance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

C and C++ programming on MacBook

I recently bought a macbook and was wondering if I can write C and C++ programs on mac without having to install anything more. Say for Java, mac came with a preinstalled version.

Is it the same for C/C++. if yes, can you pls let me know hoe to compile and run a sample program or if not, can you please let me know what stuff to download?


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to add a ssh key to connect to git?

I have a file with my DSA private key on my windows 7 computer.

How can I add this to my Macbook so I can connect to git from it? (I have my own hosting company with git on it).

I ideally want to add this to my bash_profile also if I need to keep this alive somehow...

Source: (StackOverflow)

Flash webcam settings on macbook (and potentially other cameras)

I'm working on a flash app that allows users to take snapshots of themselves using their webcam. It seems that on certain computers (mostly macbooks and MBPs so far) the flash player 10 default webcam setting is for "DV video" rather than "USB Video Class Video", which is the required setting (as far as I know) to allow flash to tap into the webcam stream. If a user's flash settings aren't configured appropriately, they simply get a black box where their video preview should be, rather than the live video stream.

Are there any workarounds for this? I would rather avoid resorting to a "having trouble?" popup with instructions for changing Flash webcam settings if at all possible.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Silverlight development compability issues

I have a Silverlight based web site, and I am wondering whether it is compatible for Apple related devices, like MacBook, MacAir, iPad or iPhone? Compatible I mean whether end user could browse Silverlight based web site using MacBook, MacAir, iPad or iPhone? If not, any changes I need to make (if there is any free software which could enable Silverlight browse on such devices without development efforts, it will be great)? Appreciate if any related technical documents could be provided for developer perspective (i.e. how to support Silverlight on such Apple devices).

thanks in advance, George

Source: (StackOverflow)