
linksys interview questions

Top linksys frequently asked interview questions

Why does my Linksys WRT54GS keep losing its memory?

I was given this second hand wireless router a while back. It generally works fine, but sometimes loses all its settings. It gets turned off at night, along with the PC and cable modem, so I'm guessing that the non-volatile memory is volatile after all, but it doesn't happen every time.

To save me opening this thing up, can someone tell me if it has a battery I can replace or if it is just likely to be faulty.

It's mainly a pain as it loses the wireless settings. I don't want it going back to unencrypted.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is my router assigning the wrong address via DHCP

I have a WRT54G router that is set up to serve out addresses via DHCP. It correctly serves up addresses to every other machine on the network, including another PC, my macbook when connected via wireless, my wife's notebook, and our printer. However, whenever I attach my macbook to the router via an ethernet cable, the address it is given via DHCP is wrong.

My local network is set up as 192.168.1.*.

However, when my macbook connects with an ethernet cable, it is given the IP 192.168.29.*.

Currently, I have the macbook set up with a manual IP address, and all seems to be working fine.

Any ideas on what could be causing this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Cannot delete folders on a network drive from Windows 7

I have a really strange problem. I am using Windows 7 Professional with SP1 installed. I have a My Book 500GB external hard drive connected to the network via Linksys E3000. Now in Windows 7 I am logged in as Admin. The network disk is configured in Linksys, that an admin group can r&w. Now I have added this settings to Credential Manager, where I have specified network address of disk, username and password. I have added it, because otherwise the Windows 7 would forget the username & password on restart of the system.

Now the network disk is working without problems. I can access file, write files on it, delete files from it. The problem arises, if I want to delete folder, that contains other files or folders. Now here for some reason it displays this error:

enter image description here

I tried Try Again, it displays Error 0x8007045D (I/O error):

enter image description here

This error is supposed to happen, when there is something wrong with USB port, or USB drivers, but this drive is not accessed via USB, it is a network based disk. Also, I don't have any problems with devices connected through USB, not that it matters in this problem.

Then I clicked Cancel. Now what is really strange about this is, that the folder has gone missing! I will be able to see it again, if I reconnect the network disk, or restart the computer. Now I really don't understand about the permission thing, becuase I am already Admin. I have looked up under network disk properties -> security, and this is want I have found:

enter image description here

As you can see, it seems the account Account Unknown is what controls what can be accessed. It only has Special permission allowed. So I tried to change it to allow everything (which probably would not make a diffrence, because it seems that under that Special permission falls almost everything, as I said I can do everything except delete folders, that contain other files or other folders). When I wanted to apply the Full control that I have selected it gave this error:

enter image description here

It seems that I cannot change this permission. So I wanted to know who exactly is behind this permission, and I got this under Advanced -> Owner:

enter image description here

I guess the Linksys E3000 operates this permission. But as I have said in the first paragraph, I have setted the disk to adming group under Linksys E3000 setup (, which means it has full r&w access.

Now the strangest thing about this thing: I have also another computer, that has Windows XP SP3 installed on it. I also have the network disk added to the computer. The diffrence is, that there I am also able to delete folders, that contain files or other folders. It deletes them without any error.

Also if I connect the disk to computer with Windows 7 on it (the one that I have problem deleting folders that have other folders or files inside it), then I can delete this folders without any problem. I would like to point out, that I also tried this on my second computer (laptop), that also has Windows 7 SP1 installed, and it displays the same error, which means that there must be something with Windows 7, otherwise the Windows XP would gave the same error.

I really don't understand why I am able to delete it from Windows XP, but not from Windows 7. The computer, that has Windows XP installed is connected through Linksys E3000 LAN via UTP cable just as is computer, that runs Windows 7. Please help me with my question and thanks for any answers!

Edit: Adding screenshots of Local Group Policy Editor:

First part Second part

Source: (StackOverflow)

Connecting a 2Wire modem/router to another router

I want to hook a Linksys router to my 2wire modem/router (2701HG-b) to share my Internet connection. I ran from an open port from the 2wire to the WAN port of the Linksys but it will not work.

I did this before with my cable modem to a router to my Linksys router. It worked then but not now. I read I can turn the 2 wire into a modem only but I need the 2wire wireless access also. IPCONFIG /ALL sees the 2wire with IP info as well as DHCP server/gateway.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can a router create a VPN for me?

I have a Linksys WRT110 router & an ASUS SuperSpeedN RT-N12 router.

