
ical interview questions

Top ical frequently asked interview questions

How often does Google Calendar update its "Other Calendar" feeds?

I subscribe to a couple of external calendar feeds from my Google Calendar (within a Google Apps account) and am curious to know how often they get updated.

For example, I have a subscription to my TripIt.com calendar. If I make a change in TripIt it can be a few days before that change shows up in my Google Calendar.

How often does Google Calendar update these feeds?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Facebook All-day events show up in Google Calendar a day early

I have, using the export feature in Facebook, imported the ical feed in Google Calendar for Events. This works as it should, except that events that have no hour defined, show up a day early in Google Calendar (as full-day events). Events that have an hour defined show up at the correct time though. Anybody have any idea how to fix this?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Can I “opt out” of Google Calendar while keeping my Gmail account?

I would like to handle invitations manually (in iCloud, actually) without any invitations, events, or anything showing up in my Google Calendar account.

Because if that’s the case, there will be a time when I click “accept” and it gets added to a calendar I don’t use.

Please do not suggest non-answers! Valid answers:

  • How to disable Calendar while keeping Gmail
  • Any magic solution to always mirror GCal events to iCloud
  • A sourced answer that what I ask is impossible (no guesses).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Google Calendar not showing updated entries from iCal URL

I've created a new Google Calendar to display entries from an iCal URL. Both methods, described below, were used to accomplish this:

  1. Google Calendar → Other Calendars → Add by URL

  2. Google Calendar → Other Calendars → Import Calendar

The source application, if anyone is interested is SugarCRM. In the application, it displays the iCal URL in this format: http://abcd.com/ical_server.php?type=ics&key=fasfdsdfdfd&email=techwire@abcd.com

Question 1: Is this the problem? Should the protocol be webcal:// instead of http://?

Additional info: I've set up the SugarCRM calendar in MS Outlook using the HTTP URL and Outlook updates correctly whenever I add a new entry in Outlook.

As a test, I shared the calendar from Outlook and it shows the exact same URL, except it displays it as webcal://abcd.com/ical_server.php?type=ics&key=fasfdsdfdfd&email=techwire@abcd.com

I'll create some more entries as a test and see if that's the issue, but has anyone run into this problem?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I get my TripIt calendar to show up on Google Calendar?

I want to see my upcoming TripIt travel plans on my Google Calendar. I thought I would just be able to subscribe to my TripIt ical feed from GCal, but it doesn't seem to work.

I got my ical feed from TripIt; it looks something like this:

webcal://www.tripit.com/feed/ical/private/**obscured private identifier**/tripit.ics

I then tried pasting that link into the 'Add By URL' option to add an external calendar to my Google Calendar. No error is displayed, but no events appear on my calendar either.

I then tried changing webcal:// in the link to my TripIt feed to http:// but I got the same results.

Has anyone else successfully done this? Am I missing something basic here?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Export (.ical) only Attending or Maybe Attending events from Facebook

By default, Facebook exports Attending, (Maybe) Attending and also events that I haven't replied (RSVPed) to yet. This results in an event spam in my Google Calendar.

Is there a way to get a ical feed of only the events that I have marked to Attend or (Maybe) Attend?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Online viewing of published iCal calendars

I have a webcal URL to an iCal calendar I need to check out.


Is there an online web service or something that will allow me to see that calendar without having to install anything or register anywhere?

Ultimately I'd like to just give that URL to a web service and get it back as HTML tables or something.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Get iCal link for Facebook Page's events

I'm trying to get the iCal link for a Facebook Page's events. I can get one that is for my events, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get an iCal feed that covers all the page's events (regardless of whether I'm personally attending them). I'm an admin on the page.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I import an iCal feed to Twitter on an as-it-happens basis?

I have an account on Twitter that I use for saying "what I'm doing." Some of my iCal feeds already know what I'm doing and I don't want to have to do double entry and record that event twice.

Is there a service (not unlike twitterfeed.com, which at the moment doesn't support iCal) that will post updates to Twitter from an iCal feed on an as-it-happens basis?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Web Calendar Sync using .ics export [closed]

I have a web based calendar that has an .ics export so my users can import my calendar into theirs, whatever type of calendar they may have. To do so the user must click on a button on the web app and save the .ics file to their local environment.

The export is manual and now I'm looking to somehow automate the process so the user can receive calendar updates without even logging into my web app.

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to automate this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why aren't ics attachments send to my IEEE address working in Gmail anymore?

When I get emails about appointments from our Outlook server, they attach a .ics file to the email which contains the account details. This used to work fine, giving me the option to add the event to my Google Calendar.

However, now this only works if the email is sent directly to my Gmail account, and not when I use my ieee.org forwarding email address (which just forwards to Gmail).

