
inkscape interview questions

Top inkscape frequently asked interview questions

How can I change Inkscape's default export background color from yellow to white?

I am using export in 'Inkscape' to convert an SVG file to PNG. As I am using a transparent background, the colour of background is automatically set to yellow. I want to change this default colour to white. How can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Edit SVG font using Inkscape

I opened an SVG font in Inkscape but I cant see any character editor. Is anyone able to explain how to open/modify a character path ?

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)


Inkscape - rounding corners of shapes?

In Inkscape, rounding the corners of a rectangle is easy - you select the object, press F4 (rectangle tool), and drag the circular nodes.

How do you do that for more complex shapes?

polygon, and its rounded equivalent

"Dynamic offset" is nearly the right thing, but it doesn't round the insides of a concave polygon.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to view objects within a layer in Inkscape?

In Fireworks, or Photoshop, or GIMP your layer list also includes the objects within each layer. I've just started exploring Inkscape and can't seem to find this functionality. Some googling reveals a few people asking for this feature 5 or 6 years ago but nothing recent.

Can I view objects in Inkscape outside of the raw XML viewer?

Layer Trees
 > Oak
 > Red Maple
 > dPine
 > Palm
Layer Structures
 > Barn
 > Driveway
 > Mailbox

Ideally I'd be able to show/hide and lock/unlock objects within that window just like you can in PS, FW, and GIMP...

Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Use Font Awesome in Inkscape

Is there a way to convert Font Awesome icons to SVG graphics, so that I can use them in Inkscape inside other vector images?

Importing Font Awesome to Inkscape for Icon Reference does not help here, as this only refers to the font editor - but I just want to convert the font to a set of SVG graphics.

Is this possible? If so, how?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Exporting vector graphics from Inkscape into Libreoffice

I'm trying to export a reasonably complex illustration from Inkscape into a Libreoffice Writer document. I'd like to avoid rasterizing the illustration as much as possible.

So far I've tried the following:

  • Inkscape SVG, Plain SVG, SVG with everything converted to paths: bitmaps images included in my illustration are rendered as black boxes in the writer document.
  • EPS: fonts look ugly
  • ODG: not recognized in Writer (?!)

For now I've exported my SVG drawing to PNG, and it works fine, but it's not very satisfying. So what's the correct way to do this? Any input welcome!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Inserting SVG files in a Microsoft Word document

How can I convert or insert an Inkscape SVG file to a Microsoft Word document?

Note: It has to be editable. The resulting exported PDF has selectable text.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Reset object rotation back to 0 degrees

When I rotate a text or other object in InkScape manually (by clicking on it twice, slowly) I can't seem to be able to rotate it back to 0 degrees exactly.

When I access Transformation menu (Ctrl + Shift + M), there is just relative rotation option. But the absolute rotation must be known, when the text is rotated!

So where do I edit absolute object rotation?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to extract an embedded image from a SVG file?

I have a SVG file that contains at least one embedded JPG/PNG image inside. I want to extract the JPG/PNG images from that SVG file and save them on disk.

I'm adding the inkscape tag as it is the program I use to edit SVG files, but I also accept solutions using other tools.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Change the length of a line and keep same width?

How do I resize a line without changing the width of the line in Inkscape?

Scenario: I have already drawn a horizontal line and want to make it longer. If I select the line, use the resize handle to the middle right and resize then the width of the line becomes larger as I drag to right to make the line longer. The Shift, Ctrl and Alt keyboard modifiers do not seem to have the desired effect either.

I have looked through the tutorials available from http://www.inkscape.org/doc/ and checked the Inkscape FAQ

Platform: Inkscape v0.46 (2008-03-10), Windows XP 64 bit, 8 GB RAM.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Learning to draw technical illustrations in inkscape?

I am looking for good resources (books, tutorials, courses, etc.) on learning to draw technical illustrations in Inkscape?

I am specifically looking for resources aimed at beginners in both drawing and Inkscape, if that is possible. :)

I would appreciate if the author of the answer has actually read the tutorial/book he/she recommends, and that is is specifically on technical illustration and not just Inkscape tutorials.

Example of the type of illustration that I would like to learn to draw:

Example of technical illustration

This is just an example, and the most fitting term for this I can look up is technical illustration. So what I am looking for is resources with an introduction to Inkscape aimed in the direction of drawing technical illustrations. If that is possible.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Clickable URLs in PDF output created by Inkscape/SVG

I guess the title pretty much describes the problem.

I'm using Inkscape to write a SVG document, and convert it to PDF to share on the web (keeping SVG as original file is safer)
I have many URLs in this document. I know internal links (clickable and not necessarily showing the whole URL on screen) don't mean a lot in SVG and Bitmap images (which are usually supposed as final output document), but they are good in PDF.

Editing output PDF file and adding links is very hard, because is PDF format is complicated and nasty (unless there is a easy to use editor program).
How can add such links the easy way (preferably in Inkscape/SVG)

Source: (StackOverflow)

inkscape arrow pokes shape

I am drawing a block diagram. I need an arrow pointing to a rectangle. However, the arrow poke the rectangle even though end point is snapped to path.

What I need is the arrow to just touch the border.

enter image description here

Source: (StackOverflow)

Inkscape: Copying an object, retaining transparency

I'm looking for a way to copy objects from one window to another without losing the surrounding transparency.

I have two Inkscape windows. The setup is pretty simple. In the first window I draw a filled circle and a filled rectangle in it, with the circle set on top of the rectangle to show that the area around the circle is transparent (that is, you can see the rectangle "under" the circle, see screenshot 1, left). In the second window I just drew a filled rectangle (screenshot 1, right).


When I copy the circle from window 1 to window 2 the transparency around the circle is lost (screenshot 2).


I've verified that the backgrounds of the documents are 0% alpha/white.

This is a rather contrived example but is readily reproducible. The real graphics I am working with have a bunch of objects all in a single group, but I have the same results. I feel like I'm missing something. The circle no longer behaves like a circle at its destination. Instead, it acts kind of like a bitmap. I'm definitely not using the bitmap copy feature.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Inkscape: how to create inner border?

I create figure and set border width to 1px.

My image actual size is 100px. But with border this is 102px. How to set inner border instead of outer border? In Protoshop I can select type of border - inner, outer or center. But in Inkscape I have not found this option.

Source: (StackOverflow)