
if-this-then-that interview questions

Top if-this-then-that frequently asked interview questions

Using IFTTT to scrape a site - Court Forms

I'm wondering if there's a way to watch a website for changes, even if the site doesn't have a web feed. Specifically, I'd like to watch various state's court form websites for updated forms. http://www.courts.ca.gov/formnumber.htm So you'll see on that page, a form number (adopt-200), and a date revised (7/1/2010).

I'd like to use IFTTT (or something similar... hopefully I don't have to make my own, but whatever) to notify me if there is a change to any of the forms on that page, and then download the new pdf file.

Any ideas?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How long is the delay between IFTTT trigger and posting action?

How long does it take for IFTTT to notice that a trigger has occurred and for IFTTT to fire off the event? The IFTTT website is absent of any documentation.

Source: (StackOverflow)


IFTTT: Can you specify a delay for an action?

I've a specific use case, where once an If-this-then-that trigger happens, I want an action to occur, but I do not want that action to happen for at least 30 minutes.

When a WeMo switch is switched on, send a "SwitchOff" action 30 minutes later, to ensure the switch isn't on for more than 30 - 45 minutes at a time

Is there anyway to do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using two arguments / triggers in an IFTTT recipe

I'd like to use two arguments / triggers in an IFTTT recipe. What I want to do is :

IF time is 08:00 AND weather is <15°


Turn on WeMo switch (which I have connected to the heater in my office, so it's warm in the morning).

Is it possible to do this using IFTTT? I can build the recipe using either TIME or WEATHER but can't seem to do both (in a similar way to how you would write && in a PHP 'if' block).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I set an IFTTT recipe to only run at a specific time?

I'm using a neat little IFTTT recipe that automatically responds to text messages I receive through Google Voice. This one, to be precise.

I only need it to run when I'm at work, so I've been turning it on and off manually every day as needed.

Is there any way to make the recipe active only at set times? Like between 9 am and 5 pm on weekdays, for example?

At first I thought the Date & Time channel would be useful but it doesn't look like there's a way to use it to trigger existing recipes or chain recipes together.

I did some internet searching and found this post on r/IFTTT asking the same question and receiving no answers.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there a way to automatically extract (e.g. regex) information (e.g. prices) from emails (e.g. on Gmail)?

Every month I get an email from my mobile carrier which tells me how much money my contract has cost me the last month, and I'd like to be able to form that into an iOS notification with IFTTT. The problem is that I can't just create a new recipe with the mail body as a title, because the exact cost is not in the first lines for the mail.

An example for a mail I get would be

Hello nO_OnE_910,
cost: 10.00 €

And I'd like to get the information 10.00 € from that, with a regex like 'cost:\s(\d+\.\d{2})\s' and then send an email with the content of the first group to IFTTT to process the data.

Is this possible in any way without having to have a device on my end running?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Does IFTTT's Gmail to Dropbox recipe still work if I archive the email manually?

I have an IFTTT recipe which monitors my Gmail inbox and appends the subject line and body of the email to a file on my Dropbox. The problem is it seems to only check once every 10 - 20 minutes or so. I'd like to be able to archive the emails from my inbox (call it OCD), but then I'm worried that IFTTT won't pick them up. The question essentially is does IFTTT look at:

  • all mail received since the recipe was created?
  • all unread mail since the recipe was created?
  • all unread mail still in the inbox, i.e. the RSS/Atom feed of emails?

I've not been able to turn up any info on this on the IFTTT website so thought I'd ask here in case anyone knows. If not, I'll do some testing and answer myself for the sake of having an answer on the web.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Format date ingredient in IFTTT channel

I'm trying to create a recipe similar to this one where I record all of my Foursquare check-ins on a particular day to a single note for that day in Evernote.

Unfortunately, the {{CheckinDate}} ingredient uses time as well as date (Example: April 29, 2013 at 12:01PM). What I need is just the date (April 29, 2013).

So, I can have a separate note for every check-in (by using the date), or have all Foursquare check-ins written to a single note (until it fills up and creates a new note). Neither of which is what I want.

Is there a way to get all Foursquare check-ins on a particularly calendar date to be in one Evernote note?

I thought about using my Foursquare RSS feed the but {{EntryPublished}} ingredient is formatted the same way (with the time).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Run custom script as part of IFTTT recipe

I've just stared using IFTTT and one of the things I want to do is


To do this it really needs to be able to ping the URL my-site.com/my-script.php is that possible with IFTTT?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I trust ifttt with my data? [closed]

There are some ifttt reciepes that require a lot of trust.

Frankly, ifttt is too new and I'm afraid to give it such extensive permissions. Are some reassurances that can calm my mind? Do ifttt take proper precautions to prevent abuse/misuse/hacking?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Spreadsheets date and time format

I have lots of dates in the first column in the format

August 23, 2010 at 11:01PM

I was wondering if anyone knows a way to get them formatted in a way that I can then use for date and time calculations. Ideally the function will only take up an extra column.

It's the format IFTTT outputs

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I add the URL from a Facebook status update to a Google Spreadsheet with IFTTT

Would it be possible to save the actual URL where you can find the individual post to a new row in a Google Spreadsheet from Facebook to Google Drive Spreadsheets?

(You can get to the FB status URL by clicking the time/date). A URL could be: https://www.facebook.com/zuck/posts/10102890573589151?pnref=story (Zuckerberg's latest non-photo post).

I know there is an IFTTT recipe to add the actual content of a Facebook status update to a new row in a Google Spreadsheet including name poster and date added.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Save new emails/feed items to Pocket automatically

The Situation

I've subscribed to some newsletters. These newsletters/issues come out on a weekly or daily basis. I'm able to receive most of these newsletters via Email and all via RSS. I want to save them automatically to Pocket.

Newsletters/Feed items to add

  • Web Design Weekly
  • Responsive Design Weekly
  • CSS Weekly
  • Sidebar.io
  • The Pastry Box Project (only RSS)
  • Musigh (only RSS)

1. Pocket: direct integration into Email services/feed readers

  • Google Reader and Feedly both have a button to save a new item to Pocket – but I don't see a possibility there
  • Such a button doesn't exist for Email services according to the guys from Pocket (Source)

2. Using IFTTT & Gmail channel

Pocket can add the first link it finds inside an email.

  • if new email labeled "newsletter" then Save Body Plain to Pocket
  • if new email labeled "newsletter" then Send Body Plain as Email to add@getpocket.com

3. Using IFTTT & Feed channel

This requires creating a recipe for any feed.

  • if new feed item from specified feed url then Save Entry URL to Pocket

further things who might help:

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to use ifttt to post Google+ updates to Facebook?

I found this recipe, but it doesn't work.

I put in either https://plus.google.com/103156295300828440975 or http://plu.sr/feed.php?plusr=103156295300828440975, but I keep getting an error

Trigger field Not a valid feed url, missing feed title

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I create multiple e-mail channels in If This Then That?

I've just been sent a link to If This Then That and it looks like it might be very useful.

You have various "channels" for the "this" and "that" actions, one of them being e-mail. So you can set up a recipe that states:

If it's going to rain tomorrow send me an e-mail.

Now I have various e-mail accounts and addresses so what I'd like is to set up multiple e-mail channels.

Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)