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Iterate Koloboke Hashmap while modifying it

I have a large hashmap (~3M entries) and am using Koloboke LongIntMap to implement it. I need to iterate the keys in the map, but be able to modify the map along the way. Some of the modifications may be structural (adding/deleting entries).

I don't want to pay the price for synchronized implementations or copied key lists unless it's absolutely necessary. I know the iteration result will be more or less random, leaving out some keys, maybe taking other keys twice, and it is not a problem in our application.

Is there any way to achieve such map iteration? Thanks in advance for any input.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Multi Key Maps - performance comparison


Our application stores lot's of data in memory in many different kinds of maps to allow fast lookups. To keep it simple (and not considering primitive maps) it's always a map with one or more keys. Performance is a big requirement for us.


I wanted to find the most performant map implementation and as suggested here, I compared these implementations:

  1. Map of Maps (Nested Maps) based on java.util.HashMap specifically for 3 keys :

    Map<K1, Map<K2, Map<K3, V>>>
  2. Wrapper Key (Tuples as keys) in a java.util.HashMap

    Map<Triple<K1, K2, K3>, V>
  3. Tuples as keys in a net.openhft.koloboke.collect.map.hash.HashObjObjMap which according to this should be (one of) the fastest map.

    HashObjObjMap<Triple<K1, K2, K3>, V>


  1. Nested Maps will have fastest GET and slowest PUT.
  2. Koloboke hash map will be faster than jdk HashMap.


Benchmark                                                Mode  Cnt   Score   Error  Units
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchGetFromNestedMap         avgt   20  11.586 ± 0.205  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchGetFromTupleKolobokeMap  avgt   20  18.619 ± 0.113  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchGetFromTupleMap          avgt   20   8.985 ± 0.085  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchPutToNestedMap           avgt   20  15.106 ± 0.142  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchPutToTupleKolobokeMap    avgt   20  22.533 ± 0.335  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchPutToTupleMap            avgt   20   8.884 ± 0.084  ns/op


@Warmup(iterations = 10)
@Measurement(iterations = 20)
public class TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark {

public static final int N = 10000;

static ObjObjObjObjHashMap<String, String, String, Integer> sourceNestedMap = new ObjObjObjObjHashMap<>();
static Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> sourceTupleMap = new HashMap<>();
static HashObjObjMap<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> sourceTupleKMap = HashObjObjMaps.newMutableMap();

static {
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        sourceNestedMap.put("a-" + i, "b-" + i, "c-" + i, i);
        sourceTupleMap.put(ImmutableTriple.of("a-" + i, "b-" + i, "c-" + i), i);
        sourceTupleKMap.put(ImmutableTriple.of("a-" + i, "b-" + i, "c-" + i), i);

public List<Integer> benchGetFromNestedMap() {
    return benchmarkGet(sourceNestedMap::get);

public List<Integer> benchGetFromTupleMap() {
    return benchmarkGet(((key1, key2, key3) -> sourceTupleMap.get(ImmutableTriple.of(key1, key2, key3))));

public List<Integer> benchGetFromTupleKolobokeMap() {
    return benchmarkGet(((key1, key2, key3) -> sourceTupleKMap.get(ImmutableTriple.of(key1, key2, key3))));

public ObjObjObjObjHashMap<String, String, String, Integer> benchPutToNestedMap() {
    ObjObjObjObjHashMap<String, String, String, Integer> map = new ObjObjObjObjHashMap<>();


    return map;

public Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> benchPutToTupleMap() {
    Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();

    benchmarkPut((key1, key2, key3, value) -> map.put(ImmutableTriple.of(key1, key2, key3), value));

    return map;

public Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> benchPutToTupleKolobokeMap() {
    HashObjObjMap<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> map = HashObjObjMaps.newMutableMap();

    benchmarkPut((key1, key2, key3, value) -> map.put(ImmutableTriple.of(key1, key2, key3), value));

    return map;

private List<Integer> benchmarkGet(MapValueSupplier<Integer> mapValueSupplier) {
    List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(N);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        result.add(mapValueSupplier.supply("a-" + i, "b-" + i, "c-" + i));

    return result;

private void benchmarkPut(PutValueFunction<Integer> putValueFunction) {
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        putValueFunction.apply("a-" + i, "b-" + i, "c-" + i, i);

private interface MapValueSupplier<T> {

    T supply(String key1, String key2, String key3);

private interface PutValueFunction<T> {

    void apply(String key1, String key2, String key3, T value);

Note: please, don't suggest to use primitive maps. The Integer as (value) is just an example of a cheap object.


  1. why is the koloboke map 2.5 times slower that jdk map?
  2. why are not nested maps faster? (I would expect that the allocation overhead for the tuple key object will be bigger.)
  3. Or is my benchmark wrong? Then, how can I improve that?


Based on the good advices from @leventov, I changed the Benchmark and tried also the Triple implementation which caches the hashcode (and has a better distribution) - tests are named as Tuple2.

