

LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)

chrome file system inspection - reload on change

is there an extension for loading an entire page on change in file system in entire folder. I am right now using Tincr but it doesn't allow me watch the entire folder.

there is an auto reload for firefox which watches folder and filters on extension convieniently

Source: (StackOverflow)

Live reload JavaScript in Chrome

I know you can live-edit JS from within the Source panel of Chrome Developer Tools, and I know there are systems for live-reloading of CSS, but can you live-reload JS from the source location (either a URL or local disk, or leveraging Workspaces somehow, or possibly even as a Chrome Developer Tools plugin)? In particular this would be insanely useful for CoffeeScript-to-JS setups.

Source: (StackOverflow)


gulp.js livereload with express server?

I am trying to setup my gulpfile.js to use livereload on an express server without much luck. I see examples out there but they seem to be related to a static file server.

http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/gulp-as-a-development-web-server--cms-20903 http://rhumaric.com/2014/01/livereload-magic-gulp-style/

So I have an app.js file which does the standard express server with jade files, etc. What I want to do is get it to work with livereload from a gulp.js boot.

app.set('port', process.env.PORT || 3000);
    var server = app.listen(app.get('port'), function() {
    debug('Express server listening on port ' + server.address().port);

There are lots of plugins like gulp-livereload, connect-livereload, gulp-connect, gulp-watch so how can I get this wired up?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use grunt-contrib-livereload?

I'm trying to use grunt-contrib-livereload, but can't seem to figure it out. The readme seems to skip over everything that I need explained, and then ends with an example that doesn't work when I try it and doesn't seem directly related to the documentation. I have searched for a better explanation in a blog post or tutorial or whatever, but haven't been able to find one. Can someone please explain how to get started with this tool?

Here are the kinds of questions I have, based on the readme:

The documentation says the livereload task "must be passed the list of files that have changed" --- but how do I pass it this list of files? The example does not seem to illustrate this. Does regarde pass the list?

Is grunt-contrib-connect required? What does it do, and how do I use it? Do I need to learn connect before I try using livereload?

The readme mentions middleware that "must be the first one inserted" --- but inserted into what, before what else? And how is it inserted?

And I suppose I don't understand how I need to manipulate ports. "All the browsers listening on the livereload port will be reloaded" --- but how do I know which browser is listening to which port? Do I need to learn all about ports before I can try using livereload? (Any suggestion on how to best learn about that?)

Finally, in the example, there is a folderMount function that doesn't seem related to any of the documentation before. What is that, and do I need it?

I guess I'm asking if someone can please:

  • point me towards a tutorial that is much more effective than the current readme;
  • explain these unexplained parts of the readme, if those answers are what I need to understand the plugin;
  • or provide a functional example with some explanation of why it is functional.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Grunt livereload with node.js application

I have written an application in Node.js (with Express & socket.io) and I would like to use Grunt to compile my client-side stuff with livereload while developing and being connected to Node.js application. How can I do this? (Preferably without running Node.js app in another port and client in another port, because of pathing and cross-domain issues)

I installed also Yeoman and it's using out of the box grunt-contrib-livereload package, but from what I understood it's using Node.js Connect server for serving client-side files, thus being separated from my Node.js application..

Example from Gruntfile.js generated by Yeoman:

var lrSnippet = require('grunt-contrib-livereload/lib/utils').livereloadSnippet;
var mountFolder = function (connect, dir) {
    return connect.static(require('path').resolve(dir));

// ... cut some parts
    watch: {
        livereload: {
            files: [
                '<%= yeoman.app %>/*/*.html',
                '{.tmp,<%= yeoman.app %>}/styles/*.css',
                '{.tmp,<%= yeoman.app %>}/scripts/*.js',
                '<%= yeoman.app %>/images/*.{png,jpg,jpeg}'
            tasks: ['livereload']
        // ..cut some parts
    connect: {
        livereload: {
            options: {
                port: 9000,
                middleware: function (connect) {
                    return [
                        mountFolder(connect, '.tmp'),
                        mountFolder(connect, 'app')
    // ..cut some parts

grunt.registerTask('server', [

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get Grunt/Watch/LiveReload to reload Sass/CSS without a full page refresh?

So far, I've gotten everything working how I want (which is monitoring all the files I want and refreshing whenever there is a change), other than I'd love to be able to make modifications to Sass/CSS and have it refresh in the browser without a page load. It's not a huge deal, but sometimes I'm trying to modify the style of something after there's been some page interaction and I have to go through the process all over again if the page refreshes.

I'm fairly certain this is possible, but it eludes me so far.

