
links interview questions

Top links frequently asked interview questions

Links in Office always open in Edge (instead of default)

I've encountered an annoying issue where any links in Microsoft Office 2010 applications (Word, Excel, Outlook) installed on Windows 10 always open links in Microsoft Edge. This is despite having set Firefox or Chrome (I tested both) as the default browser.

HTML files and links from other applications open in the default browser as expected. MS Office just says nope and forces links to open in Edge.

How can I get them to use my selected default browser?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows symlink to executable - does not open by double click

On Windows 7 I created a symbolic link to an executable using:

mklink Test.exe C:\Path\to\source.exe

But when I try to run it by double clicking on it, i get the "open with" dialog.

Running it from a command window works. The path is right.

Is there any way a symbolic link will be treated like the file it points to (e.g. executable or batch scripts)?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Any way to access StackExchange from a text only browser?

I have a very slow computer and spend most of my time without a graphical environment. StackExchange doesn't let me log in using Links saying that my "request could not be completed because it looks suspicious." Is there any way to get around this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to distinguish HTML and javascript links?

Sometimes the link is not a HTML link, but only a javascript function call. But the text in html browser looks the same. Blue-ish and underlines on hover. The link.

Is there a way to distinguish these two in common browsers like Firefox or Chrome? Hovering over link to see popup is cumbersome. Can I highlight them in different color or something? Is there an addon or extension? Or greasmonkey script?

Thank you

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to find broken links in Excel that can't be broken with 'Break Links'?

I have an Excel workbook that complains about broken links every time I open it:

enter image description here

I've tried using 'Find' to search for:


as suggested in Microsoft's guide. I've also tried searching for objects as the guide suggests and turned up nothing.

How can I find this troublesome broken link?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Clickable URLs in PDF output created by Inkscape/SVG

I guess the title pretty much describes the problem.

I'm using Inkscape to write a SVG document, and convert it to PDF to share on the web (keeping SVG as original file is safer)
I have many URLs in this document. I know internal links (clickable and not necessarily showing the whole URL on screen) don't mean a lot in SVG and Bitmap images (which are usually supposed as final output document), but they are good in PDF.

Editing output PDF file and adding links is very hard, because is PDF format is complicated and nasty (unless there is a easy to use editor program).
How can add such links the easy way (preferably in Inkscape/SVG)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I link directly to a specific PART of a blog post or online article? (e.g. to a paragraph or heading)

I want to link to some really cool PART of an article, like this blog post announcing the card ageing power-up in Trello, amongst other things.

What can I use, using Google Chrome, or in any browser in general, to produce a URL that when clicked, would link directly into that header? i.e. when a user follows the link, they should see the following:

  • blog page

Source: (StackOverflow)

Convert javascript links in websites to regular HTML links?

Some websites like to use javascript links instead of regular HTML links, making it impossible to open such links in new browser tabs, for example "javascript:OpenLink(908)", instead of "site.com/links/908".

Is there a way to re-write these sites on the go, using a FireFox plug-in, or a GreaseMonkey script?


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to tell `links` to ignore expired SSL certificate and proceed?

I'm using the links browser and trying to connect to an HTTPS site. I then get:

Verification failure: certificate has expired

this is "fine" (i.e. was decided to be tolerated) for this internal-only service, and other browsers allow to dismiss the error and try again.

How can I achieve the same in links and ignore the condition, that is: create an exception about the validity of this certificate.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change shortcut links priority in Windows File Explorer?

How can I change shortcut links priority in left side of Windows File Explorer (like Favorite, Library, Computer)?

enter image description here
For example, by default Favorite link is top of all other links. So how can I change the priority of Favorite link two second one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to translate old OneNote Links so they work with OneNote 2013

I have many OneNote links in OneNote pages as well as from external documents such as mindmap files to pages in OneNote 2007. I recently converted my notebooks to the latest oneNote format so I can share in the cloud but now all of my old links do not work. Is there a any way to (1) convert the old links, or if that is not possible, (2) at least find out what the old links point to?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is Windows caching the URLs of internet shortcut files?

Let's say I have links for two searches on the web: "search 1" and "search 2" on Google. The URLs would then be:


I create internet shortcuts for both of them, and place them in the same folder.

