
irc interview questions

Top irc frequently asked interview questions

How can i auto logon to different servers on MIRC automatically, join certain channels and have a diff nick for each server?

How can i auto logon to different servers on MIRC automatically, join certain channels and have a diff nick for each server?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Accessing freenode without ports

I'm at a computer where most ports are blocked. Is there still a way to access freenode to ask about programming questions through some webinterface?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How do I "identify with services" on IRC?

I am using irrsi as my irc cilent on ubuntu
I have entered "/join #android-dev" in my command window. But I am getting this error message:

22:05 -!- #android-dev Cannot join channel (+r) - you need to be identified 
          with services

Can you please tell me how can I fix it?

Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is Internet Relay Chat?

What exactly is "IRC"?

I've read about it on Wikipedia, but I've never seen people using it (or if I have, I didn't recognize it). The only kind of "chat" I know about are those of AIM, Yahoo! Messenger, etc...

i.e. What is IRC typically used for, and what are its advantages compared to other (more "normal") chat services?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Any IRC clients with VI key binds?

Is there any IRC client that supports VI keys? The ''obvious'' script VimIRC is and has been broken for so long it's not even funny.

Do you know any IRC clients on Linux, GUI or Curses, that provides some of that nice vi usability?

Or could some of the existing clients be scripted to use? Irssi, XChat, even ERC would do?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Kill ghost on connect to freenode in xchat?

how do I automatically kill a ghost nick (e.g. i got disconnected then reconnected) on connect with using xchat? I'm on freenode.

Source: (StackOverflow)

how to hide public ip adress on irc channel

I have public ip address (for example When somebody type /who on irc channel he sees:
How can I hide under a domain? For example Linkas@mydomain.tk

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I set a default nick for new irssi connections?

When trying to connect to an irc server in irssi, I get the following error:

root Erroneous Nickname: Reserved for services

I don't know how to change the nickname before the connection is established. I'm currently connected to one server, where I have my proper nick, but when trying to connect to another server with connect irc.foo.com, which should open another connection, it's trying with the nickname root.

How do I change this nickname?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to ping someone on IRC

I've been asked to "ping someone on IRC", but I'm not sure what it means.

First, do I need to know the IRC server and channel to ping someone? Is "pinging" so sort of private conversation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I ignore all JOINS, PARTS from all but a few channels?

On the freenode network I want to ignore ALL joins, parts EXCEPT in channels #foo and #bar.

What would be the syntax for this?

I tried:

/ignore -except #foo, #bar JOINS PARTS QUITS

I also tried to read the /help ignore but it's quite confusing. Also, would i just /save to keep it permanent?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Automatically reclaim my IRC nickname (without underscores) globally?

I use XChat (2.8.6). It runs 24/7. I think whenever my internet connection is reset (at least every 24 hours), my nickname gets an underscore (_) appended:

My nick john becomes john_, then it becomes john__, then john___ … and so on.

When I click left to the chat text field on my nickname, I can enter a new name. At the moment, I re-enter "john" there everytime and for each server. Which is annoying. Is there a way to change my nickname globally (= for all servers) back to the registered "normal" form (without underscores) automatically?

Source: (StackOverflow)

There is any IRC command to ignore a person?

I want to clear my IRC channel view from a certain bot messages. It is possible?

In http://webchat.freenode.net/ i can't ignore a bot with /ignore. How can I do it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I search for channel names in WeeChat?

In the IRC client XChat, it is possible to search for a list of channels in the current connected network. For example, searching for the keyword "python" using Server → Network List on the Freenode network lists all channels that have python in their name.

Is such a search functionality also possible in Weechat? If so, how can I search for a channel?

Source: (StackOverflow)

irssi grep some pattern on history

I'm new to irssi and I couldn't figure out one feature (or task).

I know I can use Page+Up/Down to scroll back and forth on the chat history. I also know I can use /lastlog to dump the whole chat history to console.

However, I don't know how to dump the chat history and grep certain pattern. For example, if I want to review conversation with someone named, user-a. My intuitive way is "grep user-a " so it will output all history in that window contain user-a.

Is there such a feature in irssi or irc in general?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Getting a list of the ops for an IRC channel

How do I get a list of ops for an irc channel, and the type of op that they are?

I could not find this help on http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/opguide.html

Source: (StackOverflow)