Here's my Gruntfile.js:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

  // Project configuration.
    pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'),
    connect: {
      server: {
        options: {},
    sass: {
      dist: {
        options: {
          style: 'compressed'
        files: {
          'css/main.css': 'css/scss/main.scss',
    jshint: {
      files: ['js/*.js'],
    watch: {
      options: {
        livereload: true,
      html: {
        files: ['index.html'],
      js: {
        files: ['js/**/*.js'],
        tasks: ['jshint'],
      css: {
        files: ['css/scss/**/*.scss'],
        tasks: ['sass'],

  // Actually running things.

  // Default task(s).
  grunt.registerTask('default', ['connect', 'watch']);


One odd thing I wanted to mention about my setup: when I run grunt watch --verbose I see that it's monitoring .git as well as .sass-cache. Does that seem right? I don't know what I did to make it do that.

Watching .git for changes.
Watching .sass-cache for changes.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Livereload isn't working in gulp

I used gulp-webapp (generator from yeoman) and add some other tasks (like gulp-sass & gulp-coffee).

But now Livereload isn't starting. I need to see something like this

[gulp] Live reload server listening on: 35729

But output looks like

➜  app git:(master) ✗ gulp watch
[gulp] Using gulpfile ~/Dev/lsd/app/gulpfile.js
[gulp] Starting 'clean'...
[gulp] Starting 'styles'...
[gulp] Starting 'scripts'...
[gulp] Starting 'connect'...
[gulp] Finished 'connect' after 68 ms
Started connect web server on http://localhost:9000
[gulp] Finished 'scripts' after 181 ms
[gulp] gulp-size: total 128.75 kB
[gulp] Finished 'styles' after 806 ms
[gulp] Starting 'serve'...
[gulp] Finished 'serve' after 5.73 ms

And I don't understand, what is my problem.

My gulpfile.coffee:

"use strict"

gulp = require("gulp")
$ = require("gulp-load-plugins")()

gulp.task "styles", ->
  gulp.src("app/styles/main.scss").pipe($.sass()).pipe($.autoprefixer("last 1 version")).pipe(gulp.dest(".tmp/styles")).pipe $.size()

gulp.task "scripts", ->
  gulp.src("app/scripts/**/*.coffee").pipe($.coffee()).pipe gulp.dest(".tmp/scripts")

gulp.task "html", [
], ->
  jsFilter = $.filter("**/*.js")
  cssFilter = $.filter("**/*.css")
  gulp.src("app/*.html").pipe($.useref.assets()).pipe(jsFilter).pipe($.uglify()).pipe(jsFilter.restore()).pipe(cssFilter).pipe($.csso()).pipe(cssFilter.restore()).pipe($.useref.restore()).pipe($.useref()).pipe(gulp.dest("dist")).pipe $.size()

gulp.task "clean", ->
    read: false
  ).pipe $.clean()

gulp.task "build", [
gulp.task "default", ["clean"], ->
  gulp.start "build"

gulp.task "connect", ->
  connect = require("connect")
  app = connect().use(require("connect-livereload")(port: 35729)).use(connect.static("app")).use(connect.static(".tmp")).use(connect.directory("app"))
  require("http").createServer(app).listen(9000).on "listening", ->
    console.log "Started connect web server on http://localhost:9000"

gulp.task "serve", [
], ->
  require("opn") "http://localhost:9000"

gulp.task "watch", [
], ->
  server = $.livereload()
  ]).on "change", (file) ->
    server.changed file.path

  gulp.watch "app/styles/**/*.scss", ["styles"]
  gulp.watch "app/scripts/**/*.coffee", ["scripts"]

Source: (StackOverflow)

What exactly is Hot Module Replacement in Webpack?

I've read a few pages about Hot Module Replacement in Webpack.
There's even a sample app that uses it.

I've read all of this and still don't get the idea.

What can I do with it?
Is it supposed to only be used in development and not in production?
Is it like LiveReload, but you have to manage it yourself?
Is WebpackDevServer integrated with it in some way?

Suppose I want to update my CSS (one stylesheet) and JS modules when I save them to disk, without reloading the page and without using plugins such as LiveReload. Is this something Hot Module Replacement can help me with? What kind of work do I need to do, and what does HMR already provide?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Yeoman: LiveReload vs. Yeoman Watch

I'm trying out Yeoman Server for the first time and see that it offers a native watch tool as a fallback to LiveReload. Here's how the docs explain the fallback:

"[Yeoman Server] automatically fires up the yeoman watch process, so changes to any of the application's files cause the browser to refresh via LiveReload. Should you not have LiveReload installed locally, a fallback reload process will be used instead."

So far the fallback process is working perfectly, and I like that it doesn't require installing anything in the browser/menu bar.