Now, I want to create copies of them. I copy the first shortcut and name it 1.url; if I double-click on it, I get "search 1". I delete this copy and create a new copy of the "search 2" link. I rename it again to 1.url. I double-click, but I get "search 1" again.

What's causing this behavior? Does Windows cache the URLs of .url (internet shortcut) files?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I move linked Word/Excel files without breaking the links under Windows 7?

I currently operate under Windows XP and have multiple links between my Word and Excel files. I have to upgrade to Windows 7. When the .doc and .xls files are converted to .docm and .xlsm, respectively, the links no longer work. The Word document is still attempting to point back to the old .xls file rather than the new file.

Also, creating new links between Word and Excel within Office 2010 doesn't seem to work. I create the new link, switch it from "Auto" to "Manual" and everything works fine. But when I copy the files to another folder, the Word document is still trying to link to the file in the previous folder rather than the new folder. This always worked in Windows XP.

I've been using linked Word/Excel documents for 10+ years and have never really had a problem. I'm very careful to maintain Word and Excel filenames when moving the files to a new folder. The process has always been to 1.) move the files, 2.) update the links, 3.) rename the files, and 4.) update the links again.

It's my understanding that under Windows XP, links between Word and Excel are relative. But under Windows 7 (and Office 2010?), those same links become fixed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

MS Word validating links after click


When clicking (or CTRL+clicking) a link in Microsoft Word 2010 (likely affecting other versions) that requires prior authorization, I'll frequently end up being pointed to an invalid URL. Theoretically, this is an issue with both Word and the service provider's own redirect, but I believe the issue is fundamentally with Word.

I've noticed that there is a delay of 1s-2s after clicking. It appears that Word is validating the link prior to opening my default browser. This is a problem because it also appears to be following the 301/302 redirect internally prior to opening the browser and instead opens the redirected URL instead of opening the browser using the originally specified URL.


  • Lag when clicking (or CTRL+clicking) links in Microsoft word.
  • Website links which require authorization and redirect will result in opening default browser on the redirected page URL instead of the originally intended URL. If the site doesn't cleanly/transparently incorporate the return URL in the login page URL, it will effectively result in you not visiting to the intended page.
  • Servers which return a 500 or 403 error may be completely denied access, when all I want is for it to open in Chrome/Firefox/etc. This happens by presenting an error alert/dialog without ever leaving Word itself.

Example 1:

This particularly affects links which require authorization. For example, I found a URL on superuser.com that requires authorization and redirects if not authorized. The end result is you never get to the intended URL. While this is an error in superuser's redirect, the fundamental issue lives within Word.

  1. Link pasted into Word: http://superuser.com/users/preferences/
  2. In the background, processes this URL and, naturally because it or Internet Explorer is not logged in, it receives a response to visit: https://superuser.com/users/login?ssrc=user_prefs&returnurl=http%3a%2f%2fsuperuser.com%2fusers%2fpreferences%2f0
  3. Finally, since thankfully superuser.com knows I'm already logged in, it follows returnurl which unfortunately is still not valid: http://superuser.com/users/preferences/0

Example 2:

Another authorization example which demonstrates unclean redirect behavior is JIRA. This happens even if you're already authorized/logged in.

  1. Link pasted into word: https://INSTANCE.atlassian.net/browse/ISSUE-1234
  2. Word opens this URL: https://INSTANCE.atlassian.net/login?dest-url=%2Fbrowse%2ISSUE-1234&permission-violation=true
  3. Even though you're logged into JIRA, you will not be redirected to the originally intended URL so your journey ends here.


How do I disable this or is it even possible to workaround at all?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Download site with js links

I'm trying to download an entire site:


Unfortunately, instead of the standard href tag, the page uses javascript functions to generate links:

<td><div align="center" dir="rtl">69821</div></td>
<td onclick='go2("69821");' style="text-decoration:none;color:blue;cursor:pointer;word-wrap:nowrap"><div align="right" dir="rtl">  </div></td>
<td style="text-decoration:none;color:blue;cursor:pointer;word-wrap:nowrap"><div align="center" dir="ltr">1</div></td>

I've tried wget and downthemall, but they can't handle this kind of linking mechanism.

How do I download an entire site with js links instead of href tags?

Source: (StackOverflow)