
gui interview questions

Top gui frequently asked interview questions

Focus Follows Mouse or Sloppy Focus on Mac OS X

"Focus follows mouse" or "sloppy focus" is a feature common to X11 window managers on Linux/Unix, including GNOME, KDE, CDE, XFCE and window managers like Enlightenment, Fluxbox and Window Maker. It is also available via TweakUI on Windows. Some individual applications on OS X, like iTerm support it.

What is it? Simply put, the window where the mouse pointer is has focus, rather than having to click a window for it to gain focus.

Does the native GUI for OS X support this, with some hidden setting? Or, is there a good third party application that will do this?

Source: (StackOverflow)

In Firefox 4, how do I get the RSS feed button back?

I've upgraded to Firefox 4 and the RSS feed button was removed from the address bar! How do I get it back?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Linux GUI Database Manager [closed]

Does anyone Know any KDE application for working with databases in a unified way? It must support several DBs (sqlite, MySQL, Oracle). GTK apps are also welcome :)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Run a GUI app on remote computer from SSH

I want to run a GUI application on my Ubuntu computer, but it should started by a shell script on my Debian server trought SSH.

Is this possible?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Emacs: What features or benefits are unique to either GUI or terminal interface?

Emacs can be launched in it's own GUI window or within a terminal (using the -nw flag).

What features or work-flow benefits are only available in one mode or the other? I.e. If a user habitually uses one mode, what are they missing out on?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Do text based browsers reduce network traffic?

Do text based browsers such as lynx, links and elinks consume less bandwidth than a GUI based browser (ie, Firefox, Chrome etc.)?

I'm guessing no reduction in traffic.
Rationale: I think a text based browser downloads the entire page as it is offered by the server. Any streamlining or reduction of page widgetry is done locally.

Maybe there is some reduction in traffic, as most text based browsers won't execute page scripts or SWF which might cause more traffic.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Windows 7 Explorer keyboard shortcut: set focus to files/folders/content area?

Is there a Windows 7 Explorer keyboard shortcut to set focus to files/folders/content area (depicted below)?

This has bothered me for so long... I want to set my explorer window's focus to the files pane (shown below). What's the most efficient way to do that with a keyboard?

enter image description here

Here's what I've been doing:
- Tab / Shift+Tab to move focus through interactive window elements until it looks like a selection rectangle appears over one of the files in my window.
- Alt+V, Alt+D to change appearance setting of a folder contents' icons. Doesn't always work, depending on what's selected at the time.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Why does this window have square corners?

On Windows 7 with the Aero theme, Notepad++'s Preferences window has square corners, no system menu icon, a close button, and a darker 1px border. This window also has an AlwaysOnTop attribute.

(I resized the window to fit a width of 640px.)

Interestingly enough, you can copy this style to other windows using AutoHotkey. So, it would seem that there is no dirty tricks involved. However, I don't think I've seen this window style anywhere else.

Is using this style condemned by Microsoft? Does this type of window have a name?

For the curious: Normal vs "Square"

normal   calculator

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I set environment variables for GUI apps in OS X Mavericks?

I've been struggling to get an app to run in OS X Mavericks. I finally was able to get it to run by drilling into the .app bundle and running the shell script directly. It seems that JAVA_HOME needed to be set. So I set it in my .profile in the shell, and everything works fine.

However, if I want to simply click the icon in the dock, it won't run. My guess is that this is because JAVA_HOME is not set globally. Since I'm not running the app directly from the shell, OS X doesn't know what JAVA_HOME is. It just keeps looking.

In previous versions of OS X, it seems that environment variables could be set for GUI apps by simply adding them to /etc/launchd.conf. This file doesn't seem to exist in Mavericks. How can I set a global environment variable that will work for GUI apps in Mavericks?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is there any GUI tool to configure /etc/fstab?

I have little experiences in configuring the 'fstab'. I'm looking for any GUI tool that helps me with this. If possible based on gtk and should be available in Debian.

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I disable tab stacking in Opera 11.01

There's new feature in Opera 11.01 called tab stacking. It helps you to hoard tabs.

It works for (and annoys) me in Opera (11.01 build 1190) under Win32, but somehow doesn't appear in the same build for Linux.

Does anybody know how to disable tab stacking?

Source: (StackOverflow)

My Windows 7 has suddenly stopped displaying Unicode symbols

For some strange reason, my computer suddenly doesn't show certain unicode characters anymore! I have no idea what happened.

Affected applications include Windows Explorer (should be Japanese characters), Google Chrome (should be a heart), and Winamp (should be stars):

unicode unicode enter image description here

Russian, German etc. characters are displayed normally. Chrome also displays Japanese script on websites, but not in the GUI. How can I fix it?

TL;DR: A workaround is to put a shortcut with a Unicode name on the desktop so that explorer.exe is the first process to display a Unicode string after booting.

Update: I have tried to use System Restore to fix it. I needed to go back in time quite a while because the most recent restore points didn't solve it so I used one from the middle of November. After that restore, Unicode symbols were displayed again. Then I updated my system with Windows Update again because those were removed during the restore. After that, the error occurred again! I then did a restore to a point before my new updates, but the error persists, and the old restore point (which I used before) is gone and there are currently no other snapshots of the system. Any suggestions on what to do now?

Update 2: I could find a workaround:

Control PanelRegion and LanguageAdministration → Change Language for Unicode-incompatible programs to Japanese (Japan).

All mentioned programs display their symbols correctly again. However, I don't consider this a fix because these programs are not usually Unicode-incompatible, and it also leads to some (non-serious) artifacts in some programs. I still welcome an answer that tells me what went wrong here and how to fix the issue.

Update 3: I think I have isolated the particular Windows Update which causes the error. It is Slow performance in applications that use the DirectWrite API on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. I have installed all other updates except this one, and the error did not occur again.

Update 4: The true origin of this problem was Chrome, see accepted answer. Workaround: put shortcut with Unicode name on desktop so that explorer.exe is the first process to display a Unicode string after booting.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Which fork of GitX is the most active? [closed]

I've been using the original GitX but I've noticed it hasn't had any updates for quite a while. Which version of GitX is the most active, in terms of updates/stability/features?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Automate GUI tasks?

I have a Windows application which is deadware, and it lacks the option of exporting data into a file. The only way to extract data is to copy each line into the clipboard, and paste it in an editor.

As a work-around, I'm thinking of recording the action once, and loop through it until it reaches the last line in the application.

I know there are quite a few such utilities for Windows, so I'd appreciate it if you could recommend one for this task. Thank you.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Starting Ubuntu without the GUI

I want to boot a "Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS" server, but I want XFCE not to be started, nor X at all, only Shell.

How do I tell my server to boot to the shell, not running XFCE at all?

I have an SSH connection to the server, but no display connected.

Since I migrated from earlier versions I use GRUB 1, where no /etc/default/grub exists.

I would like to set the target runlevel somewhere, without changing GRUB at all.

Source: (StackOverflow)