
libreoffice interview questions

Top libreoffice frequently asked interview questions

How do I export the charts in a spreadsheet as PNGs?

I made a spreadsheet and generated some graphs in Calc. I would like to grab each chart as a PNG (JPG will be fine too) and save them as an individual file so I can post the charts on my blog.

I tried dragging from Calc into the browser post box but unfortunately that didn't work.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to stop OpenOffice/LibreOffice from popping up toolbars when I click on stuff

When I import a picture or a chart into my document and click on it, LibreOffice spawns a toolbar, shifts the whole screen around for a second, and then allows me to move stuff again. It gets very annoying when you need to be constantly moving an image or a table around.

Is there anyway to tell LibreOffice to just sit tight and trust me to look for the toolbar when I actually need it?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to change the text direction in LibreOffice?

I need "right to left" text direction to write in Persian.

Source: (StackOverflow)

OpenOffice vs LibreOffice - what's the difference?

I'm considering switching from Microsoft Office (too expensive) to an open-source option.

What's the difference between OpenOffice and LibreOffice?

Source: (StackOverflow)

LibreOffice Writer: How to apply strikethrough text formatting?

Version: LibreOffice

Is it possible to apply strikethrough text formatting in LibreOffice Writer?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does any spreadsheet allow you to create your own functions?

I've always been frustrated when using spreadsheets by the inability to define my own functions when there is no existing function to (cleanly) do what I want. Does any spreadsheet offer this ability?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I combine PDFs in LibreOffice?

I'd like to be able to simply drag a pdf file into the pages explorer of a pdf that's being edited. This has no effect and dragging the file into the work area on a new page results in something like the follow:

enter image description here

I've also tried 'file>insert' and selecting the pdf which results in an error saying 'the file could not be loaded'.

How can I go about inserting a pdf as a page or set of pages in a pdf document I'm working on?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Preventing LibreOffice from using smart quotes (“ ”) instead of (dumb) straight quotes?

I use LibreOffice Calc to make lists of programs with different parameters to run on an hpc cluster. For each batch of commands I must do a find and replace on the smart quotes, as they cause errors in command line arguments. It would be nice to cut this step out of my work flow. Does anyone know how I might change the default punctuation used?

Edit: Apparently the title font transforms dumb quotes into smart quotes.

Smart quotes have a different symbol depending on if they are at the start or end (“ ”)

Dumb quotes use the same symbol for the start and the stop ( " )

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove rules from a style in OpenOffice/LibreOffice?

When creating a style in LibreOffice, you can "link" them to other rules so that they inherit the other rules styles and only modify specific properties. For example if the default style defines a font and My Style only adds an rule for italics, then changing the font of default will also change everything that is styled with My Style.

The usage of this is simple enough, as you make changes to a style it collects a list of modified properties. These properties are listed for reference in style dbx's Organizer tab:

sceenshot of modify style dbx

However, I cannot figure out how to remove them! Once a property in any of the tabs is touched, an override rule is added to the "style contains" section.

How can I change a property back to a value of "inherited" or simply remove it from the contains list? In the example above, say I want to set the value for indents so that they inherit from the linked style instead of use the 0 value shown?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to edit a read-only document in LibreOffice?

I need to fill a form (which I received in .doc format and saved as .odt). The file is read-only except for the fields where I can enter the information. Unfortunately, with the fields filled it doesn't fit on one page, and I need to edit it so I can print and submit it.

With LibreOffice beta 3, I could edit anything outside of the fields, and the fonts were slightly smaller, so it fit on the page even with the fields filled. Today I upgraded LibreOffice, and when I opened to edit a field where I had a mistake, it no longer fits on the page, and I can't edit it. When I opened the properties it says that the document is NOT read-only, but it is. When I try to delete text it tells me that I can't edit the read-only content.

Can anyone give me some advice, because I've been trying to print my form for 2 hours already.

I tried AbiWord and KWord, but both are missing elements from the page (though the forms fit). I can also edit the margins (Format -> Page is dimmed, but when I begin to edit a field it's no longer dimmed)med

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to copy drawing from LibreOffice Draw to MS Word?