Will either of these — possibly with my putting on third-party firmware — support VPNs? By that, I mean, by creating the VPN, not just mapping ports, etc.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I configure my Linksys routers to resist the WPS brute-force vulnerability?

US-CERT recently released Vulnerability Note VU#723755.


In short, this describes how modern wireless routers can have their PSKs discovered within just a matter of hours - even if they're using WPA2 with a strong PSK.

The exploit is done by abusing a design flaw in the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) feature that is common to most routers. The WPS PIN can be (relatively) easily brute-forced, and this can lead to revelation of the WPA2 PSK. This remains effective even if the victim changes their PSK. The only known work-around is to disable the WPS feature.

I personally don't use the WPS feature at all. I use randomly-generated 63-character PSKs which I either manually enter or cut-and-paste to client devices. The fact that there is a side-channel attack which can easily circumvent this protection bothers me a bit. So, I'd like to disable the WPS feature as suggested.

However, on my Linksys routers (WRT400N and E3000), I can't see a way to do that.

When I go to the Wireless section of my routers' configuration sites, (both appear the same, in regards to this post) I see this:

enter image description here

Below that is my basic wireless radio configuration options (Network Mode, Network Name (SSID), Channel Width, Wide Channel, Standard Channel, SSID Broadcast) for each of the 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. Nothing here, aside from the Wi-Fi Protected Setup radio button, addresses anything related to security.

If I go to the Wireless Security section, I only see the options for configuring my passphrase on each band. No mention of Wi-Fi Protected Setup in there.

However, if I select the Wi-Fi Protected Setup radio button under Basic Wireless Settings, I see this:

enter image description here

Obviously, I've obscured the PIN here. Also, below this section are configuration details of the WPA2 PSKs for each radio band. The key element I'm concerned with though, is where it says "Wi-Fi Protected Setup Status: Configured". Does this mean that my router still has the WPS service active, despite the fact that I'm not using it? If so, how can I disable it on this router? Is there an option I'm missing?

NOTE: I've checked and found a firmware update for the WRT400N, but the E3000 is already running the most current version. Also, I don't see anything in the Release Notes for the WRT400N's update which seems to be addressing my issue.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Wireless Signal Strength

I have a real problem that I've been troubleshooting for a friend that has really left me clueless. My friend recently had a laptop die on him and instead of buying another laptop he had me build him a desktop. Everything was working great when I set it up at my house but once he took it home he began having trouble getting a good connection over his wireless card that I had installed for him (it worked great at my house.)

I've spent hours trying all of the obvious stuff, including:

  • Installing/trying a new wireless adapter
  • Installing/trying a new router
  • Purchasing a wireless range extender
  • Messing around with all the router settings (channels, power output, etc)

I would say he's just got it in a bad spot in his house but here's the thing: no other computer has a problem connecting to the internet at all from the exact same spot his desktop sits. All of these routers/adapters work fine with other computers but he gets a low signal strength and shoddy internet once we put it in his computer at his house (like I said it worked fine at mine)

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this problem?

EDIT - Extra info:

Router is running on mixed mode I believe (so b/g/n I think) and I'm not sure of the exact speed he gets, but it is intermittent and pretty crappy...Google would take around 5 seconds to load sometimes and >500ms ping in WoW.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What would cause a router to become very hot?

I have a Linksys E2000 router, and went to move it today. Upon touch, it was incredibly hot, and this concerned me greatly. I restarted it, and it seems to only be creating a little bit of heat now. But what would could be causing it to get up to such high temperatures? Is this simply a design flaw? Or is connecting many wireless machines to it causing too much work?

It is normally connected to one PC via Ethernet, then up to 6 wireless devices.

My firmware version is 1.0.01 build 7

Source: (StackOverflow)

Assign IP's to certian mac addresses in dd-wrt

I have a Linksys WRT54G/GL/GS that I am running DD-WRT v24-sp2 (10/10/09) vpn - build 13064 on it and for the life of me I can not find a way to assign ip's based on Mac address. Basically I have a few laptops and Windows really has no decent way to have separate profiles for each network.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is default password for linksys WRT54GL routers? How to modify it?

What is default password for this user? Is there a way to modify default password so it does not reset when it is rebooted?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does giving two bands in a simultaneous dual band wireless router the same SSID double the bandwidth for a wireless connection?

I am sharing my wifi with a Linksys E2500 router, which allows you to name each frequency (2.4 GHz, 5.0 GHz) of wireless network a different name. A user told me that if each band has a different name, it does not allow his computer to connect to both bands simultaneously to double the bandwidth for his connection. He says he can connect to either network independently when they are differently named. How can a device transmit a data stream along two separate bands simultaneously?