Has anyone tried both watch tools with Yeoman? How is the workflow different and what additional features do you get if you "upgrade" to LiveReload?

UPDATE: A quick inspection of the API revealed that Yeoman's live reload feature is in fact LiveReload. They're one and the same. The reason it works without the browser extensions is because they're using LiveReload's snipvr snippet instead. It's possible there are some additional features accessible via the LiveReload GUI and perhaps for mobile device testing, but more likely the functionality is identical.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Disable LiveReload w/ Yeoman

When testing in IE8, LiveReload throws errors since web sockets is not supported. Is there a way to configure yeoman to disable LiveReload?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hot Code Push NodeJS

I've been trying to figure out this "Hot Code Push" on Node.js. Basically, my main file (that is run when you type node app.js) consists of some settings, configurations, and initializations. In that file I have a file watcher, using chokidar. When I file has been added, I simply require the file. If a file has been changed or updated I would delete the cache delete require.cache[path] and then re-require it. All these modules don't export anything, it just works with the single global Storm object.

Storm.watch = function() {
    var chokidar, directories, self = this;
    chokidar = require('chokidar');
    directories = ['server/', 'app/server', 'app/server/config', 'public'];
    clientPath = new RegExp(_.regexpEscape(path.join('app', 'client')));
    watcher = chokidar.watch(directories, {
    ignored: function(_path) {
        if (_path.match(/\./)) {
        } else {
    persistent: true

    watcher.on('add', function(_path){
    self.fileCreated(path.resolve(Storm.root, _path));
    //Storm.logger.log(Storm.cliColor.green("File Added: ", _path));
    //_console.info("File Updated");
    console.log(Storm.css.compile('     {name}: {file}', "" +
        "name" +
        "{" +
        "color: white;" +
        "font-weight:bold;" +
        "}" +
        "hr {"  +
        "background: grey" +
        "}")({name: "File Added", file: _path.replace(Storm.root, ""), hr: "=================================================="}));

    watcher.on('change', function(_path){
    _path = path.resolve(Storm.root, _path);
    if (fs.existsSync(_path)) {
        if (_path.match(/\.styl$/)) {
        } else {
    } else {
    //Storm.logger.log(Storm.cliColor.green("File Changed: ", _path));
    console.log(Storm.css.compile('     {name}: {file}', "" +
        "name" +
        "{" +
        "color: yellow;" +
        "font-weight:bold;" +
        "}" +
        "hr {"  +
        "background: grey" +
        "}")({name: "File Changed", file: _path.replace(Storm.root, ""), hr: "=================================================="}));

    watcher.on('unlink', function(_path){
    self.fileDeleted(path.resolve(Storm.root, _path));
    //Storm.logger.log(Storm.cliColor.green("File Deleted: ", _path));
    console.log(Storm.css.compile('     {name}: {file}', "" +
        "name" +
        "{" +
        "color: red;" +
        "font-weight:bold;" +
        "}" +
        "hr {"  +
        "background: grey" +
        "}")({name: "File Deleted", file: _path.replace(Storm.root, ""), hr: "=================================================="}));

    watcher.on('error', function(error){


Storm.watch.prototype.fileCreated = function(_path) {

    if (_path.match('views')) {

    try {
    } catch (error) {


Storm.watch.prototype.fileDeleted = function(_path) {
    delete require.cache[require.resolve(_path)];

Storm.watch.prototype.fileUpdated = function(_path) {
    var self = this;
    pattern = function(string) {
    return new RegExp(_.regexpEscape(string));

    if (_path.match(pattern(path.join('app', 'templates')))) {
    Storm.View.cache = {};
    } else if (_path.match(pattern(path.join('app', 'helpers')))) {
    self.reloadPath(path, function(){
        self.reloadPaths(path.join(Storm.root, 'app', 'controllers'));
    } else if (_path.match(pattern(path.join('config', 'assets.coffee')))) {
    self.reloadPath(_path, function(error, config) {
        //Storm.config.assets = config || {};
    } else if (_path.match(/app\/server\/(models|controllers)\/.+\.(?:coffee|js|iced)/)) {
    var isController, directory, klassName, klass;

    self.reloadPath(_path, function(error, config) {
        if (error) {
            throw new Error(error);


    isController = RegExp.$1 == 'controllers';
    directory    = 'app/' + RegExp.$1;
    klassName = _path.split('/');
    klassName = klassName[klassName.length - 1];
    klassName = klassName.split('.');
    klassName = klassName.join('.');
    klassName = _.camelize(klassName);

    if (!klass) {
    } else {

    } else if (_path.match(/config\/routes\.(?:coffee|js|iced)/)) {
    } else {


Storm.watch.prototype.reloadPath = function(_path, cb) {

    _path = require.resolve(path.resolve(Storm.root, path.relative(Storm.root, _path)));
    delete require.cache[_path];
    delete require.cache[path.resolve(path.join(Storm.root, "server", "application", "server.js"))];
    //console.log(require.cache[path.resolve(path.join(Storm.root, "server", "application", "server.js"))]);


    var result = require(_path);
    if (cb) {
        cb(null, result);

Storm.watch.prototype.reloadPaths = function(directory, cb) {


Some of the code is incomplete / not used as I'm trying a lot of different methods.

