
input-languages interview questions

Top input-languages frequently asked interview questions

How to convert Japanese characters into roman characters when you accidentally type an English word with Japanese input turned on (on Windows)

In windows I often find myself trying to write an English word, but with the Japanese Input method selected (unintentionally). So what I get is something like this えぁmpれ. At the moment, I just press escape and then start writing again. Ideally there would be a shortcut I could use to convert it automatically. There is on OSX:

control + ;

Is there such a thing for Windows?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I disable the "Alt+Shift" shortcut to change language in windows 8.1?

I'm using windows 8.1 with multiple languages. The new pretty shortcut windows+spacebar will pop up a pretty looking selection on the right.

Now, hitting Alt+Shift (left ones) will also change the language.

This 2nd option clashes with some of my other shortcuts (mainly sublime text), and I can't find where/how to disable it. I remember it was possible in previous versions of windows where you could select the shortcut for changing languages.

Any suggestions?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Two keyboards on one computer. When I write with A I want a US keyboard layout, when I use B I want Swedish. Possible?

I have a laptop which I use an external keyboard with. When I type using the external keyboard I want to use a US keyboard layout, since that's the type of external keyboard I have. On the other hand, when I type using the integrated keyboard I'd like to use a Swedish layout.

Is this possible? And how would I go about doing it?

I'm asking here as I think we'll find most Linux expertise here.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does Windows 7 always automatically change the input or keyboard language?

I am wondering why Windows 7 always automatically changes my input or keyboard language.

I've a notebook with an integrated QWERTY keyboard English (United States). Traveling, I use that one but, additionally, I've my own as well as a much better keyboard at home which is a QWERTZ keyboard German (Germany). Thus, being at home, I'd like to use my QWERTZ keyboard.

Unfortunately, Windows 7 does not play along at this one. Every time, I start up my notebook, it is usually set to English (United States) but that's not the problem. In case, I'd use my notebook QWERTY keyboard English (United States), that's fine. However, if I start up my notebook and I'd like to use my QWERTZ keyboard German (Germany), I usually press ALT + Left Shift in order to switch from English (United States) to German (Germany) and Windows 7 switches the input language but only for the program that is currently open. If my input language is set to German (Germany) and I, e.g., open NotePad, Windows 7 automatically switches my input language to English (United States). This is very annoying since I've to change the input or keyboard language to German (Germany) every time I open up a new program.

Why doesn't Windows 7 stay with one input language if I changed it manually by pressing ALT + Left Shift? Why doesn't the manual change of the input or keyboard language apply for the whole Windows 7? Why does it only affect the currently opened program?

Since I've two keyboards with two different layouts, I seriously need to have both of the keyboards languages installed.

I tried both of the below settings in order to find a solution for my problem. Currently, I am using the first option, two input languages.

First option: two input languages:

enter image description here

Second option: two keyboard languages:

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Password for Windows in language which is not available [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

My Password to enter Windows is in Greek, but in the logon Screen the Greek language is not supported.

The same thing happened with another person in the (Forum), but the answers cannot help me... First I don't have a recovery disk. Second, on the end, he solves the issue with a solution is on a Website written in Turkish, which I don't speak.

Please, can somebody somehow help me?

This is really a Problem which Microsoft should have not allowed to happen.

Edit #1

Issues occurs even if I have a CD.

Because until the command line I can make it, even without CD, but the language which I have to write is Greek, and the commands which I have to type are in English.

  1. I turn on the Computer;

  2. I press F8;

  3. I choose "Repair Computer";

  4. System asks for an input language;

    4.1. I choose greek.

  5. System asks for Username and Password. In Username, there are 2 options:

    5.1. My Administrator Account, which has a Password in Greek language;

    5.2. The second option is an accound I see first time - HomeGroupUser$ - which I dont know the Password.

  6. I choose my account and I put my password (in greek);

  7. Now I have some more options, but the language I can write is greek... and that's the Problem.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using CapsLock to switch the keyboard language layout

Currently I am using Recaps for switching between keyboard layouts. But I am looking for a replacement, because it is a little buggy and not updated for years. Do you know any replacement?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using English macros in French version Excel

I am currently in France and am using a computer on which all Office programs are in French.

I need to use a Macro which has been written in English VBA, but it fails.

I assume the issue a language issue as the same thing occurs when I try using English Excel formulas in the French version (e.g. =sum is =somme)

Is there a way of doing this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to restore pre-windows-8 Alt+Shift keyboard behavior?

Before Windows 8, the Alt+Shift shortcut changed the input method (keyboard layout) for the current app. This permitted to map an input method to each app.