This Netgear webpage says that a simultaneous dual band router (e.g. the Linksys E2500 router) has "Twice the bandwidth", vs. "Same bandwidth as single band router" in a selectable dual band router. It also says, "Separate networks avoid interference" in a simultaneous dual band router, implying that the bandwidth for a given connection is not doubled by simultaneous connection to both bands.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Outgrowing Linksys WRT54G router

Looks like the WRT54G is no longer adequate for our needs. At first with only a 2-3 people on the router it was ok, but now with more people and devices it's just no longer reliable. Crashes almost every day.

What device do you guys recommend recommend for around a dozen or two people and devices that probably has more than normal bandwidth usage?

PS: I'm not looking for anything more complex in terms of configs on this device/appliance, I just want it to be able to handle more throughput without crashing so regularly.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why do my consumer WiFi routers keep failing?

Over the years, I've had many of the wifi routers used in my home fail. ? Is there any reason. Since there are no moving parts it seems odd they would fail so often. I've probably gone through four in about 8 years. I've had Linksys, DLink, and Netgear devices that stopped working.

Just this weekend, one stopped working. It is a linksys 54gs that I use as a wifi access point (turn off DHCP, don't plug anything into the WAN port). There has been no lightning recently, no power outages, no changes in the house. It has worked great for a year and a half, then this weekend wifi connections started to drop for hours at a time. Sometimes sporadically, the wifi connections would work. I have Wifi analyzer software on my phone and it showed a strong signal and did not show any other networks near the same channel. When I stood right next to the device, I could not get my phone to connect (or my Wii or my laptop). However a couple of hours later, they seemed to connect fine. Perhaps there is some interference I can't find, but nothing changed in my house and I didn't see any signals from my neighbors. I tried power cycles and resets, but no luck.

Any explanations?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Youtube breaks my internet connection

This is a really annoying problem I'm having with my connection. Every so often, it'll randomly "freeze", that is, the NIC seems to stop receiving packets. This results in things like

  • If I'm trying to browse to a website, it'll stop at "Waiting for website.com...". It does this or the equivalent in all 4 of the browsers I have: IE, Firefox, Opera & Chrome.
  • If I'm playing an online game, I seem to "lag out". That is, everything in the game freezes. One of the odd things I've noticed here is that sometimes the packets come through after a 20-30 second gap.
  • If I'm watching a youtube video ( specifically mentioned later ) the loading will just break off whenever the issue begins.

Now, for some reason, although the issue has been triggered by regular browsing, or gaming with no browser open, loading a youtube video seems to have a very high chance of triggering this problem. About 7 out of 10 videos will just break off during the loading and if I try to open any sites in new tabs it'll get stuck at "Waiting for website.com...".

The only fix I've found so far is that disconnecting and reconnecting to the wireless network fixes the problem. Sometimes I have to do this multiple times so I'm wondering whether it is, in fact, a proper fix or that the issue is just going away by itself during the time it takes to reconnect.

An even stranger thing is, while my computer cannot open any web pages, ping/nslookup still works. IM apps still work.

System info:

The computer: Windows 7 64-bit connecting via a Linksys USB adapter ( WUSB54GC ) The router: Linksys WRT54G2 v1.0

I have a CCNA cert and pretty decent knowledge of home networking but I have not been able to figure out any reason for this issue. Disabling IPv6, assigning a static IP, turning firewalls on/off, turning QoS on/off have had no effect. It cannot be wireless interference because inSSIDer still shows great reception and, after all, wireless issues would affect ALL networking and would not leave ping/nslookup untouched. I've tried switching to a different wireless adapter ( AWUS036H ) and still had the same problem. A different router also appears to have the same problem.

I would think at this point that it's the ISP, except that during the issue I cannot even open the ROUTER CONFIG PAGE at So I have come to the conclusion that this must be a local issue on this computer. Can anyone suggest any avenues of investigation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to assign a static IP with a linksys WRT54G2?

For all my googleing it appears the best you can do is tell your computer not to use DHCP; I cannot find a way to do this at the Access Point level.

EDIT: This is not for port forwarding. This is for an internal mythTV server. Right now the DHCP server on the AP is set to assign IP's from - When I set a static IP outside that range on the computer that computer is unable to connect to the Internet.

I've done this before on my old Buffalo brand AP (may it RIP) without any problems. This seems to be a WRT54G2 specific issue.

Source: (StackOverflow)