
launchpad interview questions

Top launchpad frequently asked interview questions

Are there Karma thresholds on Launchpad for gaining access to certain features

I'm currently reviewing bus on Launchpad and the option to Triage them is greyed out for me. Is this because my Karma is not high enough (599 at time of writing) or is it because I'm not a part of the correct team (I'm working on papercuts).

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I start my own Repository

I'm an avid developer but I never actually gotten around to setting up my own PPA - how would someone go about this? Common issues encountered? How do I get my source code to be compiled into packages on the PPA?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to apply a changelog file to packages in a PPA when building from recipe?

When my package gets build by launchpad using a recipe, it ignores the ./debian/changelog file I provide, and it generates a useless one like following:

harmonyseq (0.14~natty1) maverick; urgency=low

  * Auto build.
 -- Rafal Cieslak <rafalcieslak256@gmail.com>   Tue, 25 Jan 2011 16:56:57 +0000

It would be much better if launchpad stored the list of changes I prepared in the changelog file, rather than just putting "Auto build" there.

How do I force launchpad to use the list of changes from my changelog file, when building packages from a recipe?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to get a bug noticed

What is the best way to get a critical bug noticed by the right people, so it can be fixed ASAP?

There is a bug with GVFS which is preventing developers, like myself, from using IDE's in 10.10. We need to downgrade to 10.04 to use our IDE software. I'd call it a critical bug.

We've reported it in these bug reports:

But, so far there has been absolutely no official response that I can see. How do I get it seen quickly and fixed?

I understand patience is always a good idea, but is there anything else that can be done to these bug reports to raise attention to them?

I am happy to wait, but if there is something we can do to speed up the process, it would be good to know it :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I publish my project code online so someone can help me with it?

My local project has some code that is not working, and I'd like to show it to someone to have a look at and possibly give me a hand with it. This isn't a short snippet or a single file; there are multiple files and directories involved.

How can I best publish my code?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What kind of text formatting is valid on Launchpad?

What kind of and to what extent is formatting possible on Launchpad posts such as questions and bug reports?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I subscribe to a bug?

Sometimes people tell me to subscribe to a Launchpad bug so I can follow along it's progress, how do I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is a paper cut?

The One Hundred Paper Cuts project says it will fix 100 'paper cuts' in each release cycle. What is the definition of a paper cut?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I propose my project to be part of Debian too?

I have a new project hosted at launchpad.net. My project can be useful for both: Ubuntu and Debian. However, I can't find a documentation to start host my project at launchpad.net and get my package mirrored back to Debian.

  • How to propose my project to be part of Debian too?
  • What is the difference between a Ubuntu and a Debian?
  • Can I keep it hosted at launchpad.net but ask it to be cross-hosted (and packaged) at Debian too?

Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to prepare auto-updating PPA?

I have some source code in an SVN repo which is updated daily.

Is there a way to push this source package into a PPA that would update from the SVN trunk and build the new packages for me?

Or do I need my own mechanism for pushing new source packages for every update from trunk?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Git on Launchpad

I develop most of my code in Git repos, now that I've become slightly more active on Launchpad I've started picking up Bazaar which has two "small" difference from Git's workflow that ride against how I usually develop code. While I don't mind using Bazaar I've noticed that Launchpad has options to use multiple VSC tools

alt text

I'm curious exactly how this works with Launchpad with an emphasis on the following:

  • Is the repo mirrored as a Git repo or a Bazaar repository?
  • If it's a Bazaar repo - how are multiple branches in a Git repository mirrored on Launchpad?
  • How are updates from users pushing to the LP branch handled
    • Are the branches from Git considered Read-only or will LP attempt to push them to the Git server?
      • If so under what methods? (Git+SSH, Git Daemon, etc)
  • How often is the LP mirror updated?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What do I need to do to start working with Launchpad again on a new computer?

I have followed the directions listed at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/getting-set-up.html to get my desktop computer set up so that I could work on bug fixing during 12.04's development.

Now I am trying to get set up again on my laptop computer (different machine) so I can help contribute to Ask Ubuntu badge integration with the Ubuntu Accomplishments system. However, when I try to run the first command listed to do a bzr branch, I get the following error in my terminal:

Permission denied (publickey).
ConnectionReset reading response for 'BzrDir.open_2.1', retrying
Permission denied (publickey).
bzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.

What do I need to do to get set up and ready to work again on a new machine? Should I just follow all the steps in the first link again (even though they seem to assume it's your first time getting set up with Launchpad)? Or are there steps I should skip / do differently?

Note: I do not have access to my original desktop machine at this time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I submit a patch to a Launchpad project?

With a Git/GitHub background and knowing very little about Bazaar VCS, I would like to occasionally report a bug to projects hosted on Launchpad, and even send a patch. I'd like to do it in a "proper" way so that it's ready for merging or improvement while not getting in way.

I can't seem to find a decent simple How-to suited for my needs.

What I did so far:

  1. I have created a Launchpad account,

  2. reported the bug,

  3. installed Bazaar and setup SSH keys etc.

Now if it was GitHub, I'd

  1. fork the repo,

  2. clone the forked repo,

  3. create a sanely named branch and do the work,

  4. commit + push,

  5. create a pull request using GitHub WUI.

But it's not GitHub, and both Launchpad and Bazaar architectures seem quite different from their GitHub/Git counterparts.

So could a kind soul save me from drowning in tons of documents and compile a straightforward step path, mainly the second part? Possibly including relevant CLI commands when they are needed?

Edit: It seems that I should clarify if I'm asking specifically about Ubuntu packages (whatever it means) or Launchpad projects.

I don't really care much about distinction between Ubuntu packages and non-Ubuntu packages. Any software could be in Ubuntu today and out of it tomorrow, or vice-versa. The development is what matters much more than distribution.

So I was assuming that

  • not every single package distributed in Ubuntu is hosted on Launchpad,

  • an "official" or "default" workflow for Launchpad exists (well if all devs can agree on using Bazaar, why couldn't most of them agree on a patching workflow?),

so I'm asking about the Launchpad way, not the Ubuntu way. And I chose AU because since the intersection is vast, I guess it's pretty on topic here.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Find projects that use a particular programming language in Launchpad?

On Launchpad.net, most projects list the programming language(s) their software uses:

alt text

It would be useful if there was a way to get a list of all the projects that use "X" programming language, in my case Vala. Does Launchpad provide this functionality? Are there any 3rd party tools that can do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Ubuntu use Launchpad instead of GitHub or Bitbucket?

I've been wondering why most Ubuntu projects use Launchpad.net instead of GitHub for the Version Control and bug tracking system. Is there a specific reason as to why Ubuntu uses launchpad (and hence bzr)?

Source: (StackOverflow)