

Komodo Edit is a fast and free multi-language code editor. Written in JS, Python, C++ and based on the Mozilla platform. Komodo Edit | Komodo IDE komodo edit is the free and open-source counterpart of komodo ide.

PHP Komodo getter/setter auto-generation

Does Komodo support getter/setter auto generation a la NetBeans or Eclipse? If so how do I use it? I can't seem to find it.

Source: (StackOverflow)

komodo edit 7.1 doesnt't recognize html5 tags in php mode

The title is pretty explicative! In php mode komodo edit assume html4 and raise errors when html5 tags like article, time, section are used.

This could be pretty troublesome since it could cover php errors.

Is there a way to fix this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Komodo Edit: How to refresh the directory tree status

I've tried "Refresh Status" from the context menu, but this doesn't work for me. When I have deleted or added files in the tree display directory, it doesn't display them in the directory tree until I close Komodo Edit, and restart it. This is too bad.

Is there something I'm missing? I hope someone could give me a hand.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What Komodo color scheme do you use? [closed]

I'm looking for a good color scheme for Komodo IDE.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Writing Komodo Edit extensions in Python

Has anybody got any idea how to write an extension for Komodo Edit 6 in Python?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Create a Project in Komodo Edit

I have a set of PHP, HTML, CSS files that make up a website - files that I got from a friend.

Is there a way to create a project from these existing files in Komodo Edit?

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Komodo Edit 5.2 Django Template Syntax Error - Info: previously mentioned

I am using Komodo Edit 5.2 for editing html and Django template files. It always shows a single syntax error inside the first {% block %} area on the first tag of my template.

For example:

{% extends "base.html" %}
{% load i18n %}

{% block title %}Hello{% endblock %}

{% block content %}
    <p>Hello</p> <-- Syntax error on this single line
    <p>Other lines have no errors</p>
{% endblock %}

{% block footer %}
    <p>No errors here</p>
{% endblock %}

The syntax error given is:

Info: <head> previously mentioned

I know for a fact that the error has nothing to do with my <head> tag since it occurs in the base template and in child templates (and the IDE isn't smart enough to process the base templates when in a child, etc.) All of my html tags are closed properly and everything validates for XHTML strict.

This forum post mentions a similar problem but offers no solution (and may be specific to Smarty syntax highlighting).

Any ideas on how to resolve this error (or disable it from being shown)?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Komodo Edit 8.5 tab settings

I use Komodo Edit 8.5 and I have problems with tabs. When I press tab key it jumps 8 characters instead of 4 which I use in preferences (Edit – Preferences - Indentation).

The "number of spaces per indent" is 4 and "Width of each tab character" is 4 too, so I don't understand where is the problem.

Everything appear fine (one tab is equal to 4 characters), but when I hit the tab key it jumps 8 characters. It seems it completely ignores my settings.

Do you have any solution?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does one set the tab width in komodo edit?

This is rathee simple done in emacs or nedit, but I could not find how to setup tab width in komodo edit (I use 7.1). Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Equivalent of Komodo's "show unsaved changes" in Aptana Studio?

I've been using Komodo Edit for the last few years, but am once again thinking of switching to Aptana Studio because of it's built in refactoring tools for Python.

One of the features I use all the time in Komodo Edit is "show unsaved changes". This simple feature pops up a window with a diff of the text in the current editor window vs. the saved file on disk.

There must be a way of doing this in Aptana Studio (or more to the point, there must be a way of doing this in Eclipse, since Aptana is built on top of it.)

How do I get a diff show unsaved changes?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Creating a custom language highlight in Komodo Edit 7

I have been searching around for a while, and was wondering: is there an easy way to create a new custom language in Komodo Edit 7?

To clarify what I mean, check out the easy-and-simple-to-use UDL for Notepad++

I easily created a syntax highlighter for a custom language that I use for my work/study (it's basically a cut-down subset of Java). Npp allowed me to use both a GUI and to edit the .udl easily to do this.

Is there a similar way to do this in Komodo? The only article I can find is from 2007 and relates to Komodo 4: ActiveState Community Article

Is this the only method? I don't need it to be a full blown extension and I certainly do not want to add intellisense: I just want it to highlight keywords, that's all.

Source: (StackOverflow)

can you group multiple images in a div

Example given below

 <div id="SocialMediaBadges">

    <a rel='nofollow' href="http://www.facebook.com/liftedattire">
        <img src="facebook.png"/>
    <a rel='nofollow' href="http://www.twitter.com/liftedattire">
        <img src="twitter.png"/>
    <a rel='nofollow' href="http://www.instagram.com/liftedattire">
        <img src="instagram.pdf"/>


and then have css align them up with something like this? I've tried the code but unfortunately, it didn't work. I can code them individually but this seemed a lot more efficient.

#SocialMediaBadges {

Source: (StackOverflow)

Komodo - watch variables and execute code while on pause in the program

With c# in the Visual Studio IDE I can pause at anytime a program and watch its variables, inspect whatever I want. I noticed that with the Komodo IDE when something crashes and it stops the flow of the program, I can do exactly the same. But for some reason, it seems that when I try to do the same when I manually pause the program, the same cannot be achieved. Am I doing something wrong or it just isn't possible? In the later case, could anyone care to explain me why? Is it IDE related or Python related?


edit: Other question, how can I then continue the program? From what I see, after I call code.interact(local = locals()), it behaves as the program is still running so I can't click in the "Run" button, only on "Pause" or "Close".

Source: (StackOverflow)

Komodo Edit does not support shtml code hinting?

I have searched a lot about this feature but it seems that Komodo edit does not support any shtml intellisense.

I cannot believe this as I finally found a great HTML/CSS/JavaScript/jQuery editor but no SHTML support! I thought that I have finally found a replacement for Dreamweaver but without SHTML code hinting, it is a deal breaker for me. The problem is that I work a lot with the technologies mentioned but I also work a lot with SHTML. I googled a lot but I haven't even found a post about this matter! I cannot believe how this is possible.

Do you know how to enable SHTML intellisense for Komode Edit? Is it even possible?

Many thanks

Source: (StackOverflow)

Komodo Edit - How to modify the default "Find all functions" regex

In Komodo Edit 6.1 , there is a nice feature to find and highlight all the functions (navigation->Find all functions ctrl+F8). It searches based on a Regex to find all the functions, which is this :

^[  ]*?(def\s+[^\(]+\([^\)]*?\):|class\s+[^:]*?:)

But there is a minor problem with it, if there are some blank spaces between the ")" and ":" , which technically is correct but this Regex won't match. I want to modify it to :

^[  ]*?(def\s+[^\(]+\([^\)]*?\) *:|class\s+[^:]*?:)

There is only one additional "{space}*" before first ":"

But I don't know where to find the default value for this configuration. I even tried about:config but it wasn't there too.

Thanks for your help.

Source: (StackOverflow)