

Create a virtual X screen from Ruby, record videos and take screenshots. Headless, a Ruby wrapper for Xvfb (gem, headless, Ruby, rubygems, Xvfb) - Leonid Shevtsov headless is a ruby wrapper for xvfb, the virtual framebuffer.

Is it possible to run Selenium scripts without having an X server running, too?

I have a python script that uses selenium RC; specifically webdriver.

I would love to have the script run as a post-commit hook, ideally through IE, Safari (if possible), Chrome & Firefox.

But I'm not sure what I'd need to do, since every time I run it on my local machine, a browser pops up.

I've heard of "saucelabs". Is it the best solution?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What does "headless" mean?

While reading the QTKit Application Programming Guide I came across the term 'headless environments' - what does this mean? Here is the passage:

...including applications with a GUI and tools intended to run in a “headless” environment. For example, you can use the framework to write command-line tools that manipulate QuickTime movie files.

Source: (StackOverflow)


how to add the missing RANDR extension

I have setup the xvfb server on my headless server and when I m running the DISPLAY=:99 firefox I am getting this exception missing RANDR extension

Many of them said to disable some xinerna from the xorg.conf file but this file is not getting created in my case.

So I am searching for how to add the missing RANDR extension.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to setup Android sdk from command-line on headless server? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:

So far Ive managed to download and install the SDK and its in my PATH. Problem now is that I can't run "android update sdk" since it expects to be connected to a display and Im connected to a remote headless server through ssh (its a build server so there's no desktop env). Is there a command-line option for the android tool that tells it to run without X ?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Vagrant Up Error In Headless Ubuntu: The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it to boot

I need to install vagrant in headless ubuntu(Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS- 64 Bit).Vagrant ver-v1.3.0 and Virtual box- 4.2.18. After adding the vagrant package box, when I am giving "vagrant up" command, am getting the following error:

Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
[default] Clearing any previously set forwarded ports...
[default] Creating shared folders metadata...
[default] Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
[default] Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
[default] Forwarding ports...
[default] -- 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
[default] Booting VM...
[default] Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it
to boot. Valid states are 'starting, running'. The machine is in the
'poweroff' state. Please verify everything is configured
properly and try again.

When I searched this error message, I found the need to modify your BIOS to enable VT-x features. But I dunno how to do it as its headless ubuntu remote server. Also am not sure whether enabling VT-x will fix the problem.

Can someone help me with this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

What is the meaning of the term 'headless' in the context of Java development in Eclipse?

What is the meaning of the term 'headless' in the context of Java development in Eclipse?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Using octave headless

Is there a possibility to use Octave headless.

Something like this octave < "5+4" >result.txt

Source: (StackOverflow)

In continuous integration (headless env -> mac os X server), use a tool/lib which needs access to GUI, xvfb/display emulator/X11 forwarding

we have a Mac os x server (10.10.3) we use to run functional tests with Jenkins.

We would like to use (in our tests) a tool/lib (sikulix for information) which uses under the hood java.awt.Robot class -java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment-. The problem is : we can't use this java class in headless env, because it needs to have access to a GUI.

So I would like to know if there was a solution/hack to make this tool works with jenkins.

Considering we have an USB-HDMI simulator (mac headless accelerator) which simulates a display attached.

We have also Xquartz, X11, xauth installed so I thought it would have bypassed this java headless restriction, by forcing the java.awt.headless property to false, and by using an X window, but it's not the case.

Correct me if I'm wrong : we don't need to have a real screen to do that, it's the goal of a display emulator/simulator; isn't it?

What I've tried successfully to use this lib in our tests:

  • use it on desktop (with monitor, ofc it works)

  • use screen sharing between remote mac server machine A and local mac desktop machine B (by executing the script in terminal of this screen sharing)

  • with ssh -Y on my linux computer(client) which was also the server of a X Window System (X11) app : it has worked doing a X11 forwarding without any ssh config changes (-Y flag). java.awt.headless=false was useful here

But I can't really tell if this last solution was useful. Though I've executed the script via ssh, I had a screen connected : it might have influence something .

(Keep in mind the final goal is to execute the tests with jenkins).

It led me to this try : execute the script via ssh with -Y flag or by modifying ssh_config/sshd_config files (access to the mac -remote server-) with screen sharing active, but it doesn't automatically recognized X-window :(

Here my questions :

  • Would the xvfb plug-in (jenkins) be sufficient to do what we want? I don't know how to configure it yet.

  • Could it be possible to do a X11forwarding from mac server (script executed with jenkins as daemon/agent; including maybe a ssh -Y connexion, I don't know yet how to make it work) to the screen shared ?-which is also the server.... don't know why it can't recognize it- .

Yeah I know, this question is strange but my brain is burning and I'm getting confused...

By the way I would prefer to do everything really headless, but if it's not possible and I have to use the screen sharing, I'm fine.

Currently I'm really wondering if it is possible to launch a GUI application which needs X11 -on mac- in an headless environment... I thought the answer was yes with the correct installations, but apparently it's not that simple... or I must don't understand something correctly.

For X11 forwarding, I have the $DISPLAY var set, but I still get

Error: Can't open display 'address'

Even if I set the display to local, remote, or address, I'm still blocked by the lib with GUI access.

