
jframe interview questions

Top jframe frequently asked interview questions

Java/Swing: Obtain Window/JFrame from inside a JPanel

How can I get the JFrame in which a JPanel is living?

My current solution is to ask the panel for it's parent (and so on) until I find a Window:

Container parent = this; // this is a JPanel
do {
    parent = parent.getParent();
} while (!(parent instanceof Window) && parent != null);
if (parent != null) {
    // found a parent Window

Is there a more elegant way, a method in the Standard Library may be?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Do something when the close button is clicked on a JFrame

Is there a way to somehow 'do something' when I click the red close button on the title bar of a JFrame? What I want to do is to call a method called confirmExit() when said button is clicked. So far, the only option I have is to have it do nothing, but I don't want that. How do I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance.

Source: (StackOverflow)


JFrame Exit on close Java

I don't get how can I employ this code:


to close the program with the x button.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Java - How to create a custom dialog box?

I have a button on a JFrame that when clicked I want a dialog box to popup with multiple text areas for user input. I have been looking all around to try to figure out how to do this but I keep on getting more confused. Can anyone help?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is this the only way to teach a Java Frame something about the Aero Snap feature of Windows?

If I minimize a JFrame which was Aero-snapped to the left of the screen by clicking on the minimize-button of the Windows WindowDecoration and unminimize it by Alt-Tabbing or clicking it in the Windows TaskBar, the frame gets restored correctly snapped to the left. Good!

But if I minimize the frame by

setExtendedState( getExtendedState() | Frame.ICONIFIED );

and look at the preview by hovering over the Windows TaskBar, it shows the frame a wrong position. After unminimizing it by Alt-Tabbing or clicking it in the Windows TaskBar, the frame gets restored at this wrong position and size. The frame-bounds are the "unsnapped" values, which Windows normally remembers to restore if you drag the frame away from the ScreenBorder.

A screen recording of the Bug:

enter image description here

My conclusion is, that Java does not know about AeroSnap and delivers the wrong bounds to Windows. (For example Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().isFrameStateSupported( Frame.MAXIMIZED_VERT ) ); returns false.)

This is my fix for the bug:

import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.FlowLayout;
import java.awt.Frame;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities;

 * Fix for the "Frame does not know the AeroSnap feature of Windows"-Bug.
 * @author bobndrew 20160106
public class SwingFrameStateWindowsAeroSnapBug extends JFrame
  Point     location = null;
  Dimension size     = null;

  public SwingFrameStateWindowsAeroSnapBug( final String title )
    super( title );

  private void initUI()
    setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
    setLayout( new FlowLayout() );
    final JButton minimize = new JButton( "Minimize" );
    final JButton maximize = new JButton( "Maximize" );
    final JButton normal = new JButton( "Normal" );
    add( normal );
    add( minimize );
    add( maximize );
    setSize( 200, 200 );

    final ActionListener listener = actionEvent ->
      if ( actionEvent.getSource() == normal )
        setExtendedState( Frame.NORMAL );
      else if ( actionEvent.getSource() == minimize )
        //Size and Location have to be saved here, before the minimizing of an AeroSnapped WindowsWindow leads to wrong values:
        location = getLocation();
        size = getSize();
        System.out.println( "saving location (before iconify) " + size + " and " + location );

        setExtendedState( getExtendedState() | Frame.ICONIFIED );//used "getExtendedState() |" to preserve the MAXIMIZED_BOTH state

        //does not fix the bug; needs a Window-Drag after DeMinimzing before the size is applied:
        //          setSize( size );
        //          setLocation( location );
      else if ( actionEvent.getSource() == maximize )
        setExtendedState( getExtendedState() | Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH );

    minimize.addActionListener( listener );
    maximize.addActionListener( listener );
    normal.addActionListener( listener );

    addWindowStateListener( windowEvent ->
      System.out.println( "oldState=" + windowEvent.getOldState() + "  newState=" + windowEvent.getNewState() );

      if ( size != null && location != null )
        if ( windowEvent.getOldState() == Frame.ICONIFIED )
          System.out.println( "Fixing (possibly) wrong size and location on de-iconifying to " + size + " and " + location + "\n" );
          setSize( size );
          setLocation( location );

