
linked-list interview questions

Top linked-list frequently asked interview questions

Doubly Linked List in a Purely Functional Programming Language

How does one go about doing doubly linked lists in a pure functional language? That is, something like Haskell where you're not in a Monad so you don't have mutation. Is it possible? (Singly linked list is obviously pretty easy).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Merge Sort a Linked List

I was recently brushing up on some fundamentals and found merge sorting a linked list to be a pretty good challenge. If you have a good implementation then show it off here.

Source: (StackOverflow)


When to use HashMap over LinkedList or ArrayList and vice-versa

What is the reason why we cannot always use a HashMap, even though it is much more efficient than ArrayList or LinkedList in add,remove operations, also irrespective of the number of the elements.

I googled it and found some reasons, but there was always a workaround for using HashMap, with advantages still alive.

Source: (StackOverflow)

When to use LinkedList over ArrayList?

I've always been one to simply use:

List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>();

I use the interface as the type name for portability, so that when I ask questions such as these I can rework my code.

When should LinkedList be used over ArrayList and vice-versa?

Source: (StackOverflow)

When should I use a List vs a LinkedList

When is it better to use a List(Of T) vs a LinkedList(Of T)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to detect a loop in a linked list?

Say you have a linked list structure in Java. It's made up of Nodes:

class Node {
    Node next;
    // some user data

and each Node points to the next node, except for the last Node, which has null for next. Say there is a possibility that the list can contain a loop - i.e. the final Node, instead of having a null, has a reference to one of the nodes in the list which came before it.

What's the best way of writing

boolean hasLoop(Node first)

which would return true if the given Node is the first of a list with a loop, and false otherwise? How could you write so that it takes a constant amount of space and a reasonable amount of time?

Here's a picture of what a list with a loop looks like:

alt text

Source: (StackOverflow)

Array versus linked-list

Why would someone want to use a linked-list over an array?

Coding a linked-list is, no doubt, a bit more work than using an array and one may wonder what would justify the additional effort.

I think insertion of new elements is trivial in a linked-list but it's a major chore in an array. Are there other advantages to using a linked list to store a set of data versus storing it in an array?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Relative performance of std::vector vs. std::list vs. std::slist?

For a simple linked list in which random access to list elements is not a requirement, are there any significant advantages (performance or otherwise) to using std::list instead of std::vector? If backwards traversal is required, would it be more efficient to use std::slist and reverse() the list prior to iterating over its elements?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Check if two linked lists merge. If so, where?

This question may be old, but I couldn't think of an answer.

Say, there are two lists of different lengths, merging at a point; how do we know where the merging point is?


  1. We don't know the length
  2. We should parse each list only once.

Example of two merged linked lists.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is ArrayDeque better than LinkedList

I am trying to to understand why Java's ArrayDeque is better than Java's LinkedList as they both implement Deque interface.

I hardly see someone using ArrayDeque in their code. If someone sheds more light into how ArrayDeque is implemented, it would be helpful.

If I understand it, I will be more confident using it. I could not clearly understand the JDK implementation as to the way it manages head and tail references.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Binary Trees vs. Linked Lists vs. Hash Tables

I'm building a symbol table for a project I'm working on. I was wondering what peoples opinions are on the advantages and disadvantages of the various methods available for storing + creating a symbol table.

I've done a fair bit of searching and the most commonly recommended are binary trees or linked lists or hash tables. I was wondering what are the advantages and or disadvantages of all of the above (I can't find anything on this).

Thanks, Ben

Update: am working in c++

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why is inserting in the middle of a linked list O(1)?

According to the Wikipedia article on linked lists, inserting in the middle of a linked list is considered O(1). I would think it would be O(n). Wouldn't you need to locate the node which could be near the end of the list?

Does this analysis not account for the finding of the node operation (though it is required) and just the insertion itself?


Linked lists have several advantages over arrays. Insertion of an element at a specific point of a list is a constant-time operation, whereas insertion in an array may require moving half of the elements, or more.

The above statement is a little misleading to me. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the conclusion should be:


  • Finding the point of insertion/deletion O(1)
  • Performing the insertion/deletion O(n)

Linked Lists:

  • Finding the point of insertion/deletion O(n)
  • Performing the insertion/deletion O(1)

I think the only time you wouldn't have to find the position is if you kept some sort of pointer to it (as with the head and the tail in some cases). So we can't flatly say that linked lists always beat arrays for insert/delete options.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to determine if a linked list has a cycle using only two memory locations

Does anyone know of an algorithm to find if a linked list loops on itself using only two variables to traverse the list. Say you have a linked list of objects, it doesn't matter what type of object. I have a pointer to the head of the linked list in one variable and I am only given one other variable to traverse the list with.

So my plan is to compare pointer values to see if any pointers are the same. The list is of finite size but may be huge. I can set both variable to the head and then traverse the list with the other variable, always checking if it is equal to the other variable, but, if I do hit a loop I will never get out of it. I'm thinking it has to do with different rates of traversing the list and comparing pointer values. Any thoughts?

Source: (StackOverflow)

C struct inheritance pointer alignment


I have created a basic linked list data structure mainly for learning purposes. One goal of the list was that it can handle different data structures. Therefore, I've tried my hand at structure composition to simulate "inheritance" in C. Here are the structures that form the basis for my linked list.

typedef struct Link {
    struct Link* next;
    struct Link* prev;
} Link;

typedef Link List;

In my implementation I have chosen to have a sentinel node that serves as both the head and the tail of the list (which is why Link == List).

To make the list actually handle data, a structure simply includes the Link structure as the first member:

typedef struct {
    Link link;
    float data;
} Node;

So the linked list looks like this.

         ┌───┬───┬───┐     ┌───┬───┐     ┌───┬───┬───┐     
... <--->│ P │ N │ D │<--->│ P │ N │<--->│ P │ N │ D │<---> ... 
         └───┴───┴───┘     └───┴───┘     └───┴───┴───┘
         End Node          myList        First Node

List myList;
Node node1 = {{}, 1.024};
Node nodeN = {{}, 3.14};

list_init(&myList) // myList.next = &myList; myList.prev = &myList;
list_append(&myList, &node1);
list_append(&myList, &nodeN);


To traverse this list a Node pointer initially points to the First Node. It then traverses along the list until it points to the sentinel again then stops.

void traverse()
    Node* ptr;
    for(ptr = myList.next; ptr != &myList; ptr = ptr->link.next)
        printf("%f ", ptr->data);

My question is with the line ptr != &myList. Is there a pointer alignment problem with this line?

The for loop correctly produces the warnings: (warning: assignment from incompatible pointer type and warning: comparison of distinct pointer types lacks a cast) which can be silenced by doing what it says and casting to Node*. However, is this a DumbThingToDo™? I am never accessing ptr->data when it points to &myList as the loop terminates once ptr == &myList.


In C structs, a Base* can point to a Derived if Base is the first member in Derived. Can a Derived* point to a Base if none of Derived specific members are accessed?

EDIT: replaced relevant function calls with their equivalent inline code.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where can I see the source code of the Sun JDK?

I want to have a look at how Java implements LinkedList. Where should I go to look at the source code?

Source: (StackOverflow)