
images interview questions

Top images frequently asked interview questions

How do I batch change the date taken information in EXIF data?

I use F-Spot to manage my images. For one set of images, the dates somehow got messed up and they all are marked as September 1st 2007. I'd like to change the date taken information to a different date. How can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a simple way to print multiple images on the same page in Mac OS X?

I'm looking for a simple way to print multiple images on the same page. The default image printing function in Windows lets me select how many images I want on each page. How do I do this on the Mac?

When I select multiple images in the Finder and then File / Print, the Preview app opens and prints just the first selected image. If I try the same one more time, nothing gets printed!

Source: (StackOverflow)


Large image to clipboard freezes computer

So I was messing around with some height map images and found this one:


This image is 21600x10800 when I right click "copy image" from my browser (I am using chrome) it slows down my computer until it freezes. After that I must restart. I am curious to why this happens I presume it is the size of the image, all though its only about 6mb when saved.

I am also using Windows 8.1

Source: (StackOverflow)

GIMP: change one colour to another?

In GIMP, I have a green button GIF image: it shades from dark green to light green, against a transparent background. I would like to change it to blue, and keep the shading, so it shades from dark blue to light blue.

How can I do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does only GIF support animation?

Is GIF the only major image format that supports animation?

With GIF images being a relatively poor quality format, why are they the only one that supports animation in most viewers / browsers?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to split a multipage TIFF file on Windows?

I thought Adobe Photoshop could do everything, but apparently it cannot read multipage TIFF files.

I have a TIFF file with four pages, and I need to edit one of the pages. Windows Picture Viewer can print all four pages, but cannot split them. Anyone know how I can split the original TIFF into four separate images suitable for editing?

The Google search for "free tiff splitter windows" returns lots of suspicious looking downloads.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Combine one image + one audio file to make one video using FFmpeg

This should be pretty trivial, but I can't find a way to get it to work.

I want FFmpeg to take one JPEG image and an audio file as input and generate a video file of the same duration as the audio file (by stretching the still image for the whole duration).

I don't care very much about what video codec is used for output, but it is vital that I can use "copy" as the audio codec (i.e. copy the audio stream without transcoding it).

What is the right command line that would do that?

I tried:

ffmpeg -i image8.jpg -i sound11.amr -acodec copy test.avi

and tried a lot of combinations with and without -s 640x360, -loop_input, -shortest, -t xxx, -r 0.1 (artificially low frame rate in the hope that the video would be longer) and -f image2

Either I get errors or I get a video file of the duration of one frame.

I've googled around and found a dozen of proposed solutions (supposedly to this very same question) none of which works.

Can anybody suggest a working command and explain the rationale behind it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to open/import an SVG file with Photoshop CS2 or CS3?

Title pretty much says it all... Is there a way to open/import an SVG file with Photoshop CS2 or CS3? I am on Mac OS X but cross platform solutions are preferred. Illustrator can open SVG files, so I find it odd that Photoshop cannot. I understand Illustrator is vector based, but Photoshop has limited vector capabilities also...

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I save an image PDF file as an image?

I have a PDF that contains a scan image of a document. I want to save the contents of this PDF as an image so that I can then run it through an OCR program that only accepts .jpg, .png, and .gif type files.

How do I save/convert this PDF to one of those image formats?

EDIT: One way I've found to do this is to click on each page. Copy to clipboard. Paste to Paint.net and then save. However, this is cumbersome as it appears you can only select one page at a time in Acrobat Reader.

Source: (StackOverflow)

JPEG vs PNG vs BMP vs GIF vs SVG

I would like to know which one of these formats requires less memory for the same quality of the picture, and what are the main differences between these formats.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to extract image from PDF file

I currently use Foxit's PDF reader, and I recently downloaded an image from the Internet, but it is inside a PDF file. How do I extract this image?

Operating system is Windows 7.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to convert video to images?

How can I convert a video file to a sequence of images, for example one frame every N seconds. Can mplayer or ffmpeg do this? I have used MPlayer to grab screenshots manually but I would like to automate this for a long video.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7: Image thumbnails fail to appear

All right, I've got a pretty strange one here. Since I installed Windows 7 on this machine some time ago, image thumbnails have never worked properly. For the vast majority of images, they completely fail to show up, showing the icon of the default image viewing application instead. Please note that the “Always show icons, never thumbnails” option in folder options is not checked. I've taken a screenshot demonstrating the problem, here:


Sometimes, a few image thumbnails will show up correctly, maybe about one in ten, with the rest failing as well. Another screenshot, with a handful of thumbnails visible, can be seen here:

screenshot 2

Windows Explorer does not appear to make any effort to populate the missing thumbnails, and there is no appreciable CPU usage. I can leave a window with missing thumbnails open all night and they will still never appear.

Newly created images never generate thumbnails, only images that have been on the system since day one will occasionally show them. This leads me to believe that explorer is set to show thumbnails, but whatever process is supposed to be in charge of actually generating them has failed somehow. In previous versions of windows, explorer.exe itself was responsible for thumbnail generation – has this changed?

Any suggestions at all – even if you aren't sure that they will work – are welcome. I'd hate to have to wipe and reinstall on this machine for such a minor annoyance.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Convert many images to one PDF on Mac

How can I convert about 100 PNGs to one PDF on a Mac? I'm open to using the command line if it helps.

I have tried using iPhoto, but it quits, not sure why. Saving from Preview doesn't quite do what I want. Thoughts?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Prevent Outlook 2010 Insert Picture resizing image

When I "Insert Picture" a JPEG in Outlook 2010 it automatically resizes the image and, I think, recompresses it too. I realise this would be useful for photographs or for people who try to email 1MB BMPs but I would like to email around an image at the original pixel size without recompression. Is there a way to turn this off, or better still choose settings for each image insert?

I found this page in the Office help. It's for Word, PowerPoint and Excel not Outlook but points you at File, Options, Advanced, Image Settings. There's no equivalent section in Outlook. I know Outlook uses Word as its editor so I've looked at Word's settings but there isn't an 'original size' here: there's only 'turn off image recompression' and pick target DPI from 96, 150, 220. I guess Office is finding a DPI value in the JPEG file and scaling it up or down to match this setting. I can't find an equivalent option in Outlook's options menu but there's so many settings and pop-up dialogs I may have missed something.

Picture Format, Reset image size resets the image to the rescaled version, not the original. I can't see a way to edit a pixel value into size values in the image properties after insert.

Thanks! I realise I can probably achieve this by editing the image metadata in PhotoShop elements or similar but there ought to be a way without editing the file? This is new behaviour in Outlook 2010; 2007 didn't do this.

Source: (StackOverflow)