
juju interview questions

Top juju frequently asked interview questions

What is the difference between vagrant and juju?

Are they both solving the same problem? Or are they for two different sets of problems? If so for what i it better to use vagrant, and for what better to use juju?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the difference between Juju and Puppet/Chef?

Have tried asking 3rd party about key differences between Juju and Puppet/Chef. 3rd parties are not too familiar with Juju and could not say. They simply stated the others have a lot of momentum, and it would be hard to overcome their lead.

Would those closest to Juju be willing to highlight the advantages of this software, and why it will overtake Puppet/Chef in the config management arena?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I configure juju for local usage?

I'm too cheap to pay for EC2, and I don't have enough servers to set up my own openstack, how do I configure juju to use Linux Containers (LXC) on something like my laptop?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is Juju? What is a Juju Charm?

What is a Juju Charm? What is it used for?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to configure MAAS to be able to boot virtual machines

I am running a virtual (kvm) MAAS/juju setup where most of the MAAS nodes (including MAAS master) are virtual, but some are also physical nodes. The physical Dell 1950 nodes configures automatically for boot in MAAS, so when i deploy via Juju they power on automatically. My problem lies in trying to set up boot for virtual systems. I see the posibility in the MAAS for power type. I can choose virsh. But i need to fill in information i do not know. What should i fill in for Driver and Power ID?

Anyone has experience with that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where does Juju store a log of all commands run and their output for each unit?

Sometimes when deploying a service (and more specifically a new unit) for a Juju charm, an error occurs and there seems to be no way of finding out exactly what it was.

Is there some sort of output log of all commands the unit ran?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I deploy a specific revision of a charm?

I am trying to deploy a charm, mongodb with the following:

juju deploy mongodb

but the newest revision introduced a bug, or for some other reason I want to deploy an older version of the charm, how can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I configure Juju for deployment on Rackspace Cloud?

I'd like to use Juju to deploy to Rackspace Cloud, how can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Howto configure MAAS to separate PXE traffic and IPMI traffic on different subnets?

I am trying to set up a part of our network as a linux cluster. Since its a little educational for me, I choose using MAAS with JuJu. However there are some questions that boggle my mind and I was hoping that someone could clarify that for me.

The linux cluster I'm about to set up consists of 10 machines. Half of it Dell and the other HP. Both types of machines have a lights-out module (HP=>iLO2, Dell=>DRAC) that support IPMI on a seperate 100Mb NIC. They both support PXE on the first onboard gigabit NIC. I configured the lights out module with a static IP matching the physical layout of the racks and position height. Installing MAAS however didn't ask me on what subnet and vlan the IPMI protocol should be configured. How do I do this?

Also I want only the region controller to be able to contact the internet for package management. The other provisioned nodes should only be allowed to connect to the internet via a proxy on the region controller. So the region controller in my case should be configured with 3 subnets; 1 for internet, 1 for client protocol connectivity and 1 for cluster traffic. The region controller itself should also be a node for JuJu.

Then at last there is the node configuration that should have a sort of basic layout that can be used within JuJu. As far as I could see there is no possibility to set up cluster subnet configuration. Each machine has at least 4 NIC's that I like to assign the different subnets to; 1 for the IPMI traffic, 1 for the PXE boot traffic, 1 for the cluster traffic and 1 for the storage/client network. What I like to do is to bond all these interfaces together as one big trunk and then use VLAN's to separate the traffic before provisioning. Then when provisioning a node, MAAS should automagically configure the network interfaces as the layout suggests above.

Maybe what I'm looking for is a advanced configuration tutorial/guide for MAAS and JuJu.

Regards, Joham

Source: (StackOverflow)

Agent-state pending in Juju node...NULL public-address associated? [closed]

MaaS/Juju does not unfortunately manage the attribution of resolving the IP address. In fact, once adding a new node, it seems that the agent-state is still pending forever, and of course for the other nodes:

    agent-state: not-started
    dns-name: MaaS03
    instance-id: /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-3550ded6-8be1-11e2-bfa6-0050561dd02a/
    instance-state: unknown
    agent-state: not-started
    dns-name: MaaS04
    instance-id: /MAAS/api/1.0/nodes/node-bee399c6-8c7d-11e2-aea1-0050561dd02a/
    instance-state: unknown
    charm: local:precise/ceph-91
      - ceph
        agent-state: pending
        machine: 6
        public-address: null
    charm: local:precise/glance-79
    relations: {}
        agent-state: pending
        machine: 7
        public-address: null

We can notice that the public-address is always null(???). After disabling the firewall, destroying the env and restarting from scratch, it still isn't resolved.

We have no idea about how it delivers this public-address!? That's a lot of problems with Juju found. It seems quite complicated to see what's wrong.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I run Juju on a local server?

I'd like to use juju on my server at home to get to know juju and play with it. I have multiple computers and would like to access what's on the server from any of them. When I went through the tutorial it setup juju okay, but only exposed the services to the local machine. I want to expose them to the whole network. How can I do this?

Note: my server already exists and is running 12.04, I don't want to reinstall it using maas just to get juju working. I also don't want to run this "in the cloud" on ec2 or any other provider because I want to try this out on my own machine under my control on my network.


  • No firewall
  • No blocking, all ports open
  • Yes. All computers on the LAN ( can see the server (homeserver.local) on
  • Pretty standard wired and wifi with one DHCP server dishing out IP addresses in the above range
  • Setup correctly (just started again from scratch) and followed tutorial Luis directed me to, here's the results:- http://paste.ubuntu.com/5714640/
  • juju status showed above.

So, all running okay, but the main issue is that the containers have IP addresses locally assigned on the server, which are only accessible on the server itself. While I could go around setting up ssh port forwarding all over the place to access the 10.x IP addresses from the range, this seems overcomplicated and unnecessary. I'd like the containers exposed over my LAN.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to set environment variable before running script inside hooks/install?

I am create a simple charm to get my symfony2 webapp from git and deploy it on ec2.

After getting the source from git, I want to run composer to resolve dependencies but I keep getting this error:

INFO juju context.go:221 worker/uniter: HOOK   The HOME or COMPOSER_HOME environment variable must be set for composer to run correctly

I am running composer using below command inside my hooks/install script

juju-log "Running composer"
/usr/bin/php composer.phar install

I also tried

juju-log "Running composer"
COMPOSER_HOME=${app_dir};/bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/php composer.phar install"

How can I set HOME or COMPOSER_HOME so that this command can be executed?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Architecture diagram explaining the Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure with MAAS / Openstack architecture?

I'm interested in Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure with MAAS (based on Openstack from what I understand) but cannot find any architecture diagram which gives an overview of how MAAS works.

The case is Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure with MAAS.

It requires at least 10 nodes (as described in Installing Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure) and this "10 MAAS nodes architecture" would typically be a perfect candidate for an architecture diagram!

Wouldn't it be an easy/reality-based way to understand how MAAS works and what it offers?

Looking for docs, I stumbled upon a technical and up-to-date documentation with architecture diagrams(!): Revisiting OpenStack Architecture: Essex Edition

Could we imagine that an architecture diagram and/or description could be provided to easily understand how a minimal 10 nodes Ubuntu Cloud Infrastructure with MAAS installation works?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I get started with Juju?

I want to mess with Ubuntu Juju, how do I get started?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I configure multiple deployment environments for juju? [closed]

I want to be able to deploy charms both locally and to EC2. What's an example environments.yaml that has both entries?

And how can I switch between them so I can just deploy to EC2 and/or LXC?

Source: (StackOverflow)