
iphoto interview questions

Top iphoto frequently asked interview questions

Using iPhoto without copying images?

I got a Mac recently and would love to try iPhoto, but I have 15000+ images arranged in folders, which are referenced by image file path in a database. I don't want iPhoto to copy all the photos, and I don't want my database references to get ruined.

Any advice?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to Sync photos from SkyDrive to iPhoto

I'm running OSX (Lion) as my home computer, and use iPhoto ('11) for photo management.

Windows Phone 7.5 automatically uploads photos to SkyDrive when taken - and I'd like to automatically sync these photos into iPhoto.

Anybody got a good idea of how I could do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to share iPhoto library between multiple users

I am looking for advice on the best way to share an iPhoto library between two users on the same Mac.

I currently use this approach and it works fine most of the time. One issue I have is that I will get a permission error when syncing my iPod. This seems to happen if the other user has used iPhoto and I have not opened iPhoto before syncing the iPod. If I open iPhoto then sync the iPod again there is no error.

How do others solve this problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to view & copy iPhone photos on Mac OS X without iPhoto

From Mac OS X version 10.6 onwards, Apple insists that we buy iLife for exploring photos from the iPhone. In previous versions of OS X, I could easily explore my iPhone photos, using iPhoto directly and can easily copy.

But newer versions of Mac OS X force us to buy iLife.

Is there any alternative for exploring photos of iPhone like iPhoto in OS X?

alt text

Source: (StackOverflow)

Move files from Mac to Canon PowerShot digital camera

When I plug my Canon PowerShot digital camera into Snow Leopard, it automatically opens iPhoto and asks to import the pictures, but does not mount the camera on the desktop (from what I read, it's a Canon feature to prevent people from screwing up the file system on the memory card, or something). Is there a way I can move photos I've already imported back on to the camera? I can't seem to figure out how to move stuff from Snow Leopard to the camera using iPhoto, and since it doesn't mount....

Source: (StackOverflow)

Download all Flickr sets/images?

We'd like to download all our Flickr photos & sets to iPhoto or just to a PC directory so we can sync our photos & sets to our iPhones (and possibly get off Flickr). Is there a way to do this?

Update: We do have a pro account right now.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change just the year in a bunch of pictures?

So I didn't have the year set correctly in my camera and all my picture from a recent trip are ended up having a 2009 date instead of a 2010 date.

Is there anyway to batch change only the year for the picture and keep the time and month and day? In iphoto you can't just change the year by itself, and in mac os if you do select all, get information you can't really change the modifed / creation date ?

Any clues?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to see just the videos from iPhoto?

My library is getting too large. I'd like to remove the videos so I can manage them separately. I suppose if there was a way to sort the library by media type, then I could drag all the videos to a folder then delete them.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Importing photos on Mac OS X

I recently switched for a PC to a Mac. In Windows I used to download photos from my camera into folders I created in the pictures directory. When I started using iPhoto 09, I imported those folders into iPhoto and it seems like I created duplicates, wasting valuable disk space. Whenever I connect my camera, iPhoto pops up automatically and offers to import the images. These images are then stored in folders which are not readily visible in the iPhoto library. I would like to be able to keep the pictures in general folders that are unrelated to any software and to be able to view them, tag them and manipulate them with iPhoto.

How do I do it?

Thanks Zvi

Source: (StackOverflow)

If FAT32 has a 4 GB file size limit how was I able to copy my 13 GB iPhoto Library file onto this drive?

It's a 32 GB FAT32 USB thumb drive, and it seems to be having no trouble with my 13 GB iPhoto Library file. I thought there was a 4 GB file size limitation on this file system format?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to migrate from iPhoto to Picasa?

I'd like to migrate from iPhoto '09 to Picasa. Any ideas how?

I was planning to run Picasa, let it import iPhoto's pictures and then move the pictures and databases to Picasa on Windows, but Picasa did a mess of the pictures. It picked images of all over my home directory and events that are really one event but were imported in three phases ended up as Event1, Event2, Event3.

Any ideas how to migrate? Of course I'd like to retain places, events, keywords and if possible, faces.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can one bulk time-shift the creation date of JPG images? (OS X)

I have an unfortunate situation following a vacation. The gist is this: 2 cameras, with Camera #1's clock being two days ahead of Camera #2. Therefore, in (Insert Photo Management Application Here), the photos are interleaved and not in a sensible chronological order. If I could simply move the create date of these images on camera #2 forward enough, then I'll have a fighting chance to actually organize all of these photos.

Anyone share this experience or have any ideas? Thanks!

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the easiest way to get an iPhone 3GS movie into iMovie?

It seems like the steps right now are:

  1. Shoot movie
  2. sync iPhone with Mac via iTunes
  3. Open iPhoto
  4. Import photos from iPhone into iPhoto
  5. Open iMovie (or retart if it was already running)
  6. On startup, iMovie detects videos in iPhoto and imports them.

Yikes. Is there an easier way? It's a bit odd that the videos are handled as photos, in the first place.

And no, I'm not jailbreaking my iPhone simply to save me a few of these steps.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Free iPhoto Alternative [closed]

I'm looking for a free iPhoto alternative for OS X. I reinstalled my Mac, and lost the original iLife cd. So instead of trying to find it somewhere, I'd like to use an Open Source alternative instead.

Nice to have: * iPhoto library importer * Facebook exporter * Exporter for other online photo apps

I'm NOT looking for a pure online-based service. I want something for my desktop that acts as a good replacement.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I back up my iPhoto library to DVDs?

I'm using iPhoto '09 and have an 80GB library. I want to back everything up to DVDs, because I figure that's the cheapest / most reliable solution. (I plan to have a couple of copies and keep them in different places.)

Ideally, after the initial backup, every couple of months, I'd back up everything that's changed (new photos, edits, metadata) to single DVD and add it to the set.

How would you go about doing that?

Source: (StackOverflow)