
internet-explorer-11 interview questions

Top internet-explorer-11 frequently asked interview questions

Internet Explorer 11 stopped working (on Windows 8.1)

I am using Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1 and it has stopped working in the sense that it does not open anything except a white page and most of the settings are greyed out. Early this morning it started doing this for new tabs, I decided to restart my PC and now it is like this. I have tried disabling and then reeanbling in Windows features to no avail. Any ideas?

EDIT: Here is a screenshot enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Will IE9 run on Windows 10?

I need to install IE9 on Windows 10, but cannot. I keep getting a message "Internet Explorer 9 is already installed on this system".

I found an article on how to downgrade from IE10 TO IE9, but it didn't work on Windows 10 http://anyfindings.blogspot.com/2013/04/restore-ie9-after-installing-ie10.html

I removed windows 11 and all installed updates for internet explore, but no luck.

BTW, I support a web app that uses data islands. That's why I still need IE9.

Source: (StackOverflow)


Website works in Chrome but not in Internet Explorer

I am using Windows 7 Pro x64 and I am able to visit this site in Chrome without problems.

However, Internet Explorer (v 11.0.9600.17959) will just time out and show:

This page can’t be displayed.

I’m guessing it’s a configuration problem on my end. What did I break?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where has "Browser Mode" gone from Internet Explorer 11 developer tools?

IE10's Browser Mode setting under Developer Tools seemed to be extremely useful. I cannot find it in IE 11. Does the option still exist? If so, where?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to open a webpage in a new tab?

Presumably Avant browser has easier interface than any other browser that its icon has a small arrow to open a webpage ( a cool feature) in new tab-- I am particularly referring to its Favorite Bar. Downside is it hangs out frequently.

I am currently using IE11 browser but when I want to open a webpage on Favorite Bar, I have to right-click it to open in a new tab.

Could anyone know a keyboard shortcut to open it in new tab?

My PC is Win 7.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Internet Explorer: How to block executable files (exe/com/pif/scr/bat/ps1) from being 'Run' on download

Hi I would like users to download any file (as they currently can) - but for executable files (exe/com/pif/scr/bat/ps1), I would like the 'Run' option to be hidden or disabled.

If that is not possible, what's the closest solution to prevent users running a .bat file they downloaded from a webpage on Internet Explorer

The machine isn't on a domain, but we can use gpedit.msc. I tried the Software Restriction Policies, but that only blocks .exe

Many thanks

Source: (StackOverflow)

Websites not loading correctly since Windows 8.1 upgrade

I finally upgraded my work PC to Window's 8.1 Pro on Monday (from 8 Pro), but since then I have been having problems with websites not loading correctly. This issue is occurring in both Firefox 27.0.1 and IE11.

The website I'm trying to view does usually partially load but will not completely load. The spinner in the tab shows there is activity and clicking links does not work. In Firefox I see at the bottom the page Transferring data for www.wherever.com (IE doesn't show this though).

I use Firebug so have investigated the issue in Firefox with that, and it seems one of two things is happening -

  1. Not all scripts/styles/images/etc are loading and never do.
  2. All of scripts/styles/image/etc are loading but the HTML Response for the page I'm trying to view is truncated, with only a portion of the page making it to the browser.

I initially tried the obvious things -

  • Firefox -> History -> Clear Recent History...
    • Browsing and Download History
    • Form & Search History
    • Cookies
    • Cache
    • Active Logins
  • Internet Explorer -> Tools -> Internet options -> (General) -> Delete...
    • Temporary Internet files and website files
    • Cookies and website data
    • History
  • Disable all anti-virus

This didn't work so I tried reinstalling Firefox (and uninstalling IE11 entirely), but that also didn't work.

This is in a corporate environment where PFSense is used to manage the leased line connection that is being used, so there is no router in play that could be causing a problem. Besides, every other PC is connecting to these websites just fine (this is the only Windows 8/8.1 machine in the business).

I'm also fairly certain that it cannot be the network card as I have been successfully connected to several Terminal Servers since the upgrade without issue.

I'm now at a for what could be causing this, so I'd be grateful for any suggestions. Thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does the IE "Display intranet sites in compatibility mode" option do? Why is it a default in IE?

What does the "Display intranet sites in compatibility mode" option in IE mean exactly? Why would it be the default?

I design and develop with Mac vs PC so I am not particularly savvy when it comes to Windows/IE problems at all.

Client is hosting a Wordpress site I developed and it runs on a Ubuntu server they installed in-house. Their previous website was hosted on their Windows server which they run everything else on. Here is one of the portfolio pages: http://grlarchitects.com/liberty-mutual-insurance-group/

2 months after we launch the site they say the format of their website portfolio pages when viewed through Windows 8.1 and IE 11 are showing thumbnails stacking rather inline. When they disable this compatibility mode, the format is fine.

My question is why would they need their workstations to display intranet sites in compatibility mode? Their previous website was hosted on the Windows server.

They have always run in compatibly mode, its the default on all their workstations. What has changed is they upgraded to IE 11/Win 8.1 in December. Is it reasonable to tell them to disable compatibility mode on all their workstations? Are there other reasons they need to run in compatibility mode?

Although they are saying this just happened - I am not sure the site was ever tested in IE in-house - my browser tests all worked with Browserstack with IE and still do with that configuration. And I don't know if that many people even use IE in their office.

Also - when I recreate these portfolio pages in my test site which is hosted through HostGator they don't see the problem at all when viewing in compatibility mode on IE.