For example I could keep the default layout for my apps where I write in english and switch to a french layout in apps where I write in french. This was working great: each app had his keyboard layout.

Now with Windows 8 the Alt+Shift key has a global behavior for all applications. This meens I have to change my input method almost each time I change from app to app.

Is there a way to restore the pre-Windows-8 behavior? Or is there another shortcut?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Language changing in Windows 8 [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Why in Windows 8 alt+shift change language for all applications?

This is a bit hard to explain. I'll try my best: I have two languages enabled in my windows. EN and FA.

In Windows 7 I could work with a program (e.g. Microsoft word), changed the language to FA with Left Alt+Shift, maybe type something and then switch to another program like Google chrome with Alt+Tab, and see my keyboard language changes back to its default value (EN) automatically . This was actually very neat for someone like me who wanted to work with certain programs in one language and with other programs in English without having to do any manual language-changing.

But in Windows 8, this is not the case. When I change the language and switch between programs, nothing happens. I have to manually change my language very frequently.

Is there a way that I can change this behavior?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Refresh Language Bar in Windows Vista/7 programatically

Im trying to configure the Language Bar (the language switcher in the systray which appears whan you have multiple input languages installed) for our users.

language bar

I can easily add new languages using regkeys below HKCU, but the problem is that the user has to relogin or reboot his computer to see the effect.

The keys i use (im writing them with an active setup) are in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Keyboard Layout\Preload" below that key are name/values of the type REG_SZ.

Usually there are already keys like "1"="0000407" "2"="0000409" which means the user has German and English keyboard layout installed, if i want to add, lets say italian, i would add the key "3"="0000410". after the next logoff/login the change is visible to the user.

now what i already tried is sending various windows messages, like WM_SETTINGCHANGE or the "RUNDLL32.EXE user32.dll,UpdatePerUserSystemParameters" command. but no usefull result so far.

im running out of ideas here, making hundreds of users logoff/logon wouldn't be so great :/

i also thought of automating mouseclicks (e.g. with autoit), but that usually causes more trouble than it does any good.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I set cells to remember a certain input method in Excel? If so, how?

I have an Excel document with two columns. In one column, I write using the Japanese input method. In the next one I write using the standard one (Latin based).

So, can I set Excel to automatically switch input method when I move from one column to another? If so, how would I do it?

I'm using Excel 2011 for OS X.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I type the backslash/Yen/¥ character on Japanese Windows?

I am running VirtualBox on a Ubuntu 12.04 host with a US keyboard. The virtual machine is running Japanese Windows Server 2008 R2 (Standard). I want to cd \ from the Command Prompt.

On Japanese Windows the backslash character has been replaced by a Yen character [1] [2], so what I want instead is cd ¥.

My backslash key is mapped to ] while in the VM, and I can't find a key that maps to backslash/Yen. After looking at a few images [3] [4] and talking to a Japanese colleague (and having them demonstrate how they would type it) I've come to the conclusion that my US keyboard is effectively missing the required key.

If I copy the Yen character from the VM, it is pasted as backslash in my host. If I copy a backslash from my host, it is pasted into the VM as a Yen. So, using copy and paste while on the VM or between the VM and host I can cd ¥ and (laboriously) achieve the desired result. But I want something simpler.

What key combination can I press to simply enter the ¥ character?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I switch input methods while Caps Lock is being held down on Windows?

On my Linux computer, my keyboard switches from English to Serbian when I hold the Caps Lock key. For example, to write č all I have to do is hold Caps Lock, and press the key where č is on the Serbian keyboard (in this case, they key is ; on the English keyboard). When I release Caps Lock, the keyboard "switches back" to English, so that if I press ; I get ; as desired. Super useful.

Please note that I know how to change the keyboard layout. I want to use Caps Lock as a modifier key to change the language only while being held down!

Is there a way to replicate this behavior on Windows 7 or Windows 8?

Remark: This is sometimes known as "third level" character switching (pressing shift would be second level, for example). I am also not that attached to Caps Lock; other keys will do.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to enter thése chàràctèrs into arbitrary programs?

Is there any way to allow the classic "Ctrl-Apostrophe-E"-style combos, which input accented characters, work in any text box, rather than just in special programs like Wordpad or Microsoft Word?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What's the difference between a "Keyboard Language" and an "Input Language"?

I see the same keyboard options underneath different languages, and it's confusing me...

What exactly is the difference between selecting an "input language" inside Windows, versus merely selecting the "keyboard layout"?


Source: (StackOverflow)