What's Working:

For code like the following:

function run() {

Works perfectly. But any asynchronous code fails to update.

Problem = Asynchronous Code

app.get('/', function(req, res){
   // code here..

If I then update the file when the nodejs process is running, nothing happens, though it goes through the file watcher and the cache is deleted, then re-established. Another instance where it doesn't work is:

// middleware.js
function hello(req, res, next) {
  // code here...

// another file:

As app.use would still be using the old version of that method.


How could I fix the problem? Is there something I'm missing?

Please don't throw suggestions to use 3rd party modules like forever. I'm trying to incorporate the functionality within the single instance.


After studying meteors codebase (there's surprisingly little resources on "Hot Code Push" in node.js or browser.) and tinkering around with my own implementation I've successfully made a working solution. https://github.com/TheHydroImpulse/Refresh.js . This is still at an early stage of development, but it seems solid right now. I'll be implementing a browser solution too, just for sake of completion.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Wrong CSS Path - Live Reload issue with Grunt

I have this setup in my Gruntfile.js

module.exports = function(grunt) {
        less: {
            development: {
                options: {
                    compress: false,
                    yuicompress: false,
                    optimization: 0
                files: {
                    // target.css file: source.less file
                    "assets/css/main.css": "assets/css/main.less"
        watch: {

            styles: {
                // Which files to watch (all .less files recursively in the less directory)
                files: ['assets/css/*.less', 'assets/less/*.less'],
                tasks: ['less'],
            // Live reload CSS
            css: {
                files: ['assets/css/*.css'],
                options: {
                    nospawn: true,
                    interrupt: false,
                    livereload: true,
    // Watch
    // Less Complile

    grunt.registerTask('default', ['less','watch']);

My sylesheet is loaded like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" rel='nofollow' href="http://project.dev/wp-content/themes/project/style.css">

Whenever I change the css file the I get a 404 error in the browser for this url


Which is of course right because the css file lives in:


How do I get live reload to get the right URL?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why doesn't live reload work with gulp-connect?

I use gulp-connect like this:

gulp.task('watch', function() {
  gulp.watch(paths.scss, ['scss']);

  gulp.watch(distPaths, function() {
    return gulp.src(distPaths)

The live reload bit works fine.

My question is, why the following doesn't work:

gulp.task('watch', function() {
  gulp.watch(paths.scss, ['scss']);
  gulp.watch(distPaths, connect.reload);

What the gulp.src(distPaths) bit is for?

Also, what's the importance of return?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does Sublime Text support live editing of CSS/SASS files?

Does Sublime Text support live editing of files?

I'm looking for a better workflow. I really like Sublime Text, but recently I've been spoiled by the "Live Editing" capabilites of tools like Codepen.io and (recently tested) Adobe Brackets. When I go back to Sublime, even Live Reload seems clunky in comparision.

Live Reload: Press Save To Preview..
I'm using the LiveReload Chrome plugin, and depending on the project (Ruby or JS) I'll use Guard or Grunt to watch system files. I like LiveReload. But having to press 'save' on a file to see its changes in the browser is driving me nuts. Even with CSS style injection (no full browser reload), I'm flying blind in comparision to Codepen and Brackets which have instant updates as you type.

Other Tools
** GUI Tools **: I've heard of tools like Codekit and Hammer. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but they seem to do exactly what Gaurd and Grunt do—except no command line.

** Chome Tools Spaces **: The ability to edit Sass in the browser is cool. I've set this up, but I rarely use it. Editing HTML/CSS/Sass in Sublime Text is superior to Chrome Tools in every way. And to that point, it is far superior to Adobe Brackets which is why I don't (at this point) considering using it (Also it seems most of Brackets 'cool features' work on vanilla CSS, and not on Sass).

**Live Style: I've tried this, and I just can't get it to work.

I must have Googled "Live editing Sublime", "Live Refresh Codepen Sublime Text", etc.. a thousand times this year and results have been pretty lousy.

If anyone has any gems of information regard this to add to this PLEASE POST THEM!

Source: (StackOverflow)