
imgur interview questions

Top imgur frequently asked interview questions

imgur image license?

I can't seem to find any information on what happens to my image licensing when I upload them to imgur.
Is there any way to place my images under a certain license there?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Do I lose all rights to a photo when using common Twitter picture sharing services?

There seem to be a glut of image sharing services geared for Twitter or the like, which of them should I stay away from if I care about the picture and which allow me to retain control over the photos?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Direct links to imgur images [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

How is a direct link obtained when uploading an image to Imgur? I have tried uploading one, but can not get a direct link. The interface seems to have recently changed.

Source: (StackOverflow)

When does imgur delete a photo?

Imgur is a great website for hosting images, but I want to know, are they keeping those images forever?

If not, for how long?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a tool to migrate albums from Imgur to Picasa?

I have some photo albums in Imgur and some in Picasa. But some people get strange 403 errors when following my Imgur links so I'd like to put everything on Picasa. And I would like not to have to download and upload everything by hand. Is there a tool somewhere that would automate the process?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to delete my imgur account?

Browsing around imgur, I can't find a way to get rid of my account.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Uploaded an image to imgur but people can't leave comments, only share

When I upload a few images to imgur none of them have the space at the bottom for people to add a caption. There are all the share links, but no text field.

What am I doing wrong? What do I need to do in order to allow other users the leave their comments on my uploaded images?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to find the thumbnail of an existing Imgur image?

There's a rather large image in a Stack Overflow post that I'd like to replace with its thumbnail and a link to the full-size image.

I know Imgur generates thumbnails for its images when you upload, but since I'm not the original uploader, is there any way for me to find the thumbnail image by URL hackery or some such?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to move an already uploaded image into an album in Imgur

I can't seem to find a way to move my uploaded images into an album on Imgur.
Am I missing something? Is it not possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

gifv not always playing video

Consider this, “GIFV good”:


Consider this, “GIFV bad”:


Now both of these are recent uploads; 13 and 15 hours old respectively. However one plays as a video and one plays as a GIF. You can tell because if you right click GIFV good it says Pause, while if you right click GIFV bad it says View Image.

I know that GIFV bad has a video available:

$ wget --spider http://i.imgur.com/MHfD9WX.webm
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 542519 (530K) [video/webm]

However if you try http://i.imgur.com/MHfD9WX.webm directly, it just redirects you to the GIFV and plays a GIF. What is causing this behavior?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I delete a picture from an Imgur album?

I'm trying to delete a picture that I uploaded as part of a batch into an album. Can I delete one picture from it? If so, how do I do so?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Did Imgur discontinue its image feed for specific Subreddits two days ago?

With https://imgur.com/r/$SUBREDDIT/rss you have a image feed for a specific subreddit. I love to see images directly in my feed reader. No need to click on Reddit links and open browser.

example URL https://imgur.com/r/trashy/rss

All those feeds stopped updating two days ago 21.07.2016. Is this a temporally problem or did Imgur discontinue those feeds?

enter image description here

The global feed (top voted stuff) still works and gets updated frequently. Hosted by Feedburner.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Unable to view comments in Imgur

I have uploaded an image on imgur and in stats I see that there are 13 comments for that picture. But I do not see any of those comments. What is going on? Where do I see the comments?

Image stats showing 13 comments

Source: (StackOverflow)

Album/user for deep link http://i.imgur.com/JNwPo.png

How do I find the album and user for the imgur deeplinked image "http://i.imgur.com/JNwPo.png", and for imgur deeplinked images in general?

I tried googling "link:http://i.imgur.com/JNwPo.png" (no quotes) to no avail.

Is there an imgur-specific way to do this and/or is this intentional: imgur doesn't want to map deeplinked images to users/albums? (although a brute force algorithm on each image/user would still work)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Has imgur stopped giving direct links?

Has imgur stopped giving direct file links to images uploaded?

I can't see a direct file link to this image:


(I know that the Stack Exchange website still integrates with imgur, and gets a direct link, but I'm not asking about that/)

screen shot

Source: (StackOverflow)