I should also say that I have ruled out Wordpress theme and plugin conflicts. And I can recreate the problem through Firebug/FF on my Mac when I comment out a display:inline-block in the css:

.mg-image-showcase .mg-thumbs ul li {
    display: inline-block !important;
    position: relative !important;
    vertical-align: top !important;

If I use a float:left instead and add list-style:none; I can get it align properly.

.mg-image-showcase .mg-thumbs ul li {
  /*display: inline-block !important;*/
    position: relative !important;
    vertical-align: top !important;
    list-style: none;

I have not yet tested this with the client.

I would love to hear any thoughts on this, it would be so appreciated!

Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Internet Explorer 11: Dragging a link to the new tab button no longer works


The image pretty much sums up my problem. It used to work, now it doesn't. What changed?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I subscribe to an RSS FeedBurner feed using Internet Explorer 11?

I can't seem to find a way to subscribe to rss feeds provided by FeedBurner using IE11. Typically a site will have a general "subscribe to feed" link, which IE will recognize, however FeedBurner appears to restrict subscriptions to a limited number of readers.

Source: (StackOverflow)

The option "Print all linked documents" in Internet Explorer 11 does not print all linked documents

I manage a website which provides a resume management service for recruiters.

We have a feature that allows the end user to print a batch of resumes. This is accomplished by rendering a web page that contains a series of links to all of the resumes they had previously selected. This page is purposefully composed of very simple HTML.

They are instructed to (in Internet Explorer) click a link to open the standard print dialog.

In the print dialog, they click on the Options tab, and check the box to "Print all linked documents". As you can imagine, when they hit "Print" the end result is that all the resumes linked from that page are printed.

This feature has been around since the days of Internet Explorer 7 and had always worked OK.

The feature is also not frequently used. We just got a complaint from a client saying that when they attempted to print a batch of 25 resumes, only a "handful" of resumes printed. They had just upgraded to Internet Explorer 11. Previously they had been printing without issue.

I was able to duplicate this behavior on my machine and a couple of other workstations in our office. A "handful" of resumes is as accurate a way as possible of describing the situation: It seems that an arbitrary number of linked documents will be printed (usually less than 12, but never the full 25).

On some purposefully outdated dev images which have IE 7, 8, 9 and 10 I was able to print all documents as expected from the same web page as the failure case.

Observing the HTTP traffic in Fiddler shows that immediately upon clicking the "Print" button all 25 documents are requested from the server, and all responses contain 200 status codes and the correct content.

Further, in Internet Explorer 11 I was able to manually click into each link and print each of the 25 resumes without issue. So it does not appear to be that it halts on an unprintable document.

Adding our site to the list of "Compatibility View" sites does not change the behavior.

I could reproduce the failure case using IE 11 on a few other arbitrarily chosen websites.

I'm not able to find any information on this problem elsewhere. Does anyone know if this is a known issue and/or if there is a fix?

If you want to try it out for yourself, here is a simple test case:


Thanks for your time!

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make Internet Explorer ignore X-UA-Compatible-specified legacy document modes?

When compatibility view has been disabled in all ways possible it seems that Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1 honours a website’s X-UA-Compatible value. This happens outside of compatibility view (the icon is missing from the address bar) and is not caused by compatibility lists or a <!DOCTYPE> directive.

Is there any way for the user (not the web developer) to choose a document mode for a website, overriding the website’s X-UA-Compatible value?

Force Internet Explorer 10 to open in non-compatibility view has accepted an answer that works by defining the default document mode with regard to the <!DOCTYPE> directive. I've tried the registry trick without success. While it may have solved the problem for the other author’s question, my question has to do with X-UA-Compatibile headers.

Picasa Web Albums defines X-UA-Compatible as IE=EmulateIE7. Opening the F12 developer tools and switching document mode from 7 to anything newer (8, 9, 10, Edge) instantly fixes the website. However changes done through the developer tools do not persist.

Source: (StackOverflow)

IE11 Version Update

Myself and several other users in my environment seem to be stuck on IE11 11.0.9600.16428CO while multiple other users are on a more recent iteration of IE11. It is important that we have the latest IE for testing of web apps. I attempted to install KB3148198 which I thought would remedy the situation however I am getting a message stating that the update is not applicable to my computer. Does anyone else know how to force IE to upgrade to a different version?

I should add that our local patching solution is not finding any updates for IE and MS Update is not finding any IE updates for me either however I know a newer iteration of IE11 is out there as it has been seen in our environment.

Source: (StackOverflow)

No ClearType in Internet Explorer 11? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:


Internet Explorer 11 (on Windows 8.1) seems to ignore system font smoothing preferences. Even though ClearType is enabled on the system, IE11 keeps smoothing using gradients.


Is there any way to enable ClearType smoothing in IE11?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable so-called »accelerators« in IE 11

Since at least version 8, Internet Explorer has had an unfeature called "accelerators". It becomes manifest when you mark a bit of text on a web page, disrupting useful features such as copy/paste or marking text using Ctrl/Shift arrow keys.

[Update 01.11.14: I just discovered a feature in IE11 that is accessible via »Ansicht -> Tastaturnavigation« (probably »View -> Keyboard Navigation« in English) allowing you to select text for copy/paste using the keyboard. It is also accessible via F7.]

It seems that back in version 8, the way to remove this horrible unfeature is to remove each and every "accelerator", which can be done using the add-on manager. (See What is the blue double arrow that appears over links? for some pointers.) But now in 11, this does not seem to do the trick any more. I have removed them all and restarted IE and the nasty unfeature keeps rearing its ugly blue double-arrow head. How to kill the beast?

Source: (StackOverflow)