
itunes interview questions

Top itunes frequently asked interview questions

Computer volume drops when USB deviced plugged in

This is really an odd issue. When I close the laptop (I use it on a docking station; it doesn't leave the docking station when this issue occurs) or when I open iTunes, the volume output on the machine drops.

Not the Windows volume bar itself. That stays the same. But the volume output by a program (like Winamp, but its happened with games too, so it's not app specific) drops. Not the volume control on those apps, but the output volume drops.

A quick restart of the quiet app fixes the issue. But it happens every time I close the laptop or open iTunes.

This is very odd, and I'm stumped. Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change iPhone backup location on Windows?

iTunes creates quite a big backup directory on my C: drive whenever I back up my iPhone.

Is there a way to tell iTunes to back up the iPhone data to another location?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Get RSS feed from iTunes podcast links

I'm using Gnome's Rhythmbox to listen to Podcasts. Some Podcasts don't provide an rss feed for downloading the episodes but only a itms:// link for iTunes.

Now I'd like to download them via a "normal" RSS reader/podfetcher.
How can I accomplish this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

iTunes alternative for Windows with good podcast management? [closed]

Since iTunes is so dog-slow on Windows, I'm looking for a good alternative that manages podcasts well. Bonus for syncing play counts, ratings, etc.

Edit: I'm not looking for a podcast-only app, I'm looking for a music manager that does well with podcasts.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I stop Apple Software Updater from trying to install iTunes? (Windows)

Whenever there's a Safari or a Quicktime update the Apple Software Updater pops up asking if want to update. This is fine, however it also auto-checks a box that says 'Install Quicktime + iTunes' that I have to uncheck. I know this is only a minor annoyance but it's happened so often that it really bugs me. Is there a way to say "I don't ever want iTunes" and therefore save me tens of man seconds a year?

This is for a Windows machine.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to keep iTunes libraries in sync?

I have a couple of PCs and a Mac that I have my music libraries on them. Occasionally, I add files, edit artworks and ID3 tags on one of them. I want to keep them synchronized on all of my computer. Any organizational change I make (e.g. update album name, which will reorganize the folder structure) should automatically propagate to others.

What's the best way to do that? Please suggest a free (as in beer) solution (bonus points if it's free as in speech). Better yet, one that doesn't require third party software.

Note that sharing iTunes libraries is not a solution for me as I want to have all my files when I take only one of them and go out.

The issue is resolved with the advent of iTunes 9.0.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Throttle network bandwidth per application in Mac OS X

I notice that iTunes seems to suck up all my bandwidth and doesn’t play nice with other applications that use the web when it's downloading. In fact, it doesn't even give itself enough bandwidth when browsing the iTunes Store while downloading large or many files (podcasts, TV shows, large apps, etc).

I'm not concerned with getting all my downloads as soon as possible, they're really low priority, and I'd rather not have to do this while I'm awake, but I can't hit the refresh button if I'm in bed and forgot it already.

Is there an application or tool via the Terminal to limit the download bandwidth that iTunes gets without also hindering web browsers or other applications?

FOSS/GPL software is preferable, but pay software might be acceptable too.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Share single iTunes library across multiple computers

I have a large (> 2TB) iTunes library of music and videos that I keep on a Drobo connected to an Airport Extreme base station so that I can access it wirelessly from my MacBook. This works great for just me, but with my soon-to-be wife about to move in with her own iTunes library and MacBook, I would like to consolidate our libraries and continue to keep it on the Drobo, since it keeps everything (more-or-less) safely backed up. I would like my wife and I to be able to share the same iTunes library.

I've already looked at this question, and I've already looked at Dropbox and myTuneSync. I love Dropbox for lots of things, but obviously it's no good for a very large library (could I use it just to sync our iTunes.xml files? Would this work?). myTuneSync seems like a great solution for some people, but as I understand it, instead of consolidating our multiple iTunes libraries into a single one, it would sync them, meaning that any music files residing on my MacBook would be copied to hers, and vice versa. This doesn't work for us because:

  1. there are no music files on my actual MacBook, they're all on the Drobo (which is where I want all of our media to live), and
  2. neither of our MacBooks have hard drives that can accommodate our media library.

In other words, I don't want multiple, sync'd iTunes libraries. I want one single library that multiple computers can access and edit. What I'm looking for is a solution that does the following:

  • Allows my wife and me (and maybe later, a Mac Mini connected to our TV) to access via iTunes the music and video content currently on the Drobo.
  • If I add new music or video, the media files are stored on the Drobo, and the new addition is reflected in both my and her iTunes. Same thing if she adds it.
  • If either of us edit the metadata to our media, the changes are reflected in both of our iTunes (and the iTunes of our aforementioned hypothetical Mini).

Is this even possible? If so, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

"iTunes.app" to accept incoming network connections?

