
kde interview questions

Top kde frequently asked interview questions

How to disable top left hotspot corner in KDE?

I'm using KDE 4.7 (from the testing repo) on Arch Linux 3.0-ARCH. It's very annoying that when I move my mouse to the top left, thumbnails of my windows appear.

This is especially annoying with Firefox, I made it borderless so I can click on the tabs easily, I just have to move my mouse to the top.

Can anyone help me how to disable that hotspot?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Window Manager vs. Desktop Environment vs. Window System? What's the difference?

I'm confused as to what these terms actually mean AND as to what they do/how they contribute to the system as a whole. In particular, back when I was running Ubuntu, there were several keywords like:


What exactly is the difference between all of these? Which can be changed? Do the same things apply when we're talking about KDE or LXDE?

EDIT: Also, do things like Compiz work in every window manager/window system/desktop environment?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Disable KDE sounds in GNOME Ubuntu

I use kate (a KDE text editor) under GNOME in Ubuntu. Since Natty upgrade, it plays miscellaneous sounds on error and other notifications.

I disabled sound notifications in GNOME, but kate sounds are still played. Kate itself doesn't seem to have any sound configuration, and I can't find any KDE configuration tool in the system menus.

How can I disable KDE notification sounds in a GNOME Ubuntu?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a DBus command to toggle auto-hide on a KDE Plasma panel?

Is there a DBus command (or some other way from the command line) to toggle auto-hide on a panel in KDE Plasma? (I'm running KDE 4.6.)

I have a game I run in WINE that doesn't work right if it's autohidden and it would be nice to run it from a script that takes care of that for me.

Source: (StackOverflow)

KDE plasma 5: no taskbar and can't right click desktop

No idea how this happened. plasmashell was crashing after consuming 6gb memory and I'd tried removing ~/.cache. Shortly after all plasmashell would do is start my desktop background with a wallpaper but wouldn't give me any taskbar and I couldn't bring up a menu by right clicking the desktop.

Restarting it or rebooting the whole machine didn't help.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What are the differences between Linux Window Managers?

See the title - are there any show-stopping differences between GNOME and KDE, at this point? Is it just a matter of preference? I know some applications run 'better' one or the other, but besides that, are they each geared towards something specific?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to remove the Ubuntu Gnome desktop after making the switch to KDE?

This is the opposite of this question. Basically I've been using Ubuntu for a while but decided to give KDE a shot so I went through the process of getting the latest KDE installed. I'm very impressed with KDE and the Kwin window manager seems like a better WM than Compiz which is what I was using for Gnome (sure that's an oppinion).

This was an Ubuntu Jaunty install. So how do I go about removing the Gnome desktop? Is there an automated way similar to what my previous question covered?

UPDATE: Should there be any packages I should NOT remove in the process?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I restart the plasma shell in KDE5?

I want to restart my plasma desktop/shell without rebooting my machine and was looking for a way to do so. Is there some konsole command or something that would do just that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I remove KDE from Ubuntu if I decide not to stick with it?

I installed kubuntu-kde4-desktop package on my Ubuntu 9.04 install to give KDE a fair shake since I've always wanted to try it. I'm not done with it yet, but if I decide I want to go back to my tried and true favorite Gnome setup how do I go about removing the KDE stuff easily without having to track down all the components in Synaptic?

I understand that kubuntu-kde4-desktop is a meta-package that works as a pointer to all the packages needed for the full KDE desktop experience, and as such I think I've seen that you can't simply do this:

$ sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-kde4-desktop

How do I remove the stuff if I decide not to use it in a simple one command way?

UPDATE: I've added the opposite of this question here.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to write to KDE's OSD or notification from console?

How can I write, from a bash script, to KDE's OSD or notification area? I am using KDE 4.5, and basically what I want is my script to report some stuff when it is run. Since I run the script by a shortcut, I have no console output, but I would like to write to OSD on notification area.

I know about, and use, "osd_cat" but that just puts some ugly text on the screen.


Source: (StackOverflow)

sudo access for desktop actions in Gnome/KDE?

I feel kinda silly asking this question. I'm using CentOS 5.4 and KDE. I downloaded an archive and I want to drag/drop the contents into a folder that I need root access to write to.

I can obviously go into terminal and sudo blah blah. But how do I get sudo access for desktop procedures? Like for simple dragging and dropping of files? KDE just tells me that I don't have permission to do that, but doesn't give me the option of entering the root password or sudo.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Implications of running KDE application in Gnome

I run Ubuntu 9.04 with the Gnome environment by default. Recently I've started playing around with Kdenlive, a KDE application. I've noticed a number of graphical glitches in it and am wondering how many of those glitches may be due to running a KDE app in a Gnome environment.

Are there any implications to running a KDE app in a Gnome environment, or vice-versa? I'm interested in reliability in particular, but also things like any significant performance concerns or what-have-you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I disable the SuSE screensaver?

Running SuSE 11.1 w/ KDE 4. Screensaver keeps blanking out my screen on me and I can't find a setting to turn it off. A secondary issue is that it also eventually locks my screen on me if screen is blanked for awhile. Would like to make it stop doing that too! Hard to use it as a monitoring/display session if it keeps blanking out my screen!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I check whether I am using KDE or Gnome?

or maybe something else?

I am using Redhat OS.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to type unicode characters in KDE?

This answer has tips on how to do it on Gnome or Vim, but these don't work on KDE. This bug shows that KDE don't support the ISO notation with Ctrl+Shift plus the character's hex code. Is there any other way I can do this with a keyboard (that is, without copying and pasting)?

Source: (StackOverflow)