@Warmup(iterations = 5)
@Measurement(iterations = 20)
public class TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark {

static final int N = 30;
static final int TOTAL_OPS = N * N * N;

private ObjObjObjObjHashMap<String, String, String, Integer> sourceNestedMap;
private Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> sourceTupleMap;
private HashObjObjMap<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> sourceTupleKMap;
private Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> sourceTuple2Map;
private HashObjObjMap<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> sourceTuple2KMap;
private String[] keys;

public void init() {
    sourceNestedMap = new ObjObjObjObjHashMap<>();
    sourceTupleMap = new HashMap<>(TOTAL_OPS);
    sourceTupleKMap = HashObjObjMaps.newMutableMap(TOTAL_OPS);
    sourceTuple2Map = new HashMap<>(TOTAL_OPS);
    sourceTuple2KMap = HashObjObjMaps.newMutableMap(TOTAL_OPS);
    keys = new String[N];
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        keys[i] = "k" + i;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
                sourceNestedMap.put(keys[i], keys[j], keys[k], i);
                sourceTupleMap.put(ImmutableTriple.of(keys[i], keys[j], keys[k]), i); 
                sourceTupleKMap.put(ImmutableTriple.of(keys[i], keys[j], keys[k]), i); 
                sourceTuple2Map.put(ImmutableTriple2.of(keys[i], keys[j], keys[k]), i);
                sourceTuple2KMap.put(ImmutableTriple2.of(keys[i], keys[j], keys[k]), i);

public List<Integer> benchGetFromNestedMap() {
    return benchmarkGet(sourceNestedMap::get);

public List<Integer> benchGetFromTupleMap() {
    return benchmarkGet(((key1, key2, key3) -> sourceTupleMap.get(ImmutableTriple.of(key1, key2, key3))));

public List<Integer> benchGetFromTupleKolobokeMap() {
    return benchmarkGet(((key1, key2, key3) -> sourceTupleKMap.get(ImmutableTriple.of(key1, key2, key3))));

public List<Integer> benchGetFromTuple2Map() {
    return benchmarkGet(((key1, key2, key3) -> sourceTuple2Map.get(ImmutableTriple2.of(key1, key2, key3))));

public List<Integer> benchGetFromTuple2KolobokeMap() {
    return benchmarkGet(((key1, key2, key3) -> sourceTuple2KMap.get(ImmutableTriple2.of(key1, key2, key3))));

public ObjObjObjObjHashMap<String, String, String, Integer> benchPutToNestedMap() {
    ObjObjObjObjHashMap<String, String, String, Integer> map = new ObjObjObjObjHashMap<>();
    return map;

public Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> benchPutToTupleMap() {
    Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
    benchmarkPut((key1, key2, key3, value) -> map.put(ImmutableTriple.of(key1, key2, key3), value));
    return map;

public Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> benchPutToTupleKolobokeMap() {
    HashObjObjMap<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> map = HashObjObjMaps.newMutableMap();
    benchmarkPut((key1, key2, key3, value) -> map.put(ImmutableTriple.of(key1, key2, key3), value));
    return map;

public Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> benchPutToTuple2Map() {
    Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> map = new HashMap<>();
    benchmarkPut((key1, key2, key3, value) -> map.put(ImmutableTriple2.of(key1, key2, key3), value));
    return map;

public Map<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> benchPutToTuple2KolobokeMap() {
    HashObjObjMap<Triple<String, String, String>, Integer> map = HashObjObjMaps.newMutableMap();
    benchmarkPut((key1, key2, key3, value) -> map.put(ImmutableTriple2.of(key1, key2, key3), value));
    return map;

private List<Integer> benchmarkGet(MapValueSupplier<Integer> mapValueSupplier) {
    List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<>(TOTAL_OPS);
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
                Integer value = mapValueSupplier.supply(keys[i], keys[j], keys[k]);
    return result;

private void benchmarkPut(PutValueFunction<Integer> putValueFunction) {
    Integer value = 1;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        for (int j = 0; j < N; j++) {
            for (int k = 0; k < N; k++) {
                putValueFunction.apply(keys[i], keys[j], keys[k], value);

private interface MapValueSupplier<T> {

    T supply(String key1, String key2, String key3);

private interface PutValueFunction<T> {

    void apply(String key1, String key2, String key3, T value);

and the results are this:

Benchmark                                                 Mode  Cnt      Score      Error  Units
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchGetFromNestedMap          avgt   20     24.524 ±    0.144  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchGetFromTuple2KolobokeMap  avgt   20     65.604 ±    1.135  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchGetFromTuple2Map          avgt   20     22.653 ±    0.745  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchGetFromTupleKolobokeMap   avgt   20  34824.901 ± 1718.183  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchGetFromTupleMap           avgt   20   2565.835 ±   57.402  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchPutToNestedMap            avgt   20     43.160 ±    0.340  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchPutToTuple2KolobokeMap    avgt   20    237.300 ±    3.362  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchPutToTuple2Map            avgt   20     40.952 ±    0.535  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchPutToTupleKolobokeMap     avgt   20  52315.769 ±  399.769  ns/op
TupleVsNestedMapsBenchmark.benchPutToTupleMap             avgt   20   3205.538 ±   44.306  ns/op


  • The "tuple" approach can get very slow if the hash code function of the key class is not cached and/or well distributed, especially for koloboke.
  • And as concluded also here (in this (Obj-Obj) case), java.util.HashMap is "extremly" fast.

Source: (StackOverflow)
