
history interview questions

Top history frequently asked interview questions

How to get infinite command history in bash?

I set export HISTSIZE=99999999999999 but is that the best way? I don't know if an overflow might occur. I'm looking for a tested, reliable way to remove command history limits.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Viewing the full Skype chat history

I have Skype 2.8 on Mac OS X 10.5.8.

Under the the chat menu is an option called "Recent Chats". This allows me to see logs of recent chats, but not of older ones.

I know the older ones are stored because they are in ~/Library/Application Support/Skype/username/chatmsg256.dbb. This file when put in a text editor has text chat information from all my previous Skype chats. It is however stored in an unknown file format that I do not know how to parse.

Does Skype have a built-in log viewer (like Adium's) that I can use to access these older logs?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Is there a directory history for bash?

Is there something like bash's reverse-search-history (Ctrl-r), but for only directories?

I have some deep folder hierarchies that I want to jump to, so I'd like to use something like reverse-search-history, but it only looks for folder names and gives me absolute paths.

Essentially, it would give similar results to using !? but only matching commands with cd in the front, you can step through results, and full paths.

So far, the best solution I've found is bashmarks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I keep my bash history across sessions?

I am working on a x86 target running fedora 9.

Whenever I reboot it, my history returns to some state, and I do not have commands I did in the sessions before the reboot.

What I have to change to have updated history I had before reboot?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to search tmux scrollback history? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I'm starting to use tmux, and I already love it. But if I could search through scrollback history it would be even better (e.g. like in iTerm2). Is there a way to do it as of now?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Chrome: remove URL from autocomplete which doesn't show up in history? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

I accidentally visited gist.gihub.com (note the missing t), and now that URL auto completes each time I start typing gist.…. How can I remove this URL?

I've tried removing it from my history, but that doesn't help:

enter image description here

(note the empty search results)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to trace someone using Google during an online exam?

I happen to be a professor at a reputed college. I want to design an online exam for over 1000 students via around 50 computers right after the vacation ends. Now the problem is that I have heard that many students use Google on a different tab to find answers when no invigilator is around.

I want to know if there is a way to backtrace it after the exams via some kind of history or any other possible way.

In our university there is a standard system. I am not good with computers but I will try to explain. Each computer uses Mozilla to connect to a server centrally located via an IP. The students open it and enter a unique ID and password to start the exams. Many questions are jumbled and different groups of students give exam in a different time slot.

Is there any way to trace it since I want to set an example for students so they won't cheat and give exams in an honest way.

Additional details: Since the number of computers are less than the number of students, more than 10 students are going to use a single computer on a single day over a period of 10 hours. After this, if I check the history (and let's say someone even forgot to delete the history and I see it), will I able to figure out who among the 10 has done it? Moreover, is it even practical and feasible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What did computers use for output before monitors?

How did the early industrial computers, such as UNIVAC, ENIAC, MARK I, etc display output before monitors existed?

Did the first personal computers, like the Altair 8800 or the Simon use monitors, or did they use some alternate output as well?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I remove OLD history from Google Chrome?

I'm working on a laptop with a modest hard drive, and 500MB is taken up with Google Chrome "History Index" and "Thumbnails" files. Some of these files are a year old. Chrome offers me the option to remove recent history, but I want the opposite: I want to remove old history. (Ideally I would remove the least recently used history information, but I don't expect to be able to do that.)

Anyone have any ideas? I'm running the standard Debian google-chrome-beta package.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does an operating system look like without a shell?

A shell like the bash or command.com (up to Windows ME) or CMD.EXE (in later versions) provides an interface that (among other things) accepts commands from the user. What does an operating system look like before a shell is run? How were systems used before the first shell was developed (e.g. UNIX in the early 1970s)? If a computer cannot even accept commands (there is no command line), how can a user interact with it? What is this most basic interface? Can I run this interface in a terminal emulator or is there no way going behind a shell?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Purpose of a "mystery key" on an IBM PC 3270 keyboard

A colleague has just come into possession of a large number of IBM PC 3270 keyboards (don't ask!). These keyboards have a number of very interesting looking keys, but the one that most intrigued us is the one at the bottom right of the block illustrated here:

Keyboard picture

In the absence of knowing its purpose, we've nicknamed it the "person in a wheelchair being chased down a hill by a boulder" key. We are relatively confident, however, that this isn't its actual name.

Any PC/mainframe history buffs able to help us out?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I discard my undo history in vim?

Undo is nice to have in Vim. But sometimes, at a known good point, I want to erase my undo history - to be able to use u to undo individual changes, but only back to a certain point. (For instance, this might be when I last committed.)

One way to accomplish this would be to close and reopen the file - the undo history starts clean at that point. But that's a hassle.

In the past, I accomplished this with :edit!. But in Vim 7.3, that doesn't discard the undo history.

Is there another way to do this, apart from closing the file?

Source: (StackOverflow)

ZSH only displaying last 16 or so commands with history. HISTSIZE & SAVEHIST are 500

In ZSH when I type history I'm only displayed the last 16 or so commands. I would like history to display all the existing commands in the history file.

When I look in my .zsh_history (my history file) I see all the 500 previous commands that should be there.

I looked in the man page, but I don't see anything that controls how many of the history items are listed. I also looked in my, env but don't see anything that could be controlling this.

Any help would be appreciated! thanks.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Track kids browsing history even when they know how to clear it manually

I have a colleague with two teenage boys (yes, cue cliche's about 'I have this friend see...') He's currently having issues with them browsing pr0n and wants to do a little spying on their browsing (I'm staying clear of the philosophies/ethics on this.) The kids are savvy enough to clear their browsing history when they're done. As I'm his goto for IT he has asked me if there is a way to keep a hold of the browsing history.

The family uses Macs, and the kids surf with Safari. I know that browsing history is kept here ~/Library/Safari/History.plist. I figure there should be a way to write either an AppleScript or other script (Python/Ruby/Bash) that can backup this file to a different location (/opt/local/history, etc.)

Since the kids know to clear their history when they're done should the file be periodically backed up with something similar to a cron job or something like Hazel? While that could work it seems like it would create a ton of little incremental backups.

Or is it possible to 'watch' ~/Library/Safari/History.plist and incrementally add changes to a backup file (saving a diff so to speak) but not lose any data?

Any ideas/solutions appreciated.

UPDATE/EDIT: Got the word from concerned dad that the oldest uses Firefox on a different PC, so the OpenDNS solution (preferably at the router level) is the best answer so far as it would capture usage for the whole house.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I see a history of what I've POST-ed in Google Chrome?

I just submitted a form that included a text box, in which I had written a quite long text. In another textbox, I filled in a date in the wrong format - and instead of getting an error message, the web site just acted as if my form submission was valid, except nothing was saved.

Is there any way to see the history of what has been POST-ed (in the current session, at least), from where I can recover my lost text?

Source: (StackOverflow)