          //Size and Location should only be applied once. Set NULL to avoid a wrong DeMinimizing of a following Windows-Decoration-Button-Minimize!
          size = null;
          location = null;
        else if ( windowEvent.getOldState() == (Frame.ICONIFIED | Frame.MAXIMIZED_BOTH) )
          System.out.println( "Set size and location to NULL (old values: " + size + " and " + location + ")" );
          //Size and Location does not have to be applied, Java can handle the MAXIMIZED_BOTH state. Set NULL to avoid a wrong DeMinimizing of a following Windows-Decoration-Button-Minimize!
          size = null;
          location = null;

    } );

  public static void main( final String[] args )
    SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable()
      public void run()
        new SwingFrameStateWindowsAeroSnapBug( "AeroSnap and the Frame State" ).setVisible( true );
    } );

This seems to work for all situations under Windows7, but it feels like too much messing around with the window-management. And I avoided to test this under Linux or MacOS for some reason ;-)

Is there a better way to let AeroSnap and Java Frames work together?


I've filed a bug at Oracle: http://bugs.java.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=8147840

Source: (StackOverflow)

Show JFrame in a specific screen in dual monitor configuration

I have a dual monitor config and I want to run my GUI in a specific monitor if it is found. I tried to create my JFrame window passing a GraphicConfiguration object of my screen device, but it doesn't work, frame still display on the main screen.

How can I set the screen where my frame must be displayed?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Close one JFrame without closing another?

I want to display two (or more) JFrames at the same time.
When I close one of them (use the default close button), the other frames should still be visible.

How can I do that?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the difference between a JFrame and a JDialog?

What is the difference between a JFrame and a JDialog?

Why can't we use setDefaultCloseOperation(JDialog.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); for a JDialog?

Source: (StackOverflow)

JPanel vs JFrame in Java

I am learning Java gui. The way I learned to create a windows is to inherit or Extend JFrame class and I good to as JFrame contains all the properties of a Window. Now If I want to add something to this window, I need to use add() method. But Today I came across JPanel which also creates a windows and we can add stuff by jpanelObjec.add().

What is the difference between the two methods? Are they somehow related?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to maximize a JFrame through code?

How to maximize a JFrame through code?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make a JFrame Modal in Swing java

I have created one GUI in which I have used a JFrame. How should I make it Modal?

Source: (StackOverflow)

The Use of Multiple JFrames, Good/Bad Practice? [closed]

I'm developing an application which displays images, and plays sounds from a database. I'm trying to decide, whether to use a separate JFrame to add Images to the Database from the GUI. I'm just wondering whether it is good practice to use multiple JFrames?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to programmatically close a JFrame

What's the correct way to get a JFrame to close, the same as if the user had hit the [x] button, or pressed Alt+F4 (on windows)?

I have my default close operation set the way I want, via


and it does exactly what I want, with the aforementioned controls. This question isn't about that.

What I really want to do is cause the gui to behave in the same way as a press of [x] would cause it to behave.

I.e., supposing I were to extend WindowAdaptor, and then add an instance of my adaptor as a listener via addWindowListener(); I would like to see the same sequence of calls through windowDeactivated() windowClosing() windowClosed() as would occur with the [x]. Not so much tearing up the window as telling it to tear itself up, so to speak.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to set JFrame to appear centered, regardless of monitor resolution?

While working with Java, I find it hard to position my main window in the center of the screen when I start the application.

Is there any way I can do that? It doesn't have to be vertically centered, horizontal alignment is the more important goal for me. But vertical alignment is also welcome.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Difference between JPanel, JFrame, JComponent, and JApplet

im making a physics simulator for fun and i was looking up graphics tutorials when i tried to figure out the difference between all these J's. could somebody elaborate on them or perhaps provide a link to a helpful source?

Source: (StackOverflow)