
internet-explorer-10 interview questions

Top internet-explorer-10 frequently asked interview questions

Windows 8 Developer Preview - how to select between "Metro" IE and "Desktop" IE?

I installed the Windows 8 Developer Preview. At some point, I needed IE in "Desktop" mode, (IE suggested to switch over based on the site). Now, whenever I launch IE from the Metro UI, it starts in desktop mode.

How do I get the Metro UI back ? Is it possible to create two shortcuts on the app screen, one for Metro and one for Desktop ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I change the spell check and auto-correction language of IE10/Windows8?

Is there any way I can change the spell-check and auto-correct Language of IE10/Windows8? It seems to want me to write Norwegian, but I usually write English...

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to disable the Java "Security Warning" popup?

enter image description here

Is there a way to disable this Java Security popup? I only use sites on my intranet and each page is home to 40+ applets that generate a new ID with each load. Because of this, every time the page is visited it requires you to click "Run" 40+ times.

OS: Windows 7

Browser: IE 10

Here is my fix:

  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on Tools and select Internet Options
  3. Click on Security tab and Click the ‘Custom Level’ button
  4. In the ‘Miscellaneous’ section change “Display mixed content” to Enable.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why are some of my user interface symbols rendered as boxes?

I noticed this first with the scrollbars in IE10:

enter image description here

Some user interface elements show the same box as well though. Here is a dropdown box from NetLimiter:

enter image description here

Given that that box looks like the "missing character" symbol used in font rendering, I believe this is somehow related to a font issue. Though I haven't been able to figure this out. The only font I know that's used for UI element rendering is Merlott, and that one looks fine.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I remove the "eye symbol" from password fields in Windows 8?

While I was entering my password in Gmail and other mail accounts, I could see a symbol of an "eye" in the text box.

This is really dangerous because once you click on the eye, your password is revealed.

Is there any way I can disable that eye symbol? I'm getting this in Internet Explorer. Has anyone else encountered it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where is the white/blacklist for Enhanced Protected Mode sites?

I misunderstood this dialog and clicked Always ignore (I was thinking clicking Disable would disable Silverlight, not Enhanced Protected Mode). This webpage wants to run 'npctrl.dll'. If you trust this site, you can disable Enhanced Protected Mode for this site to run the control.

I want to allow the dll to run because I think it's Silverlight.

Where can I see which sites are allowed or disallowed? Or, how can I undo my action?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is flip-ahead?

What is flip-ahead, in the Windows 8 Modern UI version of Internet Explorer 10?

The description simply says:

Flip Ahead Turn on flip ahead to go to the next page on a site. Your browsing history will be sent to Microsoft to improve how flip ahead works.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 8 - IE 10 Metro - How to print or save a webpage

I'm running Windows 8 Pro. My default browser is Internet Explorer 10 (and hence opens as a Modern Windows 8 app). I want to know how to print or save a webpage. There are no related settings available in the browser.

The only option is to select "View on Desktop" and the browser interface familiar to IE 9 opens up on the desktop, through which I could access the above said options and additional settings.

I know the Desktop is not going away anytime soon and that its still an important part of Windows. But if Microsoft is pitching for the Modern Windows UI, why would they leave out important options such as print & save from it and force a user to access the "old" Desktop mode for the same? Even Windows 8 RT supports plug-and-play access to Printers & Peripherals. So not being able to Print from a tablet or access the File System is definitely not an answer.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Force IE to use one process per tab

I've noticed that IE occasionally groups several tabs into one process. Unfortunately, this ends up being self-destructive as eventually all the 10-12 tabs I usually have open end up on just one or two processes, which rather defeats the purpose of a multi-process browser.

My current "solution" is to just kill the remaining process(es) and let the automatic tab recovery kick in and create new processes when the last one dies. However, this seems kind of barbaric and an inconvenience, especially since after a few repetitions of this process most of the tabs come up with "failed to return you to X" because of having "crashed" multiple times overall.

Is there any way to force IE to keep one process per tab?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I disable the X clear button on IE10 textboxes?

In an application we use at work we have various textboxes, with dropdown buttons right next to them.

Our users are frequently accidentally pressing the X added by IE10 and clearing what they typed.

IE10 adds a clear button to all textboxes:
Normal text box

In our application it is right next to the dropdown button, meaning it's often clicked by accident:
Problem in 3rd party application

Is there a way of hiding/disabling/removing the X? Ideally something we can push out via a policy.

Note that we have no control over the application they are having trouble with.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Problems Uninstalling IE10


IE10 was causing problems for me, so I decided to move back to IE9. This is a Windows 7 machine. Using the Control Panel / Add Remove Windows Components, I unchecked Internet Explorer 10, waited for the uninstall to complete and then rebooted. Everything ran cleanly, but after restarting I don't seem to have IE at all. There's no sign of it on the desktop or start menu. IEXPLORE.EXE is nowhere to be found.

I downloaded and ran the installer for IE9, but it immediately fails with: "Internet Explorer did not finish installing" "Internet Explorer 9 is already installed on this system."

Can anyone offer any suggestions for what to try next? I'm not a fan of IE, but it is required for the project that I'm working on. Alternative browsers are not a choice here.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to change the Internet Explorer 10 default search engine to Google?

When I'm browsing I always use the address bar to search, but when I do this in Internet Explorer 10, I get taken to the default search engine Bing.

So I started looking in the Internet Options to see if I could change it, but I couldn't find the right option.

enter image description here

There's no clear way to add Google from this screen and when I clicked: Find more search providers..., you get taken to IE Gallery where Google isn't even listed.

So how do I change my Internet Explorer 10 search engine to Google?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to test local sites in Metro IE10?

Has anyone found a way to enable local subnet sites in the Metro version of IE10? Currently, if I try to access a site in my subnet block, e.g., I just get the error "Internet Explorer cannot display this web page.".

One workaround would be to use our public IP and NAT specific ports for each of the servers, but this would be a hassle. Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Internet Explorer 10, are developer tools not available from [F12]? If so, how do I access them?

With metro IE 10 for windows 8, I assumed that I could use F12 to open developer tools, just like it was possible in every IE since 8.

However, in windows 8 that doesn't seem to do anything - has it been removed or is it accessible in another way?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Unable to open IE 10 in 32-bit mode

I need to run IE 10 in 32-bit mode on 64-bit Windows 7 Enterprise N.

When I run IE 10 from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer" I can see in task manager that I have only one process "iexplorer.exe" and no process "iexplorer.exe *32".

I have an application with an ActiveX that is supported only on 32-bit, and the application can't be loaded on 64-bit mode.

Is there a way I can force IE10 to run in 32-bit mode?

Source: (StackOverflow)