
hash interview questions

Top hash frequently asked interview questions

How can I print the contents of a hash in Perl?

I keep printing my hash as # of buckets / # allocated. How do I print the contents of my hash? Without using a while loop would be most preferable (ex: a one-line would be best)

Source: (StackOverflow)

HashSet vs. List performance

It's clear that a search performance of the generic HashSet<T> class is higher than of the generic List<T> class. Just compare the hash-based key with the linear approach in the List<T> class.

However calculating a hash key may itself take some CPU cycles, so for a small amount of items the linear search can be a real alternative to the HashSet<T>.

My question: where is the break-even?

To simplify the scenario (and to be fair) let's assume that the List<T> class uses the element's Equals() method to identify an item.

Source: (StackOverflow)


How to find keys of a hash?

I know in javascript Objects double as hashes but i have been unable to find a built in function to get the keys

var h = {a:'b',c:'d'};

I want something like

var k = h.keys() ; // k = ['a','c'];

It is simple to write a function myself to iterate over the items and add the keys to an array that I return, but is there a standard cleaner way to do that ?

I keep feeling it must be a simple built in function that I missed but I can't find it!

Source: (StackOverflow)

Salting Your Password: Best Practices?

I've always been curious... Which is better when salting a password for hashing: prefix, or postfix? Why? Or does it matter, so long as you salt?

To explain: We all (hopefully) know by now that we should salt a password before we hash it for storage in the database [Edit: So you can avoid things like what happened to Jeff Atwood recently]. Typically this is done by concatenating the salt with the password before passing it through the hashing algorithm. But the examples vary... Some examples prepend the salt before the password. Some examples add the salt after the password. I've even seen some that try to put the salt in the middle.

So which is the better method, and why? Is there a method that decreases the chance of a hash collision? My Googling hasn't turned up a decent analysis on the subject.

Edit: Great answers folks! I'm sorry I could only pick one answer. :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Hash and salt passwords in C#

I was just going through one of DavidHayden's articles on Hashing User Passwords.

Really I can't get what he is trying to achieve.

Here is his code:

private static string CreateSalt(int size)
    //Generate a cryptographic random number.
    RNGCryptoServiceProvider rng = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider();
    byte[] buff = new byte[size];

    // Return a Base64 string representation of the random number.
    return Convert.ToBase64String(buff);

private static string CreatePasswordHash(string pwd, string salt)
    string saltAndPwd = String.Concat(pwd, salt);
    string hashedPwd =
        saltAndPwd, "sha1");
    return hashedPwd;

Is there any other C# method for hashing passwords and adding salt to it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How does password salt help against a rainbow table attack?

I'm having some trouble understanding the purpose of a salt to a password. It's my understanding that the primary use is to hamper a rainbow table attack. However, the methods I've seen to implement this don't seem to really make the problem harder.

I've seen many tutorials suggesting that the salt be used as the following:

$hash =  md5($salt.$password)

The reasoning being that the hash now maps not to the original password, but a combination of the password and the salt. But say $salt=foo and $password=bar and $hash=3858f62230ac3c915f300c664312c63f. Now somebody with a rainbow table could reverse the hash and come up with the input "foobar". They could then try all combinations of passwords (f, fo, foo, ... oobar, obar, bar, ar, ar). It might take a few more milliseconds to get the password, but not much else.

The other use I've seen is on my linux system. In the /etc/shadow the hashed passwords are actually stored with the salt. For example, a salt of "foo" and password of "bar" would hash to this: $1$foo$te5SBM.7C25fFDu6bIRbX1. If a hacker somehow were able to get his hands on this file, I don't see what purpose the salt serves, since the reverse hash of te5SBM.7C25fFDu6bIRbX is known to contain "foo".

Thanks for any light anybody can shed on this.

EDIT: Thanks for the help. To summarize what I understand, the salt makes the hashed password more complex, thus making it much less likely to exist in a precomputed rainbow table. What I misunderstood before was that I was assuming a rainbow table existed for ALL hashes.

Source: (StackOverflow)

SHA512 vs. Blowfish and Bcrypt [closed]

I'm looking at hashing algorithms, but couldn't find an answer.

  • Bcrypt uses Blowfish
  • Blowfish is better than MD5
  • Q: but is Blowfish better than SHA512?