Every time I open iTunes I get the the following warning:

Do you want the application "iTunes.app" to accept incoming network connections?

Clicking Deny may limit the application's behavior. This setting can be changed in the Firewall pane of Security preferences.

warning box

I always click "Allow" but it still pops up.

I set the OS X firewall to allow incoming connections for iTunes.

Any suggestions on how to fix this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent iTunes from starting when iPhone is plugged in on Mac

Is there any way to prevent iTunes from starting on a Mac under OS X Leopard when an iPhone is plugged in?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Create a playlist in iTunes based on a hard drive folder

I'd like to be able to base playlists in iTunes on a folder on my hard drive.

For example, say I have this directory structure:

C:\MP3s\Doctor Who Music
C:\MP3s\Star Wars Music

Importing all those MP3s into iTunes is really simple - at the bare bones version you can just drag the MP3 folder into the iTunes window and it does the rest.

But, having done that, what I'd like to be able to do is point iTunes at each of those directories and have it turn them into their own playlists, so I end up with a Doctor Who Music and a Star Wars Music playlist based on the MP3s locations on the hard drive.

Does iTunes have a way to do this, or is there a way to trick it into this with some other program?

(I'm on Windows, but I'm sure Mac users would also appreciate answers to this as well.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Listen to a ITunes podcast without using ITunes? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

How do I listen to / download the files from a (free) ITunes podcast?

The following question How to download a podcast without iTunes? suggests that I open the RSS feed to get the audio links.

The problem is that I can't find the RSS feed anywhere, just a "View in Itunes" link.

Wanted podcast: http://itunes.apple.com/podcast/danz-20-countdown-maxwell/id341032245

Source: (StackOverflow)

What iPhone apps have I already purchased?

I've bought many iPhone apps by now, some free and some paid. I've reinstalled my computer, and in the new installation, iTunes is completely blank. On first sync, iTunes downloads the apps that are currently installed on my iPhone. But what about all those apps that I have bought and aren't currently installed?

Is there a way to re-download all my apps into iTunes?
Where can I see a listing of all the apps I've ever downloaded?

(Update: Apparently not all purchased content is restored - some things are inexplicably missing. You won't be charged anew for downloading them again, but you also won't be told what it is that you're missing.)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Double-speed playback for iTunes?

The iPod app on the iPhone (and presumably the iPod Touch) supports playback at 2x the recorded speed. This is great for listening to talk-radio podcasts when I'm driving, as I can get about twice the information in the same amount of time.

Does iTunes itself support this kind of playback? I can't seem to find the option. I'd rather play in iTunes rather than on my iPhone when I'm at my desk.

Source: (StackOverflow)

iTunes starts automatically at startup on Windows 10

I just did a clean install of Windows 10 (Pro N) and installed iTunes ( Now for some reason iTunes automatically starts whenever I start my PC. I've already tried to find a solution on this site and google and followed different steps to no avail. I've tried:

  • In Task Manager -> Autostart: Disable anything iTunes/Apple related. I only have "iTunesHelper" and tried disabling it, but iTunes still starts up automatically.

  • Use CCleaner: Again, only "iTunesHelper" as Startup, and disabling it doesn't change a thing.

  • In iTunes -> Settings: I've disabled automatic sync with iDevices. I also don't have any iDevices plugged into my PC on startup.

  • In msconfig: I disabled all services related to Apple. The startup tab is only a link to the task manager again.

  • In registry: I checked local and current user services, and disabled "iTunesHelper" here too, without a change.

  • (update) Autoruns: I downloaded AutoRuns for Windows and unchecked everything related to Apple and/or iTunes, but this didn't prevent iTunes from launching either.

Some more googling gave me the idea that the problem could be a different program/device than iTunes itself, namely a device with media controls or an external hard drive with media.

  • Corsair Utility Engine: I have a Corsair K70 RGB with media controls, so I disabled CUE automatic startup in task manager. Now it doesn't automatically start anymore, but iTunes still launches.

  • Logitech Gaming Framework: I have a Logitech G700 with media custom controls, so I disabled LGF automatic startup in task manager. Now it doesn't automatically start anymore, but iTunes still launches.

  • WD MyBook: I have an external hard drive with a lot of media (music/videos) on it, so I unplugged it and then restarted my PC several times. iTunes still automatically launches on every startup.

Now I'm running out of ideas why iTunes is automatically starting up on every launch. Does anyone have an idea what could be causing this issue and how to resolve it? The only thing that is actually working is uninstalling iTunes, but that is not really an option for me.

EDIT: I don't know if it may be hardware related but just in case, this issue occurs on a PC with an i5 3570 with a HD7950 on a GA-Z77X-UD3H. The system and iTunes itself are installed on a 850 EVO, and there's another SSD (Intel 520) for games and HDD (Seagate Barracuda) for media/backups built in.

Source: (StackOverflow)