
internet-connection interview questions

Top internet-connection frequently asked interview questions

How can I see all active connections?

My Internet connection has been slow lately, and I think it might be a possible attack. A friend has told me to use Wireshark, but it is a big install, and I do not have the time to learn how to use it. Is there an easier way to see all the connections on my PC so I can take further action?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why can't Win7 remember my tether? New Connection Setup every time

In Win7 when you connect to a new network you're prompted to set it as a Home, Work, or Public connection. Presumably this influences default security settings.

That's all well and good, except for the part that everytime I USB tether my smartphone Win7 comes up with a new dialogue. I think I'm up to generic connection 25 or something? It's getting ridiculous.

Is there anyway to get Win7 to remember the phone tether as ONE connection only?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Can I share my Internet from my laptop by bluetooth?

I want to share the Internet connection from my Windows 7 PC using Bluetooth so my other devices can connect to the Internet through my computer. Do you know if this is possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Who provides the Internet service to Internet Service Providers (ISPs)?

I've been wondering recently about how the infrastructure of the Internet really works.

I know that I have an Internet Service Provider (ISP) that supplies my connection to the Internet.

But what I don't know is: Who provides the Internet to the ISP? And who supplies it to them? Is there a never-ending loop that eventually connects us all together?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I route programs to two internet connections simultaneously in Windows 7?

I have two internet connections - one via a 3G modem, and the other via wireless. The modem is faster so I normally browse with it, but it does not support torrent downloads while my wireless does. When the two are connected, my PC automatically makes every connection through the modem.

Is there a way I can force a particular program, e.g. uTorrent, to browse through my wireless internet connection instead?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does my fiber download speed increase when testing upload speed?

I recently switched to AT&T Gigapower 1GB fiber internet and have discovered a problem where download speeds are slow during normal use. But if I go to Speedtest.net and do a test, when it gets to the upload portion of the test, my concurrent download speed spikes, then suddenly drops drastically again after the test is finished.

How can this be possible, is it a network issue or some throttling added in by the router? I’ll find myself constantly running Speedtest.net just to get large files downloaded faster.

Here is an example screencast for reference.

Download Speed Progression

  1. Before Speed Test (100k/s) enter image description here

  2. During Download Speed Test (200k/s) enter image description here

  3. During Upload Speed Test (52,450k/s) enter image description here

  4. After Speed Test (100k/s)

Source: (StackOverflow)

MacBook can't use internet, but nslookup and ping both work

I have a user with a new high-end MacBook Pro that can't use the internet. He can connect to either our wired or wireless network and do things like browse file shares, but can get no further.

When I brought the machine in for testing, I found that I could do an nslookup just fine, and I'm able to ping addresses returned by nslookup just fine. I'm even able to bring up web pages by entering the IP address into the address bar directly. However, when I try to ping the domain name rather than the IP address, it just sits there. So apparently I can either do name resolution or communicate with an address, but not both at the same time.

Again, these symptoms occur on both the wired and wireless network. Other machines on our network, including a few other Macs, don't have this issue.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using ping google.com to test connection

Since the internet connection in our house does break down from time to time I set up a little experiment:

For the last two month, one of my machines is pinging google.com on an half-hourly basis. One measurement consists of 50 pings.

I now calculated the mean percentage of packets lost for each hour of the day: percent of lost packets

My questions:

  1. Could this peak in the evening be caused by choosing google.com as the ping destination?
  2. Would you recommend using an other destination and which?
  3. Does this indicate that something is wrong with my connection?
  4. What would be a better strategy to measure where exactly the problem in our internet connection is? Our ISP tells us it is working fine so I try to aggregate some proof...


Edit: I forgot to mention that the machine is directly connected to the router (no WiFi). And the router is pinged as well, with no packet loss at all.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I conduct a perfomance test of my internet connection?

Right now I'm in the process of possibly switching from a Cable provider to a DSL provider. I have both connections live, and before I cancel one or the other, I'm wanting to do some exhaustive testing of the internet connection. I have three major questions:

  1. What are some approaches that I can quantitatively test the speeds (both up and down) and quality of my internet connections (ping, time connection is down, etc,.)?
  2. Are there other consideration that should be taken when testing an internet connection?
  3. Are there any tools that can do this automatically and capture results?

Note: if you decide to suggest a piece of software, please follow these guidelines in doing so. Also I'm looking to be able to save any data from the software for detailed analysis and comparison

Overall, I'm looking to compare the two connections over multiple periods of time such as peak hours (1600 - 2100 in my area), and with different loads such as streaming movies, uploading files, etc,.

This question was Featured in the blog! Read the blog entry for more details or contribute to the blog yourself

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I monitor my ISP's connection quality over time?

I've got a very bad ISP and want to monitor the connection quality over a month's time.

At the moment I just wrote a script which logs ping requests to Google's DNS server

How can I do that more efficiently? Is there a better way to achieve long term monitoring?

Or a command line tool to measure the bandwidth? Then i could run a cronjob to do this.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to simulate slow internet connection

I currently deploy with GAE (google app engine) and I try to implement some AJAX validation. So I got a couple text-fields and "spinners" (ajax loaders) which should be displayed when an AJAX request is sent. But I deploy on my local computer (localhost), so the GAE SDK reacts very fast on any request. It takes about 50-70 ms(miliseconds) to perform the whole ajax request, which is far far away from the real.

Is there a way to somehow simulate slow Internet connection? I just want to see how my "spinners" work. I want to test some ajax setting (jquery) about timeouts, errors and so on...

Any ideas ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to enable Internet Connection Sharing using command line?

I can do it manually by right-clicking on a network connection, opening the Sharing tab and clicking on the "Allow other network users to connect through this computer's Internet connection" check box.

Now I need to automate this task. Is there a command-line tool or a Powershell cmdlet to accomplish this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why would the Wi-Fi connection on my smartphone perform better than the same connection on my laptop?

The download speeds while connected on Wi-Fi to the same router—an ADSL2+ Wireless N300 Modem Router—seems to be significantly faster on my phone than on my laptop. This problem doesn’t occur all the time, but the Internet connection on my laptop—which is running Ubuntu 14.10—occasionally reduces in speed and becomes unstable, while the Internet connection on my phone remains at the same speed and is continuously stable.

As a comparison, I performed a test on speedtest.com at the same time and the same location for my laptop and my phone during an “unstable connection phase” for my laptop.

I was wondering what potential causes there could be for this discrepancy?

Here are the speedtest results from my laptop (Lenovo Y50 UHD):

enter image description here

And here are the speedtest results from my phone (Samsung Galaxy S5):

enter image description here

Note that while the Samsung Galaxy S5 has a “Download Booster” feature which can use your Wi-Fi and mobile network simultaneously to increase download speed, for this test I turned off the mobile data completely on the Samsung Galaxy S5 but I still received similar results comparing my laptop and phone.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I use more than one internet provider at the same time?

Usually a home router has only one uplink connection, enabling a single internet provider at a time. But suppose I hack my router (ie. installing linux), could I use 2 internet providers then?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to disable internet access at night on the router?

I have an internet connection that I'd like to be enabled only during the day. With multiple household internet devices, this would need to be something disabled at the level of the router.

I don't believe the router offers this sort of functionality, but I'm reasonably familiar with setting up web servers and the like, and I'm wondering if I can set up some sort of proxy server on the internet that the router must go through and have that proxy only active at certain times of day.

It's a bit vague I know, but is something like this even possible?

If not, are there other solutions to the problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)