I want to clarify that I understand the difference between hashing and encryption. What prompted me to ask the question this way is this article, where the author refers to bcrypt as "adaptive hashing" https://www.nccgroup.trust/us/about-us/newsroom-and-events/blog/2007/july/enough-with-the-rainbow-tables-what-you-need-to-know-about-secure-password-schemes/

Since bcrypt is based on Blowfish, I was led to think that Blowfish is a hashing algorithm. If it's encryption as answers have pointed out, then seems to me like it shouldn't have a place in this article. What's worse is that he's concluding that bcrypt is the best. What's also confusing me now is that the phpass class (used for password hashing I believe) uses bcrypt (i.e. blowfish, i.e. encryption). Based on this new info you guys are telling me (blowfish is encryption), this class sounds wrong. Am I missing something?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Calculate MD5 checksum for a file

I'm using iTextSharp to read the text from a PDF file. However, there are times I cannot extract text, because the PDF file is only containing images. I download the same PDF files everyday, and I want to see if the PDF has been modified. If the text and modification date cannot be obtained, is a MD5 checksum the most reliable way to tell if the file has changed?

If it is, some code samples would be appreciated, because I don't have much experience with cryptography.

Source: (StackOverflow)

What data type to use for hashed password field and what length?

I'm not sure how password hashing works (will be implementing it later), but need to create database schema now.

I'm thinking of limiting passwords to 4-20 characters, but as I understand after encrypting hash string will be of different length.

So, how to store these passwords in the database?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Where do you store your salt strings?

I've always used a proper per-entry salt string when hashing passwords for database storage. For my needs, storing the salt in the DB next to the hashed password has always worked fine.

However, some people recommend that the salt be stored separately from the database. Their argument is that if the database is compromised, an attacker can still build a rainbow table taking a particular salt string into account in order to crack one account at a time. If this account has admin privileges, then he may not even need to crack any others.

From a security perspective, is it worth it to store salts in a different place? Consider a web application with the server code and DB on the same machine. If the salts are stored in a flat file on that machine, chances are that if the database is compromised, the salts file will be, too.

Are there any recommended solutions to this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is "double hashing" a password less secure than just hashing it once?

Is hashing a password twice before storage any more or less secure than just hashing it once?

What I'm talking about is doing this:

$hashed_password = hash(hash($plaintext_password));

instead of just this:

$hashed_password = hash($plaintext_password);

If it is less secure, can you provide a good explanation (or a link to one)?

Also, does the hash function used make a difference? Does it make any difference if you mix md5 and sha1 (for example) instead of repeating the same hash function?

Note 1: When I say "double hashing" I'm talking about hashing a password twice in an attempt to make it more obscured. I'm not talking about the technique for resolving collisions.

Note 2: I know I need to add a random salt to really make it secure. The question is whether hashing twice with the same algorithm helps or hurts the hash.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why should hash functions use a prime number modulus?

A long time ago, I bought a data structures book off the bargain table for $1.25. In it, the explanation for a hashing function said that it should ultimately mod by a prime number because of "the nature of math".

What do you expect from a $1.25 book?

Anyway, I've had years to think about the nature of math, and still can't figure it out.

Is the distribution of numbers truly more even when there are a prime number of buckets? Or is this an old programmer's tale that everyone accepts because everybody else accepts it?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords

It is currently said that MD5 is partially unsafe. Taking this into consideration, I'd like to know which mechanism to use for password protection.

This question, Is “double hashing” a password less secure than just hashing it once? suggests that hashing multiple times may be a good idea, whereas How to implement password protection for individual files? suggests using salt.

I'm using PHP. I want a safe and fast password encryption system. Hashing a password a million times may be safer, but also slower. How to achieve a good balance between speed and safety? Also, I'd prefer the result to have a constant number of characters.

  1. The hashing mechanism must be available in PHP
  2. It must be safe
  3. It can use salt (in this case, are all salts equally good? Is there any way to generate good salts?)

Also, should I store two fields in the database (one using MD5 and another one using SHA, for example)? Would it make it safer or unsafer?

In case I wasn't clear enough, I want to know which hashing function(s) to use and how to pick a good salt in order to have a safe and fast password protection mechanism.

Related questions that don't quite cover my question:

What's the difference between SHA and MD5 in PHP
Simple Password Encryption
Secure methods of storing keys, passwords for asp.net
How would you implement salted passwords in Tomcat 5.5

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can bcrypt have built-in salts?

Coda Hale's article "How To Safely Store a Password" claims that:

bcrypt has salts built-in to prevent rainbow table attacks.

He cites this paper, which says that in OpenBSD's implementation of bcrypt:

OpenBSD generates the 128-bit bcrypt salt from an arcfour (arc4random(3)) key stream, seeded with random data the kernel collects from device timings.

I don't understand how this can work. In my conception of a salt:

  • It needs to be different for each stored password, so that a separate rainbow table would have to be generated for each
  • It needs to be stored somewhere so that it's repeatable: when a user tries to log in, we take their password attempt, repeat the same salt-and-hash procedure we did when we originally stored their password, and compare

When I'm using Devise (a Rails login manager) with bcrypt, there is no salt column in the database, so I'm confused. If the salt is random and not stored anywhere, how can we reliably repeat the hashing process?

In short, how can bcrypt have built-in salts?

Source: (StackOverflow)