
kubuntu interview questions

Top kubuntu frequently asked interview questions

Ubuntu vs Kubuntu: The closest Windows experience

For an experienced Windows user wanting to start experimenting with Linux, which distro provides the closest Windows experience? Assuming the use cases enumerated below:

  • Web browsing
  • Working with Office 2003/2007 documents
  • File indexing (desktop search)
  • Basic Sql Server 2005 database administration
  • Media playback(MP3, M4P, WMV, WMA, dvds, etc)
  • Windows Live instant messaging
  • Skype calls/video calls
  • Organizing millions of files
  • FTP/SFTP, SSH, telnet automation

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to make emacs truly full screen on start up?

I want emacs to be truly maximized on start up.

There are solutions to the problem that just make the emacs window width of the screen. That's not enough for me. I want the emacs window to be docked to the right upper corner of the screen, so that when I press there with a mouse, I will close emacs, not Firefox or Krusader or whatever is maximized in the background.

I tried to do it with Kwin - but no luck.

P.S. I'm using Kubuntu, and emacs is quite fresh one 23.2 or something like that.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Kubuntu - Can't move/max/min windows

All of a sudden it seems when ever I open a window on my Kubuntu (9.10) system, the windows dock in the upper left corner and can't be moved. There is nor border on the windows, no min/max/close buttons in the upper right corner of the windows. I tried opening a term window but it seems I can't type in the window. Any ideas what might be causing this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I make mdadm auto-assemble RAID after each boot?

I successfully created a RAID (mirroring) by utilizing mdadm. However, I must run the following commands after each boot:

mdadm --stop --scan // to stop /dev/md127 - I don't know where the number 127 even comes from
mdadm --assemble --scan // to start /dev/md0

What am I doing wrong/why do I need to run these commands at boot? What is the right way to auto-start RAID with each (re)boot?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Dropbox causes xorg to use 100% CPU

For some time, I noticed that my xorg process uses up between 60 and 100% of the CPU (according to top). I also noticed that interactive work becomes sluggish, even on my multi-core i7 processor.

After reading several threads on xorg and CPU load, I investigated and found Dropbox to be the culprit. If I disable Dropbox (or just pause the syncing), xorg CPU usage goes down to normal (a few percent).

Any idea what's going on and what can be done about it? It is not like Dropbox is doing anything—there are very few files in the folder and all are perfectly synced already.

I am running Kubuntu 12.10 with X.org 1.13.0 and Dropbox 1.4.0.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Connecting to a hidden wireless network on Kubuntu

How can I connect to a hidden wireless network on Kubuntu? I have 9.10 64bit installed, and have the information for the network (e.g. SSID and key) because I've already connected to it on Windows.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove the Ubuntu Gnome desktop after making the switch to KDE?

This is the opposite of this question. Basically I've been using Ubuntu for a while but decided to give KDE a shot so I went through the process of getting the latest KDE installed. I'm very impressed with KDE and the Kwin window manager seems like a better WM than Compiz which is what I was using for Gnome (sure that's an oppinion).

This was an Ubuntu Jaunty install. So how do I go about removing the Gnome desktop? Is there an automated way similar to what my previous question covered?

UPDATE: Should there be any packages I should NOT remove in the process?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Kubuntu to Ubuntu

Is there a way to switch from Kubuntu to Ubuntu?

I tried to search with add /remove and on net but always get Ubuntu to Kubuntu not otherway around.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I add/modify/remove startup programs in KDE?

I am looking for application which allow me to manage the startup programs in KDE. Just like BootUp-Manager in Ubuntu (Gnome).

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to configure applet plugin for OpenJDK in Firefox on Linux?

I am using Kubuntu 10.04 with Firefox 3.6 from Mozilla's website and I use OpenJDK from the Ubuntu repsitories.

I want to know how do I configure OpenJDK with the Firefox to view Java applets in the browser.

Source: (StackOverflow)

c code compiles but is not executed in kubuntu

I'm running kubuntu 9.10 in VirtualBox, i wrote the simplest "hello world" program in C, the code compiles, i ran it through a debugger and it seems to run fine. the only problem is nothing gets actually printed to the console... any ideas ?

heres the code:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  printf("hello world");
  return 0;

i compiled it using:

gcc -c test.c -o test.o
gcc test.o -o test

i get no error messages.

Source: (StackOverflow)

run command automatically right after wake up from standby ("sleep")?

How can I run a command automatically every time my systems wakes up from standby ("sleep")? I am using Kubuntu. (still 9.10 but I'll migrate soon to 10.4)

As the window manger is locked right after wake up it would suffice if the command is executed every time after unlocking the screen.

Source: (StackOverflow)

KDE Desktop sharing auto opens every time

Every time I log into my kubuntu installation the KDE desktop sharing "invitation" window opens. I do not want this to occur. I thought closing it out, then logging out and back in would work, but it doesn't. A side problem is that Amarok autostarts as well, and I don't use amarok (I only opened it once to see what it was like before switching to a different app). How can I stop these things from opening?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Should I set my BIOS to local time or UTC?

I'm about to install a new system and just noticed that the BIOS time is set to UTC time. Should I set it to local time? What consequences does it have to leave it as is, or set it to local time?

The OS I'll be installing is Kubuntu 11.04.

Source: (StackOverflow)