If I send the invite to my Gmail address, the calendar event is automatically added to my Google Calendar, and I am given the option to respond in the email. In this case the raw email (without tx details) looks like this:

From: David Dean <xxxx@qut.edu.au>
To: "xxxx@gmail.com" <xxxx@gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 09:52:36 +1000
Subject: Test
Thread-Topic: Test
Thread-Index: AcwxN3ZO6sDlD9SYT1KvfHhbcj4GVw==
Message-ID: <0A52784B9330A94A9357569C34E81F5E92C4AA80BB@QUTEXMBX03.qut.edu.au>
Accept-Language: en-US, en-AU
Content-Language: en-AU
acceptlanguage: en-US, en-AU
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
MIME-Version: 1.0
Return-Path: d.dean@qut.edu.au

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64


Content-Type: text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REQUEST
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64



However, if I forward the email through my ieee.org email address, The only thing I see in the email is the details of the appointment in text (and sometimes not even that). I certainly don't get any Google Calendar integration. The raw text in this case is:

From: David Dean <xxxx@qut.edu.au>
To: "xxxx@ieee.org" <xxxx@ieee.org>
Date: Thu, 23 Jun 2011 09:53:42 +1000
Subject: TEst2
Thread-Topic: TEst2
Thread-Index: AcwxN52gf7e8V9MZRjux1SIjrpggsg==
Message-ID: <0A52784B9330A94A9357569C34E81F5E92C4AA80BC@QUTEXMBX03.qut.edu.au>
Accept-Language: en-US, en-AU
Content-Language: en-AU
acceptlanguage: en-US, en-AU
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Spam-Score: undef - spam scanning disabled
X-CanIt-Geo: ip=; country=AU; region=04; city=Brisbane; latitude=-27.5000; longitude=153.0167; http://maps.google.com/maps?q=-27.5000,153.0167&z=6
X-CanItPRO-Stream: ddcc (inherits from 90_OPT_OUT,default)
X-Scanned-By: IEEE Spam Scanner (https://uce.ieee.org/) on

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64


Content-Type: text/calendar; charset="utf-8"; method=REQUEST
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64



Other than some minor differences in the name and time of the events, the main difference appears to be

--- to xxxx@ieee.org
+++ to xxxx@gmail.com
-X-Spam-Score: undef - spam scanning disabled
-X-CanIt-Geo: ip=; country=AU; region=04; city=Brisbane; latitude=-27.5000; longitude=153.0167; http://maps.google.com/maps?q=-27.5000,153.0167&z=6
-X-CanItPRO-Stream: ddcc (inherits from 90_OPT_OUT,default)
-X-Scanned-By: IEEE Spam Scanner (https://uce.ieee.org/) on
+Return-Path: d.dean@qut.edu.au

If this is the difference that is causing the problem (I may have missed something, I guess), then why would the addition of these extra headers cause Gmail to not integrate with Calendar on these messages any more.

I'm also interested in what has changed, because this used to work. It looks like older emails send through my IEEE address that I know had Calendar integration at the time no longer do, so I suspect that it is Gmail that has changed, and not IEEE.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I change the privacy settings for all events on my Google Calendar?

I have quite a few events in my Google Calendar and they are all set to Default privacy.

My Google Calendar sharing preferences is currently set to "Show free/busy only":


But I would like to change this to "see all event details", and change all of the existing events from "Default" privacy to "Private" - so that all new events I create will be public - but existing events are private.


How can I change the privacy setting for all existing events to Private without having to change them one at a time? I have looked at the Google Calendar webpage and also in iCal and have not found an option in either, and actually in iCal I don't think there are any privacy settings that show up at all.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Create calendar events with a Subscribed URL

I've been developing an iCal Service that publish an ical file as an URL, so I can easily subscribe to this URL and I will get out-of-box all my events, alarms and todo's.

The problem I'm facing is that I can't create a new event back to my subscribed calendar, unless I use Mozilla Thunderbird (with Lightning) as any other calendar application gives me no change to add a new event or edit an existing event.

All apps seam to treat Subscribed URL's as Read-Only Calendars.

Can anyone give me a Why or any App that gives this ability?

I even bought some 3rd party calendars for iDevices and no one gives this ability as well, neither desktop apps suck Mac iCal or Outlook, or any web app such Google Calendar.

Any help on this matter is greatly appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Publish option in the newly updated MobileMe calendars disappears, How do I fix it?

Yesterday I updated my mobileMe calendars to the new format and than I noticed that the Publish option has disappeared from my iCal calendars. All my iCal calendars now show up under my MobileMe heading on the left hand side, perhaps because they are being shared with another computer via MobileMe. The only option under the Calendar menu now is Share Calendar.

I need to be able to send the URL for one of my iCal calendars so that anyone with a browser can see it. The webcal URL to subscribe to the calendar is useless. It used to also show the option to look at the calendar using the ical URL, but that option is now gone.

Anyone knows if it's still possible and how to do it?


Source: (StackOverflow)

How to make an event repeat on the third last working day of each month in Google Calendar?

Unfortunately my pay dates are a nightmare. I get paid on the third last working day at the end of each month. Here's a years worth of dates.

  • 29/09/14
  • 29/10/14
  • 26/11/14
  • 19/12/14 (exception due to christmas) this one can be ignored
  • 28/01/15
  • 25/02/15
  • 27/03/15
  • 28/04/15
  • 27/05/15
  • 26/06/15
  • 29/07/15
  • 26/08/15

Is this possible to do in Google Calendar or .ical format (RFC5545) and import? I've explored RRULE a bit, but can't find a solution.

Source: (StackOverflow)