
log interview questions

Top log frequently asked interview questions

How can I tell what date Ubuntu was installed?

is there a command which will output the date that ubuntu (or any distribution) was installed?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to see log to find a boot problem

I want to find the cause of a boot problem I have tried ls -ltr /var/log from antony@antony which gives me login incorrect can someone tell me what command to use to see what has upset the boot thanks

NB when trying some commands from antony@antony then password I get login incorrect. Is that right?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Exim PanicLog has Non-Zero Size...?

I'm getting the following error from my Ubuntu server:

exim paniclog /var/log/exim4/paniclog on (my server FQDN) has non-zero size, mail system might be broken.

I found a solution on the web here. Basically, I just need erase the paniclog by entering the following code:

sudo rm /var/log/exim4/paniclog

So, I know how to get rid of the error, but I don't know how it started, and how to not let it happen again. Any explanation? Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I keep track of failed SSH log-in attempts?

I'd like to see if somebody has been trying to log-in by brute-force into my Ubuntu 12.04 server over SSH. How can I see if such activities have been taking place?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Displaying a "scrolling" log file

Via command line, I have a log file I'd like to keep track of.

What I want is to have, basically, a tail that refreshes when the log is updated making the text scroll upwards as new lines are appended to the log file.

Is there anything out there that does that without having to write some code?

Source: (StackOverflow)

iptables log file,and how change it

I have this rule in my iptables:

iptables -AINPUT -s -j LOG

My question is:

Where is the iptables log file, and how can i change that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where are the Apache and PHP log files?

I've installed Apache, PHP, and MySQL on Ubuntu 10.10 desktop edition, and it's working fine.
Except I have no clue where to look for Apache or PHP log files.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where is the shutdown log?

I am trying to debug a hang during shutdown and I don't find where the messages that I see during shutdown are being stored. They aren't in /var/log/syslog

Source: (StackOverflow)

Log SSH activity

All, I have an Ubuntu host that accepts SSH connections. How can I log all commands that are run on a specific account that logs in via SSH?


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to see Login history?

Is it possible to see the login history, i mean to see if someone has used the computer in my absence and when he used it .
if it is possible, where can i get the log ?
if not, is there a program that logs all the logins and their time ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where is log file from rc.local?

I have some commands to in my rc.local. I know that they are failing. How can I get log file with messages produced by executing rc.local? Where is it located?

I have checked the /var/log/boot.log. I know my messages are not there because I know already what is the reason of failure. But I still want to make sure from log file.

Note, I don't want to run script again, I could but I don't want. I would rather analyse wht happened during startup.

Thanks for any help.

Ubuntu 12.04 Desktop (if it matters)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where is /var/log/messages?

Just installed natty, and cannot find /var/log/messages. Also, /var/log/daemon.log is missing. What happened? Why are they no longer present? And where I can find the same log information?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where are all the major log files located?

So, if there is some problem with my computer, be it hardware or software, what are the major log files and where are they located?

Also, is there a generic location where log files of the other packages might be located?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where are the OpenVPN connection logs and configuration files?

I have problem connecting to OpenVPN server. Where are OpenVPN log files and how do I find the connection details?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Ubuntu log when USB devices are connected?

When I connect a USB drive to an Ubuntu OS, would there be a text file which contains details of that connection and if so, where is that file located ? What is the name of that file?

Source: (StackOverflow)