Another solution could be to attach terminal sessions (screen sharing terminal/terminal launching the script), I will try tomorrow with tmux. I still find strange that the server can't detect its shared session (I wanted to say it another time !).... There is an opened screen dude :s

With xvfb :

export DISPLAY=:1
Xvfb :1 &

Then mvn command but it still doesn't work.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Install both Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 headless

I would like to install both Xcode 3 and Xcode 4 on the same OS instance using the headless install mode (I cannot VPN). Xcode3 should be installed in a folder denoted Developer3, Xcode4 in Developer4.

I've executed the Xcode installer with -showChoicesXML (sudo installer -showChoicesXML -pkg "Xcode and iOS SDK.mpkg" -target mytarget) trying to see if I can customize the default folder - I haven't found anything helpful.

Is it safe to install Xcode in the /Developer folder and after that to rename the folder to another name? It might be a solution, but I suppose it will not work properly.


Source: (StackOverflow)

Remote CUDA profiling?

Is it possible to remotely execute a CUDA profile execution (similar to computeprof) and then bring the profile back for analysis?

The particular remote machine is headless and not-under-my-control, so no X, no Qt libraries, etc.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Python - Firefox Headless

I've spent the last few days messing around with Selenium, Tor, and Firefox as a combination for multiple tasks. I've managed to write a simple script in Python that takes control of Firefox through Selenium, while Firefox is connected to Tor for privacy.

Now, I'm looking for a way to save resources, so I thought of running Firefox in headless mode, which I thought was a common feature but it doesn't seem to be that. I'm looking for a method to do just that. The reason for it being Firefox and not some terminal based browser is because of the extension "TorButton" that I'm using within Firefox. It has javascript injections built in to it that help with privacy.

If anyone has done this before (which I'm sure many have!), some tips would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Eclipse: What is the minimum Eclipse installation needed for a headless PDE build?

I am currently using PDE build in headless mode to build my OSGI Bundle project. The PDE Antrunner task uses an Eclipse installation and I am just pointing it to my local Eclipse installation.

unfortunatelly my eclipse installation is about 260MB big, but I assume that a PDE build does NOT require all of those plugins in a standard eclipse installation.

Does anyone now what is the minimum list of plugins I need for doing a headless PDE build? All of my dependencies I actually have in a custom target platform folder, so I guess the only thing I need from my eclipse installation are the dependencies which PDE build actually needs. But what are those? Can I shrink my installation to a very minimum?

My goal is to also check-in this "build-eclipse" folder into my project's SVN so that when you check it out, you have everything you need to start a full build, without touching any build.properties. But I don't want to commit 266MB of eclipse if I maybe need only 20MB of it.

Thanks Christoph

Source: (StackOverflow)

Real headless browser


Here is my problem: I am in charge of testing an enterprise web application that makes heavy use of AJAX. I need to build a system that allows continuous running of tests without human intervention. Currently I am mostly interested in load testing but I want the same scripts used to generate load to be used in functional tests.

Currently for loadtesting I am using the grinder. We record scripts and then process the heck out of them to handle among other things the asynchronous requests. This system works for now; however the scripts are delicate and I can't maintain them during our development cycle. I need to be able to 'run a browser' via a programming language that abstracts over the details of html and javascript but it must be headless. In other words if my testing script breaks it must represent an actual breakage of the application. Running firefox in xvfb does not work as firefox still uses too much resources even on a headless linux machine running with xvfb. I tried driving firefox with webdriver under the headless x server.

I have been working on HTMLUnit for days since this is the ideal solution. I have been writing HTMLUnit drivers in Jython and hence I can use them with the grinder. Unfortunately I am running into javascript errors (that are not real errors in firefox/chrome/IE) and I think I am at the end of the road for this. In any case I am well aware of HtmlUnit and I really need an alternative.

I know there are some other solutions (envjs and zombie.js); however I don't know how developed these technologies are and I don't want to waste another week going down a dead end.

How hard would it be to take the source code for either Firefox or Webkit and comment out all the rendering/GUI calls and create a real headless browser? Has this been done? Would one be easier to do this with than another? Honestly I cannot fathom why this has not been done already, so I am guessing it is much harder than I am anticipating.

I am assuming that if I can get a truly headless browser with reasonable performance characteristics (I have a large server fleet to throw at this problem, but its not big enough for real firefox with GUI rendering) then I will be set.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Easiest way to unit test SWT and Swing apps in a headless environment?

I'm looking to unit test some SWT and Swing code for a project I'm working on and the tests run fine as long as I'm running them from eclipse.

As soon as I run them in my hudson environment it fails since hudson runs the tests in headless mode.

What's the best way of doing this? Open source solutions only please (since the project is open source).

Source: (StackOverflow)

Any way to start Google Chrome in headless mode?

I carefully revised the list of switches at http://peter.sh/experiments/chromium-command-line-switches/#chrome-frame and I couldn't find anything that would launch Chrome in a hidden background process.

The closest I was able to is --keep-alive-for-test + custom packaged app, but the app fails to execute any passed code because (the way it reports) "no window - ChromeHidden".

Source: (StackOverflow)