
gravatar interview questions

Top gravatar frequently asked interview questions

Is it safe to use Gravatar?

I vaguely remember hearing that Gravatar had some security or privacy flaw. I think it was that someone could extract your e-mail address if you used a Gravatar. Is Gravatar safe? How do you know?

Update: There's a similar question about it on Meta Stack Overflow, but I don't understand the discussion well enough to know if I should worry about using Gravatar.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can I stop a WordPress application from using my Gravatar photo?

I uploaded a photo to Gravatar.

Today, I just registered to post on a site running WordPress. Because personal health is discussed on this site, I used a pseudonym on the site, but much to my dismay, it seems like it's going to automatically display my picture from Gravatar. I looked through all the options in WordPress, and I see that I can change my displayed username, but there is no way to specify my Gravatar.

Is there a way to stop this WordPress site from displaying my photo, short of simply not using that site?

Source: (StackOverflow)


Why is my Gravatar blank at Github's pulse view?

On every Pulse page on Github, a default Gravatar is shown instead of my usual one:

I'm using two email accounts on Github, one for logging in, and another one for blaming. Both accounts are correctly set up to my Github page and at Gravatar.com; my Gravatar is clearly visible in all issues and commits, but not at the Pulse page (for the record, the hash of the image is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, an empty string).

How can I get my Gravatar to show up, instead of a blank one?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is it possible to link my Gravatar to my Gmail/Google account? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Is there a service for changing all my profile pictures at the same time?

I want to be able to update my profile picture on all of my accounts simultaneously. The one thing that's not linked to my Gravatar is my Gmail/Google account. Is it possible to link my Gravatar to my Gmail/Google account?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I force GitHub Enterprise to refresh gravatar?

I updated the gravatar for my e-mail address (a few days ago), but GitHub Enterprise is still displaying the old one. How do I force it to refresh?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Default Gravatar on wildcard email addresses unless specified

I own my domain and I use different email addresses for different sites, depending on what the site does, whether I think they'll spam me, etc.

Is there a way to tell Gravatar to use a picture for *@example.com unless it's already been defined?

I realize the wildcard would need verification. Gravatar could use the contact information for the domain as a way to validate the request.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Setting Gravatar images to same by disregarding any plus addressing in emails

How can I set up Gravatar to use the same image for any plus or tagged email address used?

I have subscribed to websites such as Stack Exchange, Stack Overflow, Github, etc. using a "+" email address (tagged email address), like this one: joeuser+stackoverflow@example.com.

In order to display a picture with my profile, such websites rely on the gravatar.com service. I don't want to subscribe for every site to a new gravatar account.

Is there a possibility to have a single gravatar account linked with "+"'d email addresses?

Actually, my question is exactly the opposite of trying to set up multiple gravatars with the same email address.

EDIT: Github solved this problem in adding a field "Gravatar email" in the Profile page. Can StackExchange network do the same? Where should I ask?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How do I change which email address GitHub uses for my Gravatar image?

Github currently uses my private email for Gravatar, but I would like it to use one of my work ones instead. However, I cant' find any way to change which email address is used to get the image.

I have successfully added the email address to my account - and the avatar shows next to it in the list of my account emails. I can log in using either email address and my account password, but regardless of which email I use when I log in, the default one is used for the avatar next to all my actions.

Ideally, I'd like a way to switch between the avatars on different places of GitHub (for example, to use the private one on my profile, and the work one on all my commits to the work project), but being able to change which is used on my current actions is good enough. (Heck, as a starting point, even being able to change at all is good enough...)

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can someone find my Gravatar profile if they have my email address, or Gravatar URL associated with that email address?

Gravatar now offers profiles that are publicly visible. Let's say I have entered some info in my profile. Let's also say I have two email addresses, email1 and email2, registered with Gravatar but with different avatar images. Is there any way someone (other than Gravatar/Wordpress itself) who knows my email1 address or the corresponding Gravatar URL find my public profile, email2 address, or the corresponding Gravatar URL, or otherwise associate email1 with any of those things?

At first glance, it seems like this would not be possible without access to my Gravatar account. (This is, of course, assuming that I've not done anything obvious like put that email address on my public profile, or the email is [mygravatarusername]@[somedomain].com or something like that.) However, I wanted to get some other opinions in case I've overlooked something.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Can you change the Gravatar associated with your email without a WordPress account?

I would like to change the Gravatar associated with one email address of mine (which shows up in Source Tree next to my commits).

When I go to gravatar.com to do that, I'm faced with this:

enter image description here

Do I really need a WordPress.com account? Or is there some workaround? Obviously I don't want to create an account just to change the frigging picture.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Is Gravatar safe?

I have just started a Gravatar acct. when I attempted to login using a secure socket to www.gravatar.com I was prompted with a warning that it was a different site, not the one I was after. I am using Chrome, so I do take it with a grain of salt, but the URL that I was told it actually was is an odd one: gpl.wac.edgecastcdn.net. Is this normal?

Source: (StackOverflow)

Use Default Avatar in gravatar

Is it possible to use a generic avatar if the user's email address is not in gravatar? I'd rather not use the colorful avatars, or the goofy ones that it auto generates.

Source: (StackOverflow)

Redirection loop when trying to sign into Gravatar website

I'm trying to sign into my Gravatar profile but I'm stuck at a redirection loop. I've tried it in many browsers and disabled all the plugins.

This is where I try to sign in: https://en.gravatar.com/site/login

and after entering my correct login details I get redirected to the same page. my login details are the same for wrodpress.com and I can access my dashboard in there.

I don't really think I'm the only one experiencing this. please tell me what do I need to do?

Source: (StackOverflow)

How to contact Wordpress support regarding registration problem of new account?

I'd like to create Gravatar for my other e-mail account, however when creating an account, the site is showing the error:

Use a different email address. This email provider blocks some of our emails.

I don't want to change the e-mail provider, as the only reason that I'm creating the account is to associate the gravatar image. The e-mail provider receiving the messages fine.

How it's possible to contact Wordpress via on-line form or e-mail to inform about the problem, without having the account (because of the registration issue)?

There is Support page, but it seems not helpful. For example Account Recovery page requires validation of keys and other pages point to help pages or forum (where people won't have possibility to unlock the blockage).

Source: (StackOverflow)

How can I make an animated avatar for gravatar.com?

I was inspired by this animated avatar from free-avatars.com:

Please, no...

Is it possible to use an animated GIF as an avatar on gravatar.com? I couldn't get it to work, but maybe someone else knows a hack.

Source: (StackOverflow)