What is the best way to copy a drawing (complete document) from LibreOffice Draw into an MS Word document (using MS Word) on Windows?

A "naive" copy&paste form Draw to Word gives next to useless results. The bitmap method gives too low resolution, the metafile loses other details (missing lines, text etc.)

It is similar if I export the drawing from LOD to an EPS or WMF/EMF file and then inserting that into Word: many details are lost or wrong.

I ended up exporting to high resolution PNG (300 dpi) and inserting that into Word.

There must be a better way (that preserves the vector nature of the drawing).

PS: I noticed exporting to PDF gives "perfect" results. Could that (a PDF file or part of it) be imported into Word maybe?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to configure own shortcuts for styles?

When I Ctrl+B a selected text, it will become bold. Alas, this style is directly formatted, which means it gets lost once I default via Ctrl+M. Yet whenever I reset the whole document, I only want it to lose some other direct styles, that I introduced by copying from different resources.

So I defined my own non-direct character style, "mybold", and am now wondering how to configure a keyboard shortcut to apply it onto the current marked text. As manually selecting it from the Styles and Formatting List gets very tiresome fast.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to override GTK3 / Gnome Shell themes per application

I'm using both Cinnamon and Gnome Shell (Gnome 3) on Fedora 17 with the dark theme Blapple. Quite a few applications can't handle dark themes very good.

In Gnome 2 I had a simple solution for these programs. I just instructed them to use a light theme via the environment variable GTK2_RC_FILES like the following (example worked in some 2009 Ubuntu Gnome 2 setup):

env GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Human/gtk-2.0/gtkrc ooffice --writer

Now in Gnome 3 that doesn't work. I tried it in a lot of different variations of command like the following, without success so far:

env GTK2_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-3.0/gtkrc GTK3_RC_FILES=/usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-3.0 libreoffice --writer

I can't find documentation about this anywhere. If you know how to do it or where I could get that information, please tell me.

Why override at all: In case of LibreOffice and OpenOffice trying to work around the problems seems useless. When the Blapple theme is installed, everything has a gray background. Trying to override the default background color in Calc for example makes the background white, but also overrides each and every custom background cells to be white, which is horrific. Don't let me start about how nice Impress works…

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I save my styles' modifications for eternity in LibreOffice?

Every time I modify or create a new style in Libreoffice Text Document it works great while I'm in the document. Yet, every time I go out from Libreoffice and then I go back, all my modifications and new styles are gone.

How can I save them so that I may use them as many times as I want, and in as many documents as I want?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Convert file to PDF using LibreOffice under user apache (i.e. when using PHP)

I installed libreoffice-headless and can convert documents when logged on into the shell as a normal user.

[root@desktop ~]# yum install libreoffice-headless
[root@desktop ~]# yum install libreoffice-writer
[root@desktop ~]# su NotionCommotion
sh-4.1$ /usr/bin/libreoffice --headless -convert-to pdf --outdir /tmp/ayb /tmp/ayb/document_34.doc
convert /tmp/ayb/document_34.doc -> /tmp/ayb/document_34.pdf using writer_pdf_Export

I now wish to do the same thing, but using PHP and therefore as user apache, however, the following will not convert the file.

  shell_exec('/usr/bin/libreoffice --headless -convert-to pdf --outdir /tmp/ayb /tmp/ayb/document_34.doc');

In an attempt to troubleshoot, I ran the same command through the shell as user apache, but still it will not convert the file:

[root@desktop ~]# su -s /bin/sh apache -c "/usr/bin/libreoffice --headless -convert-to pdf --outdir /tmp/ayb /tmp/ayb/document_34.doc"

Apache unlike normal users doesn't have a home, and I recall hearing I might need to specify a home using HOME=/tmp/ayb before attempting to convert, but it doesn't help (I think when using CentOS 5.8 and probably a different version of LibreOffice, it did, but am not certain).

How do I convert a file to PDF using libreoffice when running it as user apache?

Installed System:

CentOS 6.4
httpd.x86_64                    2.2.15-28.el6.centos              @updates
libreoffice-headless.x86_64     1:              @base

Source: (StackOverflow)