

A free Open Source CDN for webmasters and developers jsDelivr - Free open source CDN for javascript libraries, jQuery plugins, CSS frameworks, Fonts and more a free cdn for javascript and jquery plugins

Fixing jsDelivr "multiple files" approach that breaks CSS' image URI's

jsDelivr ( http://jsdelivr.com ) has Multiple File mode:

Problem is, libraries with CSS such as Gritter and Font Awesome use images in their interface components.

This leads to 404 errors when doing something like this:


enter image description here

How can we use multiple libraries off the one CDN pageload, but change the paths CSS files reference to use the appropriate jsDeliver.net URI?

Is this a job for post-processing CSS in-browser, by jQuery or pure JavaScript, or is one forever doomed to one CDN pageload per CSS file referencing images, plus one remaining pageload for the CDN served CSS without image references?

Source: (StackOverflow)